Cristina: I thought I was gonna hate this party game thing. But
it's kinda great. Can we set her on fire after?
Meredith: No! we can not.
Callie: These wedding vows are not all gonna fit on here.
Cristina: Write smaller
Callie: Be still please. Vow just became Cow.
Izzie: You don't need vows on your hand. When you get up
there just speak from the heart.
Cristina: Izzie, the heart is an organ. It pumps, circulates
blood and gets clogged from time to time. It does not however
speak. it doen't have tiny little lips on it.
Izzie: Well you're all glass totally empty.
Cristina: I'm gonna like being married. It's the wedding part
that's ridiculous.
Meredith: You can do this right?
Cristina: Become a piece of chattle? Sure. Looking forward
to it.
Meredith: No matter what, you're walking down that aisle today.
I need you to go down that aisle.
Cristina: Is the toilet paper counting off your circulation?
Meredith: You marrying Burke, it's a sign. A sign that people
like you and me, can do this; be healthy, be happy. You
marrying Burke restores my faith in me.
Cristina: OH..I get it. My wedding's about you.
Meredith: Yes
Cristina: Okay
Meredith: You can do this right?
Cristina: I can do this.
Meredith: Okay.
Cristina: Burke's getting married too and he gets to operate.
Bailey: There's only one Preston Burke.
Cristina: There's only one Cristina Yang.
Bailey: I've given you the day off. The whole day. It's a kindness,
it's your wedding day. Go. There'll always be more surgeries.
Really what would you rather be doing prepping a patient or
prepping for your wedding. Go!
Chief: I never got the sense you really wanted the job. Seems to
me you got in the race to play out some kind of unfinished
business you have with Derek.
Mark: I was in this to win. Sir. I don't know if he's your new
chief. If he is he got there cause I made him fight for it.
Chief: You made them all fight for it.
Mark: So I'm not gonna be chief?
Chief: No you're not.
Meredith: Hey
Derek: I have a surgery
Meredith: I heard you're the best man.
Derek: Yeah
Meredith: Well maid of honor, best man, kinda perfect.
Derek: Yeah
Meredith: I know I haven't been myself lately. But, I'm me
again. So I was thinking that you should sleep over cause the
me that I am is horny for the you that you are.
Derek: I met a woman last night.
Meredith: You met a woman last night?
Derek: At Joe's. nothing happened. She was pretty. I noticed.
And we talked.
Meredith: You met a woman last night.
Derek: Yeah
Meredith: So should I be worried or something?
Derek: Should you be worried that I met a woman? No.
Should you be worried that, for me flirting with that woman
was the highlight of my week? Yeah, you should be worried.
Addison: I don't understand.
Chief: It's not you.
Addison: No, I understand that part. What I don't understand is
why. I need this job Richard. I need it more than the others.
Chief: Addison
Addison: No. I need a reason to stay here. I need a reason to
get up in the morning. I need to wake up and not care that it's
raining or that I'm 39 and alone. I need the job Richard.
Chief: That's why. If you need a job to give you a life, you
either need a new job or a new life.
Derek: You're a lucky man Burke. Cristina's great. She's there;
she's sure. She's willing to commit. You're a lucky man.
Burke: And you're not?
Mark: There he is. T minus 5 hours. And how's the best man, up
to the challenge? I was an excellent best man.
Derek: Worst case scenario, I sleep with your wife in ten years.
Callie: George
George: Hey
Callie: What I'm about to say is uh, it's crazy. And uh, I am not
responsible. I am saying this against my will. Because I am a
surgeon. I love my job, I love my life exactly as it is. Okay.
Exactly as it is. Do you understand what I'm saying?
George: No, not really.
Callie: I have no desire to have a human being in my body for
nine long months. And then push it out and raise it. Okay.
None! Zero!
George: Okay
Callie: Except housing a human for nine long months is all I
can think about. The thoughts are invading the surgeries I
love. And it's hormonal. It's..and horrible. But it is happening.
To me!
George: You want to have a baby?
Callie: Apparently.
George: There's a guy with an ax in his head.
Callie: Right. Go. I'm a freak. Just go. Just Run.
George: Thank you.
Callie: Please
Adele: We've met before. You probably don't remember. You
were little. My husband always flirted with your mother. I
didn't want to see that. So I watched you a lot. Watched you
grow up. You turned out well. I'm sorry about your mother.
Meredith: I'm sorry about my mother too.
Adele: Wasn't your fault. Maybe it wasn't anyone's fault.
We get married at 25 thinking this is it. Happily ever after.
Maybe there is no happily ever after.
Mama: It's stunning.
Cristina: It's a little..is it supposed to be so tight?
Mama: Well it's a choker.
Cristina: It's beautiful. It's really really beautiful. I just don't know
if it's me.
Mama: Five generations of Burke women have worn this on their
wedding day. It's a way of joining our family. Becoming a Burke.
Cristina: Burke.
Mama: I'm afraid I misjudged you early on. I thought you were
selfish. But you've given way to Preston's ideas about the wedding.
And you've been flexible about the things that are most important
to him. And that is wonderful. Oh it's just..what were you planning
to do about your eyebrows?
Cristina: Nothing
George: Poor guy just wanted to climb a mountain and ends up with
an ax in his head.
Derek: Well he shouldn't have tried turning back. Group is going up
you move with the group.
George: He panicked. You have a right to turn back if you're scared.
Derek: No you don't. He chose to climb a mountain. You can't
change your mind in the middle of a climb.
Chief: It's probably unfair. But I hold you to a higher standard.
And you let me down this year Preston. After you got shot;
the tremor. This job is about making the tough calls. Sometimes
the toughest call you can make is admitting when you're in over
your head. You don't do that. You know a lot Preston. You're one
of the best surgeons I know. One of the best men. But you're not
perfect. You don't know everything. I wanna give you the job.
I want to; but I can't. Preston?
Burke: I have a wedding to get to.
Addison: Good work Dr. Burke. We may actually get you to the
church on time. You nervous?
Burke: A little; not really. More, excited. Except about my vows.
I wrote them myself. And I don't know..they may be too..I want
them to be right.
Addison: Well let's hear them.
Burke: What now?
Addison: Yeah, you got a room full of women. Try them out on us.
Burke: Cristina, I could promise to hold you and to cherish you. I
could promise to be there in sickness and in health. I could say
till death do us part. But I won't. Those vows are for optimistic
couples. The ones full of hope. And I do not stand here on my
wedding day optimistic or full of hope.
Addison: Okay um..
Burke: I am not optimistic. I am not hopeful. I am sure. I am
steady. And I know that I am a heart man. I take them apart
I put them back together. I hold them in my hands. I am a
heart man. So this I am sure, you are my partner, my lover,
my very best friend. My heart, MY heart, beats for you. And
on this day, the day of our wedding, I promise you this...
I promise you to lay my heart in the palm of your hands.
I promise you..me.
Too trite? Because I can rewrite it.
Izzie: No. No it's..
Addison: I think I speak for every woman in this room when I
say.. dump her. Dump Yang and marry me.

Cristina: Meredith
Meredith: Oh, you are not going to believe..Derek met a girl, in
a bar. And he flirted with her. And he told me, you know, no big
deal. Just thought I'd let you know.
Cristina: Meredith
Meredith: I'm not exagerrating. He didn't even hint. He just flat
out told me.
Cristina: Meredith you know how sometimes it's about you and
sometimes it's about me? This is really really about me.
Meredith: Whoa!
Cristina: Mama took my eyebrows. She took my eyebrows and
now I am a Burke.

Meredith: Dr. Bailey.
Bailey: Yeah, what?
Meredith: Cristina needs to cut something. I can't really explain
it in a way that won't make you glare. But they took her eyebrows.
And they called her a Burke. She really needs to cut somebody open.
Bailey: Yang, go do getting married things. Get out of this hospital.
Cristina: HEY! I mean hey. I..you have to let me cut. Because I am
standing here eyebrowless, with no dignity left. I am a surgeon
Dr. Bailey. But right now, I don't feel like one. I feel like somebody
else. Do you know what that's like? Not to feel like yourself.
Bailey: Yeah
Patricia: Sir, Dr. Shepherd is here.
Derek: Thank you. Richard are you sure you wanna... you don't
have to do this today.
Chief: Yes I do.

Addison: She went into early DIC. I gave her blood, platlettes,
everything. Pregnancy at 52 is dangerous. I tried everything,
I couldn't save...
He takes off at a run
Chief: oh..ugh..I thought..I thought..for a second I thought I'd
lost you. Um, do you want to call somebody. I can..
Adele: No, no one.
Chief: Well the father of the baby. Maybe you wanna..
Adele: He doesn't even know about it. I didn't tell him. I um,
I think I misjudged him. I thought he'd go running for the hills.
But actually, he's a much better man than I thought. He'll get
over his intial judgements and he'll sit with you and he'll make
you drink your water.
Chief: Adele
Adele: It was a boy.
Derek: Okay, Dr. Leonard will you please close for Dr. Burke.
He's got a wedding to get to.
Burke: I said after..
Derek: Come on you want the bride waiting for you at the altar?
They don't like that. Let's go.
Bailey: One cut and then you're gone. One.
Meredith: Gotta go now Cristina.
Bailey: Grey
Meredith: Put the scalpel down Cristina. Can still do this right?
Izzie: Shut up. I am an optimist. I am hopeful. I am not sure.
George: Look I can do this.
Izzie: Let me speak. Because I am your best friend and because
I love you; if what you want is to be with Callie, then I will do
everything in my power to support you and help you make your
marriage work. Because I am your best friend and because I love
you, I also have to say that I'm in love with you. I'm in love with
you. And I can't promise a future. I can't promise perfection
because we're us and I'm me. And who knows what will happen.
But in my heart, I am sure. I'm in love with you George and I
hope you're in love with me too. Say something.
everyone walks in
Alex: Anyone got any deodorant?
Cristina: Uh, you're not putting my deordorant on your hairy
Izzie: Don't move. You're gonna have a unibrow. I have some
in my locker.
George: Closed, open?
Meredith: Closed. Perfect; dashing.
Izzie: You look great
George: Thanks
Patricia: Moment of truth people.
Alex: That our results?
Patricia: Grey, Karev, Yang, Stevens, O'malley.
Cristina: Yes!
Alex: Right here baby!
Izzie: Yes, thank God.
Cristina: Did you pass?
Meredith: You bet your married booty I did.
Izzie: How'd you do? Did you pass?
George: Yeah, I'll talk to you at the church.
Derek: oh sorry, excuse me.
Cristina: Meredith?
Meredith: I'll meet you at the chapel. Iz, will you take the dress.

Meredith: If you want to break up with me so you can see other
women, just do it. Don't tell me you met another woman. Just
end it if thats what you want.
Derek: I can't.
Meredith: Sure you can. Here's how it goes. Meredith I don't want
to see you anymore. Meredith, I don't love you anymore.
Derek: Meredith, I do love you. Don't you see? Don't you understand?
You're the love of my life. I can't leave you. But you're constantly
leaving me. You walk away when you want. You come back when
you want. Not everyone, not your friends, but you leave me. So I'm
asking you, if you don't see a future for us, if you're not in this,
please, please just end it. Because I'm in it. Put me out of my
Meredith: I..I can't. Cristina is getting married. I have to go make
sure she gets married.
Derek: Meredith
Meredith: I really need to make sure she gets down that aisle.
Derek: Let's go. We're running late.
Burke: You okay?
Derek: Fine. I'm fine. You need anything? Need a mint, huh?
Get away car?
Burke: If it's the chief thing don't worry about it, you deserve it.
Derek: Richard didn't pick me to be chief.
Burke: We all assumed that..well who did he pick?
Derek: I don't know. It wasn't me.
Burke: You really don't look so good.
Derek: Meredith and I, we may not make it. I think I want it more
than she does. Today's your day. It's all about you today.
Burke: You really are a good best man.
Derek: I try.
Meredith: Cristina?!
Cristina: I didn't run.
Cristina's mom: I'm proud of you.
Cristina: Thank you
Cristina's mom: Frankly I always feared you're too emotionally
stunted to settle down.
Meredith: You can do this.
Addison: I find it confusing. If you know both the bride and the
groom, who's side do you sit on?
Alex: I just look for the hottest chick in the room and sit next to her.
Addison: Stop
Alex: Wanna ditch the reception and grab a drink instead?
Addison: Stop it. You don't want me.
Alex: Maybe I do.
Addison: No you don't. You want Ava.
Alex: She's not Ava anymore. She's Rebecca now and I barely
know her.
Addison: Look at me. Look at me. You suck. To me you suck.
I kind of hate you. But Alex, we do not get unlimited chances.
To have the things we want and this I know. Nothing is worse
than missing an opportunity that could have changed your life.
And no matter waht her name is, she'll always be Ava to you.
George: Dr. Bailey?
Bailey: You didn't go to the wedding either.
George: No
Bailey: I am so sorry George.
George: So what do I do now?
Bailey: You fail your intern test you have two options. You can walk
away from being a surgical resident altogether. Or you can start
from the very beginning.
George: Repeat my internship. No. I can't..I can't.
Bailey: Did I..did I fail you George?
George: No, no. I failed you.
Meredith: Okay. You have the bouquet. I have the ring.
You remember your vows?
Cristina: Yeah, I wrote them on my hand. Oh my God. I
scrubbed in. I scrubbed in and the vows were on my hand.
I scrubbed off my vows.
Meredith: Oh okay. Um..
Cristina: Hello! I scrubbed off my vows. I can't do this.
I don't have anything on my hand.
Derek: I should go see what's going on.
Burke: Cristina wouldn't be Cristina if she didn't need a
little push.
Cristina: There are no words in my head . I have no vows.
Meredith: It's okay. It's going to be okay.
Cristina: You know, stop saying that. Will you say something
Meredith: Like what?
Cristina: Say something that is gonna help me.
Meredith: Okay. Okay.
Cristina: Meredith please. You know, say something. I don't
know say something..say what I would say to you if you were me.
Meredith: Okay. Got it.
Cristina: Good..go.
Meredith: Stop whining. This is your wedding day. You will go
down that aisle and you will get married. If I have to kick your
ass every step of the way to get you there. You will walk down
the aisle. You will get married. Do you hear me Cristina?
We need this. We need you to get your happy ending.
Cristina: Okay I'm ready.
Burke: I'll go.

Cristina: I'm ready. I'm fine. Meredith talked me down. Really.
I'm fine. Go go go, I'll be right behind you.
Burke: I'm sorry.
Cristina: Oh, no. I can do this. I had a momentary freak out.
But now I'm fine. I can do this.
Burke: But you don't wanna do this. I'm up there waiting for
you to come down the aisle and I know you don't wanna come.
I know you don't wanna come but you'll come anyway because
you love me. And if I loved you, If I loved YOU, not the woman
that I'm trying to make you be, not the woman that I hope
you'll become, but you. If I did, I wouldn't be up there waiting
for you. I would be letting you go.
Cristina: I am wearing the dress. I'm ready. And maybe I didn't
want to before but I want to now. I really think I want this.
Burke: I really wish that you didn't think. I wish that you knew.

Meredith: It's over. You can all go home. It's over. So over.

Cristina: He's gone.
Meredith: I don't think he's gone. His stuff is still here.
Cristina: His trumpet was here. His entire Eugene Foote collection.
Vinyls and CD's. His grandmother's picture was by the bed. His
lucky scrub cap was hanging on the door. He's gone. I'm free.
damn it..damn it..damn it..Oh God get this off me. Take this off..
take this off...
Meredith: Cristina..I need scissors.
Cristina: Help

Lexie: Well you look seasoned and wise. Got any advice?
George: No. Learn how to do an appendectomy start to finish before
your first day.
Chief: Congratulations, you'll make a fine chief. Derek?
Derek: I'm not the best man for this job. You're the best man
for this job.
Chief: What are you talking about Derek?
Derek: A good chief learns from his mistakes. I'm still working
on that. But you, if you had a chance to do it all over again, you'd
do it differently. Go ahead. Do it all over again. Be the best man.
Written by: Tony Phelan and Joan Rater
Directed by: Rob Corn
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