Cristina: She's doing McDreamy. She's doing McDreamy and lying
about it.
Izzie: That's great.
Cristina: She thinks I'm weak? That I'm fragile? Like I can't
handle it cause of Burke?
Izzie: Poor Cristina all alone.
Cristina: Yeah right, poor Cristina.
Meredith: Do I have sex hair?
Derek: If I did my job right.
Meredith: You go ahead.
Derek: What?
Meredith: You go ahead, I'll wait a minute.
Derek: So this isn't just break-up sex. This is secret break-up sex.
This about Cristina, this morning in the elevator?
Meredith: I don't know. I don't know what to do. You know, we
don't talk about it. The whole Burke thing. I mean I want to be a
good friend. I want to take care of her. But you don't take care of
Derek: Okay, so by being with me you're cheating on Cristina.
Meredith: Just, if she knew about you and me.
Derek: You'd have to talk about it. You'd have to talk about you
and me. It'd be a long conversation. There'd be no time left for her
to talk about her.
Meredith: I told you we don't talk about it.
Meredith: You okay?
Cristina: I don't know. I think it's all just hitting me. Stupid Burke
dumping me and then stupid Mama coming to reclaim her magic
Meredith: You want to talk about it?
Cristina: NO! Not really, not yet.
Meredith: Okay well if there's anything I can do...
Cristina: I just wish I had a good bloody surgery. You know
bloody surgeries make me feel better.
Meredith: Hey, I just heard. Welcome back.
Alex: Is it true? Really-old-guy woke up?
Izzie: He has a name.
Charlie: This time tomorrow you can call me really-dead-guy.
Izzie: Guys I don't think Mr.Yost knows who you are.
Charlie: Sure I do. That's Meredith. She and the brain doctor are
always running hot and cold. And you're Alex. You still got a thing
for that old patient of yours? I was semi-comatose blondie. I could
still hear you guys.
George: Why? Why is it better to do a surgery that neither of
you have done. Than do a surgery that you know atleast gives
her a chance to have a normal life. Do you know how to do this
Chief: Are you saying that we're too old to learn new ways
George: No
Chief: Are you saying we're old dogs who can't learn new tricks?
George: No I was just asking..
Mark: We're not old dogs.
Chief: We still got it.
George: Okay
Mark: Do you ever feel old?
Derek: I'm young, I'm a fetus.
Mark: Nah, do you ever feel like there's gonna be a time where
new techniques pass you by?
Derek: I'm a genius and a scholar.
Mark: Shut up.
Derek: Meredith isn't telling Cristina about us. And well, she tells
Cristina everything.
Mark: I thought you broke that off.
Derek: I meant to.
Mark: You think she's gonna want to get back together. You think
she's gonna grow up and get all whole and want a relationship.
Derek: I do not.
Mark: You're a bad liar.
Derek: You're old.
Mark: I'm just getting started my friend.
Cristina: Heard you're on that hemiglysectomy.
Meredith: Sloan's surgery, yeah.
Cristina: Here I am stuck in the pit with the know nothing interns.
You'd think eventually I'd catch a break.
Meredith: Cristina are we ever gonna tlak about this? The Burke
Cristina: I'm not Izzie. I'm not gonna lie on the bathroom floor all
day. I'm gonna lie here on the counter.
Meredith: I'll trade you the hemiglysectomy.
Cristina: What?
Meredith: You take the hemiglysectomy and I'll take the ER and
your interns.
Cristina: Are you sure.
Meredith: Take the surgery if it makes you feel better. You're
starting to freak me out.
Alex: I saw the whole thing Yang. You can stop pretending.
Cristina: Oh I'm not pretending. I'm sad, I'm very sad. Me so sad.
Alex: Maybe I should try it. See if I can get Grey to take my new
Cristina: Hey forget it. Sad is mine. Go find your own pretend

Lexie: That some kind of joke? The guy's dead, he died.
Meredith: He was dead when he came in here. He was dead on
the scene. He was dead for fifteen minutes in the ambulance.
He was dead before I asked you to intubate.
Lexie: You're pretty cavalier, don't you think. They brought him
here for help.
Meredith: They brought him here because they're legally required
to. And I had you intubate because I'm required to teach you and
that is how you learn.
Lexie: No. No, you should have done everything that you could.
Meredith: That was everything that I could.
Lexie: Well what kind of doctor are you?
Meredith: What is this about? If you don't want to learn from me
that's fine. But I have to cover the pit today. So why don't you do
both of us a favor and go help Bailey in the clinic.
Bailey: She did, did she. And why is that?
Lexie: Truthfully, she didn't want to work with me anymore.
She kicked me out.
Bailey: You can go and tell Dr. Grey that the clinic is not a dumping
ground for strays. We are not the island of broken interns. Please
go tell her that.
Lexie: Please don't make me do that. I cant work with her, with
Meredith Grey. I can't work with her because I can't look at her.
She hates me, she hates my dad, she obviously hated my mother
and I am...please just let me work down here today. Please Dr.
Bailey: Kid in curtain 3 needs stitches, go.
a pharmacist for 30 years. You're sure that everybody's hooked on
pills or refers. I won't make that mistake again no siree.
Derek: Right. Okay. We need to put in a shunt.
Alex: Schedule an OR and then we'll go talk to Andre's mom.
Norman: Will do captain.
Alex: Guy doesn't know when to shut up. He does it with the
patients too.
Derek: Well you're his resident.
Alex: I know. I know. But it'd be like yelling at my grandfather.
Derek: Oh.
couldn't find his LVAD wire?
Izzie: It was a coincidence.
Cristina: Have fun with really-old-guy. I'm off to do Meredith's
steal my surgeries.
Izzie: Okay, I have a really old guy trying to kill himself and
problems of my own. So I don't have time for you and your fake
Izzie: Really, cause I thought we were BFF's.
Charlie: You know what for that I'm dying right now.
Izzie: That might make you poop your pants but it's not gonna
make you die.
Charlie: Damn it.
to emerge at some point and do your job?
Callie: Why would I come out there to do my job when you
clearly do it so much better?
I'm doing paperwork Miranda cause I don't have any more fight
in me. I don't wanna fight you. I don't wanna fight my husband.
I don't..I don't want to fight today. So I'm doing paperwork, okay.
Izzie: Wow! Great. Well thank you for letting me know.
George: Hey, no no. No, you don't get to be mad here.
Izzie: Seriously? We said..
George: No! There is no "we." It's just me. I'm the one that has to
tell Callie. I'm the one who has to destroy her. This is not about you
and me. This is about her and me. I'm ending a marriage. To a
wonderful woman. Me! I am the one. It's not you. It's not
something you just blurt out. It's not. I'll do it. I will do it. You
have to back-off and let me do it.
Izzie: I'm sorry.
Meredith: It's a long story.
Bailey: A long story that ends in you pawning off Lexie Grey on
Meredith: I had her do an intubation on a dead guy. It's something
you used to have us do all the time. I was trying to teach her.
Whatever she told you..
Bailey: She told me you hate her.
Meredith: I don't..
Meredith: I don't..
Bailey: And that you hated her mother.
Meredith: I didn't say that..
Bailey: Her mother who came to you with a case of the
hiccups and died in our hospital. Do you see where I'm going
with this?
Meredith: She's not my intern.
Bailey: No, she's your sister. And you haven't had a kind word
to say to her since she got her. And you were her mother's
doctor. Now what is she supposed to think? Look whether
you like it or not your job is to help that girl be a better doctor.
So help her.

Alex: What?
Norman: Oh Dr. Bailey is right.
Bailey: Shut up Norman, I'm not talking to you.
He got in your way. He's been doing it all day. When that happens,
when an intern gets int he way of a resident, you're not doing
what's best for your patient. Now you almost missed diagnosing
that kid today because Norman here thought it was drugs. So don't
apologize. He should be yelled at.
Alex: Dr. Bailey, he's as old as the hills.
Bailey: I don't care how old he is Dr. Karev. He's still an intern.
And interns are basically teenagers. We are not hard on them
because it's fun. We're hard on them because this is a life or death
job. They need to learn that. There's a reason why we have a pecking
order in a hospital. It saves lives.
kidding yourselves. You know how close you idiots came to
that woman losing her tongue? To her never speaking again.
Oh yeah, you were a couple cowboys in there. Telling yourselves
you can do this. Acting like the big boys. You had no business
doing that surgery. No business. Lucky I came in when I did.
Shame on you and shame on you. As for Adele, tell her you
can't imagine your life without her. Tell her for the last month
you've been walking around this hospital at night just thinking
about her. Tell her the truth. Sorry I called you an idiot.
And what I can do to help.
Cristina: Oh you have another surgery?
Meredith: No that's not what you need.
Cristina: Oh kind of is.
Meredith: No what you need is me. And my time. So I thought we
could go back to my house and get into our pajamas. Just sit and
talk about this whole Burke thing and really get to the root of
your feelings. Just talk all night long if we have to.
Cristina: Talk
Meredith: Talk and cry. Cry.
Cristina: You know.
Meredith: You're damn right I know surgery stealer.
Cristina: So, person who's sleeping with Derek.
Meredith: How'd you know that?
Cristina: You think I'm too fragile to handle your sex life.
Meredith: Well he did leave you at the altar. And I'm your
Cristina: How? By protecting me? That's not how to be my
person. That's not what we do. You know that. I'm dealing.
Okay? The best I can. So if you need to take care of someone,
you're gonna have to take care of someone else. Okay?
Meredith: Fine, but you owe me a surgery.
Cristina: Yeah well you owe me sex details.

Meredith: I have your mother's death note here. Everything that
happened on the day she died is in here. And I know because I
wrote it. So I'd like to go over it with you if that's okay.
Lexie: Yeah
Meredith: Hey, first of all let me just say that everything that
happened that day, every set back, there was a 1% chance of
each of those things happening. One percent. And your mother
was the one percent. She came in complaining of persistant
hiccups. We did an endoscopic flunification.
Lexie: You did it endoscopically?
Meredith: So it'd be an outpatient procedure. We wanted to
avoid major surgery. For what it's worth, I was very fond of your
mother. She was.. I was very fond of her.
order of things. It's...I've been having trouble. Cause I'm used
to being number one. But I'm not number one, not anymore.
So, the best that I can come up with is to be number two. The
best damn number two this hospital has ever seen. But, your
number two. I will..I will help you. We'll be like a team.
Because, look girl you seem to be having a hard time. And uh,
I know I'm having a hard time, but, together we could do this.
I just think we can do this, together.
last year. That's why he knows some of this stuff. He's already
been through it. But if you want to learn from someone, really
really learn, go to a resident. Not this dude.
George: No, he's right. If you want to emulate someone, it's
definitely not me. I'm not that guy.
George: I slept with Izzie.
Written by: Mark Wilding
Directed by:
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