Izzie: What is that?
Meredith: My mother.
Alex: Happy freakin Halloween!
Cristina: What are we looking at?
Izzie: Meredith put her mom in a baggie and brought her to work.
Meredith: I had to get her out of my closet. She was haunting me.
Alex: And now she's haunting us all.
Meredith: I'm putting her to rest.
Sydney: Meredith is cleansing. In tribal culture when one wants to
cleanse the past, one cuts all of ones hair and buries it in the earth.
You might try that too.
Callie: Yeah, you should direct your questions to Dr. Bailey, Stevens.
Cristina: Oh we're directing our questions to Dr. Bailey?
Callie: Oh not you just Stevens.
Bailey: Why is Stevens directing her questions to Dr. Bailey?
Callie: Because she's been sleeping with my husband.
Cristina: This is even more disturbing than your bag full of mommy.
George: I like your costume.
Lexie: Dr. Yang said that..
George: Dr. Yang is screwing with you.
Lexie: Ahh I knew it!
Meredith: It's.. charts.
Derek: Meredith
Meredith: It's my mom.
Derek: What?
Meredith: I had her in the cubby and she was freaking people out
so I was just going to put her in the car. Do you think that's
disrespectful? If I leave her in the car?
Derek: It's a little..
Meredith: It's not that strange. I'm trying to figure out how to put
her to rest. I can't shove her in the back of my closet anymore.
I have to deal with her. This is me trying to evolve. I'm trying
here so...cubby or car?
Derek: You're asking me if I think you should put your mom's
ashes in your cubby or your car. And you don't think that's
very very strange?
Ryan: Are those really your mom's ashes?
Derek: It's strange right? It's strange.
Meredith: Are you lost?
Ryan: No my mom works in the cafeteria and she said I could
come up here and look for Dr. Sloan. Do you know him?
Meredith: Ah, can you take care of him?
Derek: Yeah, can you take care of her?
Nurse: Don't smile at her. Don't smile at me either. We're on to
you, we've compared notes.
Mark: Compared notes really?
Olivia: Compared notes, compared pick-up lines, compared
Mark: Techniques?
Olivia and other nurse: Identical!
Mark: Identical!?!
Olivia: We've formed a club; Nurses United Against Mark Sloan.
Mark: Are there any club activities?
Derek: There's a kid looking for you.
Mark: What?
Ryan: Daddy??
Mark: What?!?!
Ryan: Haha
Derek: Nicely done.
Mark: I'll be getting you back for that.
Derek: Looking forward to it.
Ryan: You're not my father but I am hoping you'll build me some ears.
Mark: You two know each other? You know his parents?
Meredith: His mom works in the cafeteria.
What's all this?
Ryan: It's letters from my class.
Mark: Letters to me. He has the internal structure to hear. He
just doesn't have canal or the external structure.
Ryan: So I thought if I came with my letters. Dr. Sloan might feel sorry
for me and do the surgery for free.
Mark: Oh, look I'd like to help. I would if I could but pro-bono
Ryan: You should probably know that on my way here this morning
three different people thought I was in a costume. My head looks
like a permanent Halloween costume. Just thought you should
know that.
Meredith: You're good.
Mark: Pro-bono suregery is not just about me giving you my time.
Surgery like this requires OR time, anestesiologist, a general
surgeon to remove the cartilage from your ribs, atleast 2 surgical
Meredith: Couldn't you ask them for help?
Mark: I could but I don't have any social capital. The nurses
hate me. They've formed a club that's all about hating me.
And the other doctors don't owe me favors cause I've never
done any for them.
I'm sorry I wish I could help. I would if I could.
Meredith: I have social capital. Or I don't. Nobody knows me
but they knew my mother. So maybe I can make this happen.
Mark: Fine you make it happen. If you manage that, I'm all yours.
Ryan: These people who knew your mother, do they know you
brought her to work in a baggie?
Chief: Sorry?
Meredith: Sloan has agreed to build him ears pro-bono if you will
donate the OR and all the equipment.
Chief: I'm sorry Grey my pro-bono slate is full. There are
protocols to be followed all sorts of red tape.
Ryan: Trick or treat.
Meredith: Get it? He's trick or treating for ears.
Chief: Grey.
Meredith: You know, my mother, she was big on pro-bono
Chief: OR 2 is free at 6pm.

Callie: I kinda get it. I mean I get that you can wake up one day
and your life doesn't feel like your own.
Mark: I heard. About your marriage. And if there's anything you
need me to do, to cheer you up, come around. Day or night. Night
Callie: Ugh I was married. I said till death do us part. Okay in a
church, I mean it was the Church of Elvis but still was a church.
I just can't believe this is my life.
Dr. Sydney Heron, general surgery. Big fan of your work. Yeah,
we were seated together once at an M&M. Anyway, now seems
as good a time as any to make it official. Our introduction.
Derek: Derek Shepherd.
Sydney: It's very very nice to meet you.
Derek: Nice meeting you too.
Ryan: Yeah I like cheerful people.
Meredith: I can be cheerful.
Ryan: I think the ashes thing makes that kinda unlikely.
today, pro-bono. And I thought maybe you could donate some time.
Bailey: Thanks to the fine upstanding citizen who cut off his foot on
my watch, I've got a mountain of paperwork. And on top of that I
promised to try and get out of here in time to see my son in his
Halloween costume.
Meredith: Is Tuck even old enough to know what Halloween is?
Bailey: He's not. But his father is and that's who I promised.
Ryan: Trick or treat.
Bailey: For ears? He's trick or treating for ears?
Meredith: Yeah. Could you also persuade some of the surgical
nurses to help out? They seem to really like you.
Ryan: Trick or treat.
Bailey: Uh, Stop that! Alright I'm in.
Meredith: She was afraid of heights.
Cristina: Her ashes Meredith, the ashes aren't acrophobic.
Meredith: I need to put my mother to rest. I need to not become
her. I need to not die emotionally crippled and alone. And I need
to NOT attend the wedding of Derek Shepherd and Sydney Heron.
I need to put my mother to rest.
Cristina: Sydney Heron?
Meredith: So you two are together?
George: Yeah
Meredith: Like together together, in love together; Sexy love not
sibling love?
Izzie: Yes. Yeah, we're together.
Meredith: And you two have been..I mean without any of us knowing?
Doing this whole time?
Izzie: Just once.
George: Izzie
Izzie: I said she could ask questions. Just once.
And now we're waiting to be together. Out of respect..
George: For Callie's feelings.
Cristina: Ha
Meredith: She's not judging.
Izzie: Right.
Meredith: I have an earless boy waiting for me. But I'm happy
for you guys.
think you'll be able to impress me the way you've impressed
your mentors in the past.
Cristina: I..what?
Hahn: You sleep with them right? Preston Burke, Colin Marlow.
That's your thing.
Cristina: It's my..I'm sorry what does that have to do with anything?
Hahn: My theory is, if you ahd the chops in the OR you wouldn't
need to try to impress in the bedroom.
cardio reputation. So now instead of a heart transplant, oh I get
to participate in the amputation of a crazy man's foot.
Miller: I'm not..
Cristina: crazy! Cutting off your foot is crazy.
Miller: Walking through your life like you have no power, like you have
no say. No say in your own destiny. Like you have no control over
your own body. Walking through life like that is what's crazy.
Norman: Hmm, I still think it's cutting off your foot with a chainsaw
that's crazy.
said to you that you are judging me.
Cristina: It's not the same thing.
Cristina: It's not the same thing.
Izzie: It is the same thing. It's exactly the same thing. I'm sorry
that I hurt Callie. I didn't mean to hurt her.
Cristina: You slept with her husband. I slept with my boyfriend.
It's not the same thing.
Izzie: Meredith slept with another woman's husband. Meredith slept
with another woman's husband! The two of you are like this closed
circle. You can commit whatever crime you want and in your little
circle it's all fine. I know that you didn't sleep with Burke to get
ahead and if Hahn had asked me I would have defended you. I'm
not even asking you to defend me. I'm asking you to just cut me
an inch of slack and believe me when I say that I am sorry I hurt
Cristina: We are not a closed circle.
Izzie: You are.
Derek: Yes
Sydney: Here's a question, were there actual shepherds in your
Derek: I'm sorry what?
Sydney: Shepherds, the ones that watch over sheep? I'm into
geneology. My name for example not after the bird.
Derek: I'm sorry, would you excuse me?
Sydney: Of course.
Derek: Okay thank you.
Mark: Haha
Derek: Yeah, you did this.
Mark: Payback's a bitch!
Derek: What the hell did you tell her?
Mark: I put the word out that you were lookin
Derek: That I'm looking?
Mark: Lookin, sounds way dirtier without the "g."
Derek: And you wonder why they formed a club.
Mark: You heard about that?
Derek: Yeah
Cristina: I was left in a church while I was literally wearing a
wedding dress.
Callie: George cheated on me. Right in front of me and I missed it.
Cristina: Burke sent his mother to say goodbye to me.
Callie: I'm gonna be a divorcee.
Cristina: Now Erica Hahn thinks I'm a fraud.
Meredith: I'm actually pretty surprised myself considering it's my
first time trick or treating.
Mark: Your first time?
Meredith: Yeah, my mom never made it home in time to take me.
Never got it together to make me a costume. Plus she said it was
rude to knock on people's doors and beg for food.
Mark: Huh
Meredith: What?
Mark: Just..the apple fell pretty far from the tree huh.
George: Yeah
Lexie: I'm sorry
George: Thanks
Lexie: Did Meredith really bring her mom's ashes to work ?
George nods
Mark: Not a bad day's work.
Meredith: I just helped build a little boy some ears.
Lexie: That's cool.
Meredith: Yeah
Lexie: I dug up my mom's cat.
Meredith: What?
Lexie: My mom didn't leave any instructions cause it was so
unexpected. So we had to figure out on our own what she would
have wanted. And my mom loved that cat. So I dug her up, the
cat. From her little grave in our backyard. And I snuck into the
cemetary in the middle of the night and reburied her right beside
my mom. And it was creepy and morbid carrying around a dead
decaying cat through the cemetary in the middle of the night.
But it made my mom really happy. Atleast I like to think it did.
Meredith: Thanks
Bailey: His daughter's heart?
George: mmhmm
Bailey: Well that just makes you want to throw up now doesnt it.
You alright?
George: You're Dr. Bailey you hear everything. And even if you
haven't heard everything. I'm sure you've heard.
Bailey: About your marriage, yeah I probably would have.
George: I'm sorry. If I disappointed you.
Bailey: I'm not your mother O'Malley.
George: Oh ohh, I have to apologize to her now too.
Bailey: O' Malley. Look you're not a bad guy. I mean to let
you off the hook entirely cause what you did was unkind and
hurtful and wrong. But you're not a bad guy. I'm just saying
it takes two to reach the point you reached in your marriage.
It takes two. I mean I'm here, late at night, Halloween helping
an earless boy get ears. And my husband wants to act like that
aint an important thing. He wants to act like it isn't a good thing
that I did today. Now that aint just on me. That's him wanting
things to be the way he wants. Him wanting things to be purely
black and white. I missed my son's first Halloween and my
heart is aching inside my chest. But that doesn't mean anything.
It doesn't count because in a black and white world, I simply
didn't make it home. That makes me the bad guy. Always, I'm
always the bad guy. Youo hear what I'm saying?
George: Sorry you missed your son's first Halloween.
Bailey: Look what I'm saying to you is okay I was there..I
was there the day your father died. I was there when you came
back from Vegas married after a week. And all I'm saying is,
it's not black and white and you're not a bad guy.
talent that resembles my own. Not that it's any of your
business. Your comments were unprofessional and inappropriate.
You know what you're inappropriate and unprofessional.
Hahn: This is gonna be so much fun.
Chief: Dr. Yang, did you hear? Dr. Hahn has agreed to become
out new head of cardiothoracic surgery.
Hahn: Looking forward to it, Dr. Yang.
Cristina: You can't have my apartment.
Alex: No
Norman: I'm a little south of 60. Blood makes me squemish.
See I wanted to go into Psych cause I like to talk.
Alex: I've noticed that.
Norman: But I had this voice in my head telling me to choose
surgery. It was as if my Marybeth was whispering in my ear .
And so I listened. And do you know what I think now?
Alex: No
Norman: I think I was about to have a massive stroke and
my Marybeth wanted me to be surrounded by world class
surgeons when it happened.
Alex: Hmm..So what are you gonna do now?
Norman: I'm gonna go into psych cause you people, you
surgeons, you all are just a bunch of little children
running around with your scalpels and your severed feet
and your inappropriate sex in inappropriate places. You
all need a good shrink.
Meredith: Hi
Ryan: Hey. I had a goldfish, when he died I flushed him down the
toilet. Back to the sea.
Meredith: Okay
Ryan: Back to the sea is better than your cubby.
Chief: I don't know if I can handle one more night in that hotel.
What's the matter with you?
Derek: I have to start dating.
Cristina: Yes, I mind a lot.
Meredith: Chief
Chief: What are you doing Grey this is a sterile environment.
Meredith: It's my mother. And I think this is where she'd want
to be.
Chief: Should we say a prayer?
Meredith: She didn't believe in anything.
Chief: Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
Written by: Krista Vernoff
Directed by: Bethany Rooney
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