Opening monologue: Meredith Grey
Defeat isn't an option.
Not for surgeons. We don't back away from the table until the last breath's long gone.
Terminals a challenge. Life threatening, is what gets us out of bed in the morning.
We're not easily intimidated. We don't flinch. We don't back down and we certainly don't surrender.
Not at work anyway.
Closing monologue: Meredith Grey
To do our jobs we have to believe that defeat is not an option.
That no matter how sick our patients get..
There's hope for them.
But even when our hopes give way to reality and we finally have to surrender to the truth..
it just means we've lost today's battle..
not tomorrow's war.
Here's the thing about surrender, once you do it..
actually give in, you forget why you were even fighting in the first place.
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