George: Callie. You haven't said anything in..in..
Just say something. Please. Anything.
Callie: I forgive you.
George: What?
Callie: You made a mistake. But we took vows, till death do us
part. So, I forgive you.

Derek: You want to go away with me this weekend?
Meredith: Why would I want to go away with you?
Derek: Cause of this..kisses her
Meredith: We didn't go away when we were a couple. Now we're
not a couple. Not couples have to reason to go away together.
Derek: Meredith you're not paying attention. I'm talking about
48 uninterrupted hours of this...kisses her again
Meredith: Well where do we go?
Derek: Wine country.
Meredith: Wine country sounds like a couple's place.
Derek: Well there's wine, there's this country; we wouldn't
see any of it. We'd be in bed all weekend.
Meredith: Ohh a weekend of sex.
Derek: Ah, now you're paying attention.
Meredith: Well I would have to get someone to cover for me.
Derek: Okay, so you're in?
Meredith: 48 uninterrupted hours of this. I'm in.
Cristina: Oh great, I'm stuck in the pit protecting smackheads
and gang bangers from my idiot interns, while you're getting
McDreamied in the elevator.
Meredith: Really smackheads and gang bangers at Seattle Grace
Cristina: My point is.. I hate interns.
Meredith: Lexie's not that bad is she?
Cristina: Oh are we not hating her anymore?
Meredith: Oh no we still hate the idea of her. We just realize
we have no reason to hate the actual person.
Cristina: She's an intern. That's reason enough.
Meredith: Oh I think you may be the new Nazi.
Cristina: Damn right.
Meredith: Rounds!
George: Still can't find Izzie.
Meredith: I'm gonna have to put you in the clinic if you miss rounds.
George: ahhhhhh... the clinic.
Izzie: Okay, about?
Callie: George told me.
Izzie: He told you?
Callie: Everything. Cafeteria..noon..you and me..be there!
Intern: Dude is she gonna kick her ass?
Graciella nods
the guy's still riding him.
Cristina: Focus more on the medicine 3 and less on the tragedy.
Derek: 3? is that a nickname?
Lexie: You could say that.
Derek: So how would you proceed Dr. Grey?
Lexie: Oh um, you won't be able to operate unless you realign
his spine. Would you?
Derek: And how would you do that?
Lexie: Traction halo.
Derek: Very impressive Dr. Grey, your intern year off to a good
start? How's it going? How are you and Meredith?
Lexie: Yea it's weird. The whole family thing. Plus I think she
might still hate me.
Derek: She doesn't hate you.
Lexie: 3 why don't you go see if Mrs. Coleys dressings need
Derek: Yang why don't YOU go see if Mrs. Coley's dressings
need changing.
Cristina: Certainly
Meredith: I am, he's my intern.
Norman: I know right it's like Seriously you're an intern?
But it's seriously true. Seriously!
Mark: Glad to have you aboard Norman.
Norman: So is he the one you call McDreamy, McSleazy
of Mc..wait a minute what is it?
everything else go and focus on the medicine.
Cristina: Hey, are you aware that McDreamy and the other
Grey are bonding?
Meredith: Bonding?
Cristina: Over their mutual Meredith Greyness.
Meredith: What do you mean they're taling about me? What
are they saying?
Cristina: Oh I don't know. He's making me deal with his
patients while they focus on what's really important..you!
Meredith: Cristina! What was I saying?
Norman: You were saying how important it was to focus on
the medicine.
Meredith: Oh just give me the chart.
Alex: She wasn't breathing Chief.
Izzie: We didn't know what else to do.
Chief: You did the right thing. But Camile was diagnosed with
ovarian cancer when she was 14. She's had both ovaries removed,
a hysterectomy and now this.
Alex: There it is, the mass.
Izzie: No wonder she couldn't breathe.
Chief: I can take it out. But we won't know how many more there
are until we do further studies.
Izzie: I'm so sorry Chief.
Chief: She beat it twice before. She'll beat it again.
Cristina: Wish you could tell a 24 yr old woman she's gonna die.
Meredith: I have gone out of my way to be nice to her. This is
what she does, talks about me behind my back.
Cristina: When were you nice to her?
Meredith: I was nice, once.
minutes. You could atleast acknowledge that you heard me.
Cristina: You're using the Grey sister angle to get in good with
the attendings. I get that. But you're here on my license. So if
you do anything like kill someone, it's on me. So for the rest of
the day you're gonna hug the wall. You're not gonna say anything
you're not gonna do anything. You're an intern. Are we clear..
Lexie: Lexie.
Cristina: What?
Lexie: Its Lexie or Grey. It's not 3. I have a name.
Meredith: Not great. There was crying, tears and more tears.
Mark: Tears? Really? Such a tough old bird I thought he'd
take it like a man.
Meredith: He'd..take it like a man?
Mark: What I'm sexist now?
Meredith: No, he as in him?
Mark: Joel Hanson in 2212.
Meredith: Not Gretchen Bitzer in 2213?
Norman: Oh dear. I thought that 2 was a 3.
Mark: Dr. Grey did you and your intern tell a woman who
came in to have her moles removed that she was dying?
Norman: Oh dear. I mean Crap. Oh crap!
Derek: Dr. Yang this is still a teaching hospital isn't it?
Cristina: Yes sir.
Derek: You need to get a little closer if you want to learn
something today Dr. Grey.
So what's it gonna be Stevens get's her bones broken or Torres
gets taken to the trailer park?
Izzie: Neither it's not happening. But if it does will you pull her off
Alex: You gonna tell me what you did to her?
Izzie: You have to promise me not to say anything to anyone.
Alex: I swear. Geez.
Izzie: I slept with George. I know. I know I'm a terrible person
which is why I'm gonna let her get one good punch in. Maybe
two. I deserve it. No one and you pull her off me.
Alex: You slept with O'Malley?
Izzie: Alex you said you wouldn't say anything.
Alex: I won't. Bleieve me..this...I'm embarrassed for you.
Cristina: What are you doing? Don't touch him! The slightest
movement could..put his hand down. Gently.
Lexie: I'm so sorry I forgot.
Cristina: Step away from the patient. And leave the room.
Get out right now or I will throw you out.
You are a resident now. Your job is to teach interns not
abuse them.
Cristina: I wasn't, she grabbed his..
Derek: Until you learn to be less competitive and less selfish,
you will not assist on my surgeries. You will observe them.
Cristina: But she..
Derek: You can go.
Meredith: Don't ask me I lost a patient today.
Cristina: Why you killed someone?
Meredith: Lost, literally can't find.
Cristina: Shepherd says I'm selfish and competitive. What the hell
is wrong with that? I kick ass. I'm an excellent resident.
Meredith: I'm not. In addition to losing my patient, I also lost
my intern. Turned around, he was gone. AWOL.
Cristina: What is wrong with these interns? We weren't like
Meredith: We were great interns.
Cristina:I was great. You were good.
Cristina: No, oh is it time for her to grind your bones into dust?
Izzie: You don't think I can take her?
Napa or Sonoma?
Mark: I hope you don't mind if I kill your girlfriend.
Derek: Well first of all she's not my girlfriend. Second of all I do
Mark: Interns should be seen and not heard, they shouldn't
talk to patients.
Derek: That's how they learn.
Mark: Which means I have to teach and then I have to deal with
their problems when they screw up.
Derek: Meredith rarely screws up and she's not an intern. So,
Napa or Sonoma? What do you think?
Mark: Sonoma, smaller hotels, fewer tourists. And Meredith,
she's still an intern. Don't kid yourself. She's green. She's a baby.
And the only difference between her and that old guy she's
got trailing her, is you're not sleeping with the old guy.

Callie: I'm fine. It's nothing.
Bailey: Really? Cause nothing almost cost you your career right
talk to me. I thought you wanted to kill me. Sorry about everything.
With George..I..I'm really sorry. I feel terrible..
Callie: You feel terrible? You took advantage, he was your best friend.
I tried to trust you. So much, I'd convinced myself that it was all in
my head. That I was crazy. But I wasn't, was I? And then you pulled
that thing in the cafeteria today. It's not bad enough that you
humiliate me by getting in bed with my husband; you have to
humiliate me at work too. George may be the one that broke his
vows but you..we're women Izzie. You did this to another woman.
You took something from me. You stole something from me like a
petty little thief. You are the one that should be humiliated. You are
the one that should be ashamed. You are the one who should...
Don't you dare come to me for forgiveness you traitorous bitch.
***Go Callie Go!! Tell that bitch off!!
***Go Callie Go!! Tell that bitch off!!
Alex: What do you want?
Izzie: So you hate me now too? Join the club.
Alex: You and O'Malley. O'Malley!!
Izzie: What? What is it that I did that is so horrifying? I feel in love
Alex: He's married.
Izzie: Yeah. So? You're carrying a big ole torch for Ava or Jane Doe
or whatever it is that you call her and she's married. So what gives
you the right to judge what I do? Why do you even care?
Alex: You told me you weren't ready yet. After Denny to be with
anyone. And then O' Malley. O'Malley!! And then you tell me like
I'm one of your chick friends. Come on!
Adele: I thought being a doctor was about saving lives. After
all these years of choosing your job over your family; the one
time I ask you to do your job, to save this family.
Chief: Adele I'm sorry. I'm truly truly sorry.
Adele: So am I Richard.
it's unforgiveable.
Callie: That's how it works. That's what I forgive you means.
George: Nah, see I.. I think it means you don't forgive me.
You don't know how to talk to me right now. Look you don't..
you can't even look at me. So angry that the only way you can
deal with me is to say you forgive me. And what we pretend
it didn't happen? It happened. And you don't forgive me.
Callie: You're right. I don't.
I round on my patients. 48 uninterrupted hours.
Derek: Yeah, yeah..um..you know maybe it's not a good weekend.
Meredith: What did Lexie say about me?
Derek: She didn't say anything. I did all the talking.
Look don't blame her.
Meredith: So what you're friends with my sister now?
I mean you talk to the other Grey about me.
Derek: You know what I talked about with the other Grey?
All the things this Grey won't let me say.
Meredith: You can say anything to me.
Derek: I want to marry you. I want to have kids with you.
I want to build us a house. I want to settle down and grow old
with you. I want to die when I'm a hundred and ten years old
in your arms. I don't want 48 uninterrupted hours. I want a
lifetime. mmhmm. Do you see what happens? I say things
like that and fight the urge to run in the opposite direction.
It's okay I understand. I didn't, but now I do. You're just
getting started and I've been doing this for a long time.
Deep down you're still an intern and you're not ready.
Meredith: I'm not ready right now. But things could stay
the way they are and I can get ready. I'll get ready.
Derek: Things can stay the way they are. We can still
meet in the elevator, the on-call room and maybe you'll
get ready. And I'll wait. I'll wait until you're ready.
Meredith: Okay then
Derek: Yeah but what if..what if while I'm waiting I meet
someone who is ready to give me what I want from you?
Meredith: What if you do?
Derek: I don't know.
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