Meredith: Okay there's the father thing, the mother thing, the
sister thing, the dying and coming back to life thing.
Cristina: You have too many things.
Meredith: I can't sleep. I can't sleep without the dreaming.
Cristina: And the panic attacks.
Meredith: One, one panic attack.
Cristina: Okay still.
Meredith: What's wrong with me?
Cristina: As far as I can tell..severe abandonment issues.
Meredith: That's crap. Psych is crap. Issues?
Cristina: I mean it's in the book. The book said it not me.
Have you considered maybe you and Derek should stop
having break-up sex. Okay.
Meredith: The more available he gets, the more I pull away.
Cristina: What do you mean?
Meredith: Nothing, it's a Derek thing.
Chief: Trout for breakfast..again.
Derek: Don't start. I let you live on my land. Don't start.
Chief: I'm older than you. I've just seen life from both sides.
Derek: You gonna start singing?
Chief: Just saying that a man who is up fishing at 3 o'clock
every morning is a man in pain over a woman.
Derek: Oh good a country western song.
Chief: Derek Shepherd you know Erica Hahn.
Derek: You're the new Burke.
Chief: And this is Dr. Mark Sloan head of Plastics. Erica Hahn.
Mark: Ah the new Burke.
Derek: Welcome. Excuse us.
Erica: Interesting guys. And by interesting I mean ridiculously
attractive. Do you hire on looks alone or is actual skill a factor.
Chief: Good to have you here Erica.
Mark: What exactly is a gentleman's evening?
Derek: I don't know. It's an evening with gentleman.
Mark: With strippers?
Derek: Yeah I don't think the Chief meant strippers.
Mark: Sure sounds like strippers.
Dr. Bailey, what's the first thing that comes to mind when I say
the words, gentleman's evening?
Bailey: Tassels. Shiny sequined tassels and one dollar bills.
Mark: See, strippers.
Derek: No, they'll be no strippers. I'm almost positive.
Mark: So you don't know what this thing is either?
Derek: No but you're in.
Mark: Why not I like being surprised.
Mark: Whoa this is cozy.
Callie: This is hell I assigned O'Malley to you to keep him away
from me. And now our patients are connected to each other.
Mark: You're not looking at this as the opportunity it is.
Callie: Meaning?
Mark: Meaning he's an intern. It's like half my job torturing interns.
Callie: Thanks. That's almost sweet but torturing George is not
gonna make any of this any better. Torture him how exactly?
Cristina: Hey Izzie, cardio is my thing.
Izzie: No. I like this patient. I like Hahn. And I like cardio.
Cristina: No you are flirting with cardio. I am married to cardio.
You will marry general surgery. Oh okay, perhaps neuro. But
you, you are no where near hard core enough to commit to cardio.
Izzie: So you are telling me to stop flirting with your husband.
I get it, it's cute. But if you're gonna ask me for a favor insulting
my personal life is probably not a great tactic.
Cristina: No wait. I am not talking about your sex life. I could
care less about your sex life.
Chief: If his intestines look like I think they will, that's gonna
take first priority.
Derek: Could delay paralysis.
Bailey: This isn't a contest gentlemen but since a perfed bowel could
kill the guy, whether or not his spine is in working order. My money's
on the Chief going first.
Cristina: Wait
Meredith: Oh that can't be right, can it?
Bailey: I'm not seeing any free fluid, any intraperitoneal gases.
Derek: Somebody see anything?
Chief: There! right there. A hematoma.
Cristina: Right lower quadrant.
Meredith: It's the appendix.
Bailey: We're saying this guy fell 12, 000 feet and basically all he
needs is an appendectomy?
Callie: You're right this did cheer me up.

Meredith: I know I thought it was going to be more exciting too.
Cristina: A monkey could hold a dress.
George: Actually ..it's a lot harder than it looks.
Helena: Don't let them get to you. Tune them out. All of them. It's the only
way to get through it.
Fiance: Sweetie he's your competition. Don't help him.
Judge: You ever give morphine to people who are not patients?
Cristina: This kinda blows.
Alex: It's more fun when you heckle.
Meredith: Don't heckle George.
Cristina: Okay whatever I have something way better than this.
Alex: Something that tops O'Malley playing bride?
Cristina: Skydiver video.
Alex: Video from the helmet of a skydiver without a chute.
Izzie: You guys are sick.
Cristina: It's not a snuff film. The guy survives.
Alex: Holy
Izzie: Wow
Cristina: Oh Izzie..oh he's going for the chute. Ah and it doesnt
Meredith: Now he's flailing.
Alex: He's going for the second chute.
Cristina: Oh also doesn't open!
Izzie: I thought there'd be more screaming.
Meredith: Oh look how close the ground is getting.
Alex: What's he doing now?
Cristina: Peeing his pants.
Meredith: Is he saying something? Turn it up.
skydiver: God I wish I would have told you. I love you.
I love you Sally!
Everyone: OHH!!
I realized? I realized how stupid all of my issues are.
Cristina: I'm waiting for how this applies to me.
Meredith: It doesn't.
Cristina: Of course not.
Meredith: Well that man fell. And all he wanted was one last chance
to tell Sally how he felt about her. And I got one last chance. I got
my chance. And what have I done with it?
Cristina: You know, being aware of your crap and actually
overcoming your crap are two very different things.
Meredith: I know.
Chief: Have you heard about this awake open heart surgery?
Derek: mmhmm, I've invited Sloan. And um, I'm wondering
what I should tell him to expect.
Chief: Tell him to expect a good time.
Derek: Okay so what..poker? cigars? whiskey? I mean what
kind of things?
Chief: A good time Shep. Ya know?
Jackie: Strapless, sweetheart neckline, crystal beading..so pretty.
Lexie: But you're gonna wear your hair down right? You know
to cover the hunchback.
Jackie: The what?
Lexie: Oh since you're ignoring Dr. Torres' advice about getting
surgery, your shoulder is probably gonna be really swollen and
purple. Kinda like a hunchback. But your hair should totally
cover it up. I mean probably. With the right veil.
Jackie: You didn't tell me that! How soon can we have the surgery?
Hahn: That I'm performing open heart surgery on a man who's
wide awake.
Mark: That's the rumor.
Hahn: That's the truth.
Derek: Oh I perform awake brain surgery all the time.
Hahn and Mark: Not the same thing!
Derek: Oh
Mark: Have you ever heard of a gentleman's evening?
Hahn: I'm sorry
Derek: The Chief is hosting a gentleman's evening.
Mark: We're pretty sure it doesn't involve porn but..
you know we want to be sure.
Derek: Right.
Hahn: Are you two a couple?
Mark and Derek laugh
Derek: No
Mark: No
Hahn: Just checking
Derek: Why would she ask that question?
Mark: I don't know. I'm worried about this gentleman's thing.
water everything was so complicated, hard. And then you
pulled me out of the water and I came back to life. For a moment
everything was so clear. As if the water had washed everything
clean. Do you remember that?
Derek: I do.
Meredith: Me too.

died. Okay you've just woken up from surgery and all that you can
think about is if you won a stupid contest. Don't you get it? You
shouldn 't have to fight this hard for a wedding. You fight for a
marriage. And sometimes even that is a lost cause. Sometimes
you have to know when to let go. So just let go already, alright
just freakin let go!!
Jackie: Yeah but, did I win?
and put it in his eyeline.
Derek: That was smart I wouldn't have thought of that.
Cristina: Yeah
Derek: She doesn't let me take care of her. It's not my job anymore.
But she won't let me.
Cristina: I'm taking care of her.
she's the purple sandpiper. Those are tough little birds. Those
are survivers. And un him..with the sad eyes, he would..he's a..
a thrush, a black-headed nightingale thrush. And the tall one,
standing there watching over everything, over everyone.
He doesn't miss a thing. He's a great blue heron. No question.
handle my bride winning that way. What?
George: Oh nothing I just, I just didn't know if we would be
able to talk again.
Callie: I'm letting go. I have to...let go.
skydiver: The scar?
Meredith: The feeling. That feeling that you have right now. Today.
That feeling, like you can do anything. That clarity. It goes away.
You go right back to being the coward who can't tell the person you
love how you feel. I saw your video.
strike me as a fetish kinda guy.
Derek: Hey Richard you gotta tell us what this evening is about.
You've been obtuse, it's been fun, but you know we're getting a little
freaked out now. What's a gentleman's evening?
Chief: It's an evening with no ladies. Just gentlemen.
Mark: That's it?
Chief: Well yeah.
Hahn: Pretty boys living in the woods. This is very charming or
sad. Not sure which.
Mark: What happened to no ladies?
Derek: Yeah
Chief: Plans change.

I'm exhausted. Every bone and every muscle in my body aches.
And I don't think I can do this. It's not that I don't want to. Because
I do. I really really do. I just spent six and a half hours on my feet
in surgery and I can barely hold myself up. And I'm just so tired.
And this is like a rare bird George. You know I mean it's the first
time that we're together since..since we were together. And it's
a once in a lifetime experience I don't want to waste it. I don't want
to waste it on a night that I'm too exhausted to enjoy it. Cause I want
to enjoy our rare bird George I need to enjoy our rare bird.
George: Me too. And my hand is killing me from holding that dress.
So maybe tonight is not the perfect night. Maybe our perfect night is
another night.
Izzie: Really?
George: Yeah. Do you want to maybe go to sleep?
Izzie: Yeah.
George: Okay.
Izzie: Thanks
George: It's okay. Did you only shave one of your legs?
Izzie: starts crying again I know. I'm sorry.
George: No I'm just wondering.. it's cool. It's alright.
Izzie: I couldn't get to it.
Cristina: No don't do that. You'll just get strung out and turn into
a bad after school special. We'll just sleep and you'll sleep.
Meredith: I can't stop Cristina. Just can't stop seeing Derek.
And it's not about the sex. It's not.. about the sex. It's about that
moment afterward. When the world stops. Just feels so safe.
So safe. I'm not ready to give that up. Does that me sad and weak
and pathetic?
Cristina: A little bit.
Meredith: What do I do?
Cristina: I don't know.
Written By: Stacy Mckee
Directed by: Tom Verica
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