Sydney: So, why the brain? Why biology's crown jewel?
Derek: You mean why did I go into neurosurgery?
Sydney: Come on share. Share with Sydney.
Derek: It was the headset. With the magnified glasses that tipped
the scale for me.
Sydney: hahaha, the man has a sense of humor. I like that.
Mark: Is she dying? Is that why?
Derek: Oh, grow up. She's nice. She asked me out.
Mark: I'll fake a heart attack. I do a great fake heart attack.
Derek: Here she comes.
Mark: Carry on.
Meredith: I think they're on a date. That's definitely a date right?
Cristina: Maybe she's dying.
Cristina: It's Sydney.
Meredith: In the movies when the handsome but sensitive
football player kisses the awkward but freaky girl in front of
the whole school. That girl is her.
Cristina: You are very awkward and freaky.

George: We're avoiding them now. It's come to that.
Meredith: Why are you avoiding Izzie?
George: It's like we're not us anymore. Everything used to be
so easy. Talking used to be easy. Now we can't even talk anymore.
Meredith: Uh, Derek went on a date with Sydney Heron last night.
It's probably a fake date to make me think he's healthy and moving on.
George: And do you think he's healthy and moving on?
Meredith: Lets just take the stairs.
George: Okay
Alex: That's one way to look at it.
Mark: Don't look at it.
Callie: Okay youre gonna need surgery. But the good news is,
we'll put you under so we can fix the bones and Dr. Sloan can
fix your face all at the same time.
Trisha: You better be good.
Mark: Baby, you're not gonna find anybody better than me.
In a whisper to Alex Oh my God, hot cheerleader ass.
Meredith: You need to cut Izzie some slack. Her and George
are having problems.
Cristina: Already? It's only been a week. At that point you
don't even talk. All you do is have sex.
Meredith: Doesn't mean you can't have problems. Derek and I
are having all kinds of sex and he's dating other people.
to the girls You didn't hear any of this.
if you weren't acting like such a blithering idiot.

Thatcher: Meredith!!! See that's her. Meredith Grey!

Thatcher: Meredith!!! See that's her. Meredith Grey!
to you. Telling you not to come to Susan's funeral. It wasn't
your fault. I know you did everything you could. What I said to
you I'll regret it till the day I die. And the drinking..it's unacceptable
and..But today is Susan's birthday and I..
Meredith: Should I go get Lexie?
Thatcher: No just you. I just want you.
Izzie: Yeah I wouldn't broadcast that.
Lexie: I had a great group of friends. You know?
Izzie: Not really.
Chief: Swing and a miss.

He deserves to see that.
Izzie: He's got a good friend. That's something. That girl has
been by his bedside all day.
Derek: Yeah but even so those cliques are miserable. He needs
to know it passes eventually.
Rose laughs
Rose: Sorry Dr. Shepherd.
Derek: What's so funny?
Rose: I'm just not sure we've come as far as you'd like to think.
Clique wise.
Derek: We?
Rose: The hospital.
Derek: You think the hospital's cliquey?
of proud.
Derek: ugh, I was wondering when you were gonna bring that up.
Meredith: My dad's in the ER.
Derek: Really
Meredith: He cut himself. He's not bad company actually. He's
quite funny and charming..drunk. Is it weird that I like my drunk
dad better than my regular dad?
Derek: A little.
Meredith: Are you okay?
Derek: Um, my patient is in a coma and he's never gonna wake up
again. His best friend is in the waiting area. Poor thing thinks he's..
she thinks he's gonna wake up any second. You know..
Meredith holds Derek's hand
You never cut a class?
Cristina: Never, not once.
Meredith: Ha!
But you will get through this. Danny would have wanted
you to.
Marissa: You don't know what he would have wanted. You're
just like them. You're a prom queen and you're trying to act like
you know what it's like for me. Lady you have no idea what it's like.
Izzie: I wasn't a prom queen. I was the girl in the cheap clothes
from the trailer park. Who got pregnant and got thrown in a
pregnant girls class. None of the mothers would let their kids
hang out with me. But I got through it. You will get through
Derek: Course I do.
Rose: Bye. Dr. Shepherd.
Derek: You're the nurse in OR 2. The one that talked about cliques.
Yeah, right?
a very hard day for the both of you. And he wasn't actually
a problem. He was kinda charming. But he seemed very sad
and I'd hate to see it happen again. So maybe you should
think about keeping a better eye on him.
Lexie: Every day is my mother's birthday. My mother was
born in March. He lied. He's a liar. And I'm glad, really I'm
glad that you found him charming. I'm sure he was
delightful. He's a blast after five drinks. Not so much after
nine though, he gets a little weepy and mean. He's a drunk
Meredith. He probably came in and told you how wonderful
you are. How sad he is that he doesn't get to spend more time
with you. Yesterday he said that I was his favorite daughter.
The day before I was an ungrateful bitch. The week before
he wrote me a check for 20,000 dollars because he said I
deserved everything life had to offer. Because he was so proud
of me. A lifetime's worth of proud. So thank you for letting me
know that I have to keep a better eye on him. Thanks.
Meredith: I'm sorry about all this.
Chief: Meredith please you have nothing to apologize for. Nothing
at all.
Meredith: I'm keeping you from doing your job.
Chief: This is my job. Atleast part of it. Think of it as the
principal's office. Only I'm the nice principal. Anyway I
promised your mom I'd take care of you.
Meredith: I told you, you don't have to do that.
Chief: I know. I know I don't. But I do.
saved his life and he's taking you for granted. You know what
he deserves? A long speech. You need to go back in there and
give him a long long speech.
oow I'm gonna tell you but don't tell anyone else.
Lexie: We're not talking about who made out with who at the
Halloween dance. Okay this was a private family issue.
Alex: Your dad's a drunk. I had to start cleaning up my dad
when I was seven. That's when I turned into the grownup of the
family. So you got to wait till you were 24. Good for you.
Bailey: Sit down.
Derek: What?
Bailey: Sit down!!
Derek: You okay?
Bailey: Yeah what do you care? With your hair products and your
perfect little face. Perfect little life. What do you care how I am.
Derek: My perfect little life? Have you been paying attention at all?
Bailey: Yeah I pay attention. I pay attention. I pay attention to
people in all walks of life. All types. I notice people. I see people.
It's guys like you. Who don't see people like me.
Derek: I don't see you?
Bailey: Clearly..I'm not talking about you Shepherd. Just guys
like you. Who don't see girls like me. We don't exist for you.
We exist to do your homework. We exist to build your ego up.
I am a successful married mother. I am CHIEF resident. I am
CHIEF resident of a major metropolitan hospital. I'm a surgeon.
Who saved his life today. And he still doesn't see me. I may as
well still be that high school girl with the mushroom haircut and
the cokebottle glasses and the band uniform. The girl who didn't
get to go to homecoming dance cause it didn't occur to him to
ask me. All those late nights tutoring him and it didn't even occur
to him to ask.
Derek: Hmm, band uniform. Really?
Bailey: Do I look like I want to be mocked by you right now?
Derek: No, you don't. I'm just gonna say one thing. In high
school, I was 110 pounds and I hadn't yet figured out hair
product so I had a big afro. And um, had acne. And I too wore
a band uniform. Sax.
Bailey: Oboe.
Derek: I would have been honored to take a girl like you to
Rose: You know my name.
Derek: I had to ask around. But now I know.
Rose: Well good for you. Good night.
Derek: Hang on. I should have recognized you from the OR today.
We worked together for three hours. It's thoughtless.
Rose: I've worked on 36 of your surgeries and today was the
first time we made eye contact. Like I said, hospital is no better
than high school. Good night Dr. Shepherd.
Derek: Sydney
Sydney: I'm a lot of woman. I bring home the bacon. Fry it up in
a pan. Serve it on eggs or on a sandwich or crumbled up in a Cobb
Derek: Well you do a lot with bacon.
Sydney: Not just bacon. But Derek, I bring a lot of things to the table.
And I'm looking for a man who can do the same. A man who can
meet my needs. All my needs. I just don't think you're ready.
Derek: Well you might be right.
bring that much to the table.
Meredith: I'm awkward and freaky.
Derek: mmm
Meredith: Do you want to get out of here?
Derek: I do.
Written by: Mark Wilding
Directed by: Rob Corn
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