Cristina: I have five rules, memorize them. Rule #1 don't bother
sucking up. I already hate you, that's not gonna change.
Izzie: You answer every page at a run. A run that's rule #2. You're
supposed to follow me.
Alex: The first shift starts now and lasts 36 hours. You're grunts,
nobodies, the bottom of the surgical food chain. You run labs,
write orders and you work every second night until you drop
and you don't complain.
Meredith: On-call room. Sleep when you can, where you can.
You know, but not with anybody. Not attendings, especially not
attendings. Sleeping with attendings, not a good idea. Where
was I?
George: Um, rule #3. If you're sleeping do not wake you.
Unless the patient's actually dying.
Cristina: The dying patient better not be dead when I get there.
Because not only will you have killed someone. You will have
woken me for no good reason. Are we clear?
Lexie: That was four rules. You said five.
Cristina: Rule #5: When I move, you move.
pause...nothing happens
Meredith: You don't hate them. You hate you.
Izzie: That was hidious. I feel like a fraud.
Alex: I rocked it. I think I'm the new Nazi.
Cristina: Oh you are not the new Nazi.
George: Meredith I need to talk to you.
Izzie: George. Hey!
George: Hi
Izzie: How was your vacation?
George: Oh fine. Uh Meredith can we..
Izzie: Cause mine was..I didn't do much. Hung out alone.
For 17 days. Which is the last time that I saw you. I day
of Cristina's wedding which was.. and then Mer and Cristina
went on Cristina's honeymoon, without me.
Alex: Girl on girl honeymoon. snickers
Izzie: Then Alex went to see Ava without me.
Izzie: Then Alex went to see Ava without me.
Alex: I did not go to see Ava. And her name is Rebecca and
I didn't go see her. I just drove in that direction.
Cristina: Why is everyone so tingly and hurt. I mean I'm
the one who was left at the altar. I'm fine by the way.
Honeymooned in Hawaii and I snorkeled.
Izzie: What'd you do George?
George: Uh, Meredith I really need to talk to you.
Cristina: Hey you wanna know..Hey this is for residents
only. No interns!
Meredith: Yeah
Izzie:Yeah get out of here.
Alex: Babies
Izzie: Yeah go away.
Alex: 007's in training.
George: I guess I should be going too.
Meredith: No George we didn't mean you!
George: No, I'm an intern!!
Meredith: What did you want to tell me?
Cristina: Is this how it's gonna be all year? Cause Bambi
has got to learn how to deal.
Derek: Your interns are back from holiday today.
Bailey: They are not my interns. They're residents. I'm free.
Derek: Well right, here's..the point is Dr. Yang, the Burke thing
she doesn't know. I'm supposed to tell her. Burke asked me to
tell her. Any thoughts?
Bailey: Honesty always works best.
Derek: Uh huh, true.
You want to get together for a drink after work tonight?
Bailey: Why?
Derek: I don't know. I just thought it's be a good idea to get
together and..
Bailey: Oh you don't have anybody to talk to.
Derek: No, I have people to talk to.
Bailey: Addison is gone, Burke isn't around and you and Grey
aren't smelling each other in the elevators anymore.
Derek: I have people to talk to.
Bailey: Who?
Derek: I have.. Chief..I have the Chief to talk to.
Hey Chief want to get together for a drink after work?
Chief: I don't drink. Dr. Bailey we need to talk.
Bailey: We have traumas coming in.
Chief: You're avoiding me. We need to talk.
Bailey: About you choosing Dr. Torres to be your chief
resident over me? Respectfully sir, no, we're not going to
talk about that.
Mark: Somebody mention a drink later? Cause I'm in.
Derek: Nobody mentioned a drink.
Chief: You mentioned a drink.
Derek: I did not mention a drink.
Cristina: Uh #1, #2 go get staff packs. #3, #4 go meet the ambulances.
Meredith: #1 and #2?
Cristina: Oh I know, I can't remember their names.
George: I don't respond to being called a number.
Meredith: George go wait for the ambulance. Rest of you come with me.
Lexie: Are you Meredith Grey?
Meredith: Yeah
Lexie: I'm Lexie.
Meredith: Great move!
Lexie: Lexie Grey. I'm your sister.

Written by: Shonda Rhimes
Cristina: Yup, saving lives and taking names.
Izzie: So I have these interns and nothing to do and uh... I think
I'm a really bad teacher and I think they hate me. And now I'm
a fraud so any chance you wanna let me on on this. Please.
Cristina: Izzie this guy was dead and now he's undead. So
that kinda makes him like a zombie. And my personal zombie.
So no you can't get in on this. Now go be a FRAUD somewhere
Izzie: I don't like you.
Meredith: I have a patient with a severed arm and no one seems
to be able to find it. Have you seen it?
Derek: Your severed arm? No I haven't seen a severed arm.
Lexie: Hey um, I'm so sorry about before. I was just so nervous
about meeting you. Don't block the ER doors. I know that now.
Derek: You're the girl from the bar.
Lexie: Sorry
Derek: The girl from the bar.
Lexie: Oh my God. Yeah. Oh my God. yeah.
Derek: Yeah
Lexie: My God you work here?
Derek: Yeah I do.
Meredith: Girl from the bar?
Derek: mmhmm
Meredith: I'm the girl from the bar. leaves
Lexie: She hates me. My sister hates me.
Derek: Meredith is your sister?
Lexie: My half sister.
his first cervical vertebrae.
Cristina: He's internally decapitated. Holy crap.
Derek: Yeah, 90 percent of these die in the field.
Lexie: And the other 10 percent?
Derek: I've never seen one live.
Lexie: There's always a first time though right? Came back from
the dead.
Meredith: My severed arm. Mine. Get away from it.
Cristina: Maybe he's not on today.
Meredith: You should just see him and get it over with.
Cristina: No no no, if I never see him again I won't care.
Meredith: I've seen Derek and Derek has seen me.
Cristina: And?
Meredith: Awkward. Plus he seems to know Lexie.
Cristina: And?
Meredith: More awkward. Your intern is my half sister, how
weird is that.
Izzie: I'm trying to save Bambi's life. My interns think I'm a loser.
Izzie: I'm trying to save Bambi's life. My interns think I'm a loser.
Severed arm.
Alex: Callie's a bitch.
Izzie: Word!
Alex: She won't let me off my patient. There's nothing wrong with
him. Except he's a nutjob. Severed arm.
Izzie: Anybody know anything about deer?
Alex: Tastes good.
Izzie: Evil
Cristina: Oh George. Severed arm. Plus Mer's half sister is my
intern. Izzie's playing Dr. Doolittle. Oh and Alex hates your wife.
George: Dr. Sloan's ready for the arm.
Meredith: I'll say it. George is being an ass.
Izzie: I think it's my fault. I said some things and now he's not
talking to me.
Alex: I don't know what he's got to complain about. Those new
chick interns are hot.
Meredith: He's married Alex.
Izzie: Yeah he's married.
Alex: You know who's seriously hot, that Lexie girl.
Meredith: Get out! Before I hurt you.
Cristina laughs
Alex: I'm going over Callie's head to Bailey.
Cristina: Callie is over Bailey's head
Meredith: Spiritually Bailey's over everyone's head.
Cristina: What?
Derek: Drink. Give me one reason why we can't hang out.
Cristina: I don't like you.
Derek: You don't like me because of Meredith?
Cristina: I don't like you because you're you.
Derek: Hmm how is Meredith by the way? She okay?
Cristina: She's fine.
Derek: She's always fine. That's her problem.
Cristina: We're fine people. We do fine. We're fine.
How's Dr. Burke? I haven't seen him around. Is he
off today?
Derek: Dr. Burke handed in his letter of resignation
two weeks ago. He wanted me to tell you.
Cristina: He's gone?
Derek: Sorry
Cristina: Well don't be. I'm...
Derek: Fine?
Cristina: Yeah
And I might actually be crazy cause day one of me being in
charge, I'm obsessed with rescuing Bambi. We're all freakin out.
George: Since when did you start calling me Bambi?
Izzie: What I'm not calling you Bambi.
George: No I..I expect it from Cristina or Alex but..
Izzie: I'm Bambi! I'm Bambi George. Okay if anyone in this
situation is a sad little cartoon character it's me. I'm all alone in
the forest. All alone in the forest George. And my mother has
been shot by a hunter and where are you? Where the hell are
George: I'm on my way to surgery.
Derek: What do I need to talk about?
Mark: Meredith. You were lucky man. That girl jerked you around.
Derek: You have no idea what you're talking about.
Mark: Hey I'm just...seems like you could use a friend about now.
Derek: Meredith's mother never wanted her. And her father
was never man enough to hang around. She has a right to be
damaged and us together, it's a big step for her. Her best friend
gets left on the altar and all she sees now is things like this, they
don't work. She panics, she want's this, but she doesn't know how
to have it. And you know what, that's not her fault. So don't ever
talk to me about Meredith Grey again. Because you do not know
what you're talking about. And I don't want a friend.

George: Thanks
Mark: Yeah yeah we're all heroes. Now if no one minds I'd like
to get this woman's arm sewn on. Like she said, she's gonna need it.
Everything is not going to be fine if you move. It will be the opposite
of fine. You can not leave the people you love. They need you. Not
just the memory that you loved them.
stop by and see what you got.
Bailey: What I've got? Two dollars and thirty-seven cents sir.
In change.
George: I delivered that one an hour ago.
Lexie: Oh my God, why aren't you like jumping up and down?
George: I've done this before! This is deja'vu.
Lexie: George you didn't pass your intern test. It happens.
It's nobody's fault. Right?
George: Yeah, yeah it's nobody's fault. Yeah it's just that Callie gave
Cristina the study cards and Meredith didn't write anything down
and Cristina was planning a wedding and Izzie..Izzie just had to..
Yeah, I'm responsible. I've always been the responsible one. I'm
not saying, what about me. I'm not saying, when do I get what I
want. When do i get to be someone other than the guy who repeats
his intern year. I'm not saying that but..
Lexie: But what about you?
George: Yeah!
Lexie: I didn't plan on being here. I was all set for an internship
at Mass Gen. And then my mother gets the hiccups and I'm at a
funeral. We all have problems. Moms die and dads drink so much
that they don't even know what year they're in. And sisters..I..
I didn't even know that there was a Meredith Grey until a couple
months ago. And she won't..she doesn't even want to talk to me.
I don't want to be here. I'd give anything to not be here. To have
my life work out the way I planned. To even have time to ask,
what about me. So you change. You get over it. I'm here now.
And you..you delivered a baby today. So stop feeling sorry
for yourself.
George: You...are kinda bossy.
Lexie: I know.
Chief: You belong in the OR Bailey. Focus on honing those skills
not how well you can juggle schedules and fill out paperwork.
Believe me, I know. You'll thank me for this one day.
Bailey: But not today.

use a friend but I could use a friend.
Derek: Look Mark, I know..
Mark: I didn't come to Seattle for Addison. I didn't come to Seattle
to be Chief. I came to Seattle for you. Okay, I came to Seattle to
get you back. pause I know I want to take it back now but I already
said it so..laughs
Derek: laughs Maybe we should have a drink.
Mark: We could?
Derek: Yeah, not today.
Cristina: No kidding.
Alex: I miss Rebecca.
Cristina: I miss Burke.
Alex: Want some money?
it. I suck. I suck at my job. I suck as a wife. I suck all around. So
go ahead humiliate me some more please.
Bailey: Hope tomorrow's better.
Derek: You're not ready for this.
Meredith: No.
Derek: I ask for too much.
Meredith: I think so.
Derek: So this is it.
Meredith: Yeah
Derek: We're breaking up.
Meredith: We're breaking up.
Meredith: It's done
Derek: Break up kiss
Meredith: Break up kiss
Derek: Some break up sex
Meredith: Yeah some break up sex
Written by: Shonda Rhimes
Directed by: Rob Corn
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