Chief: Addy you're back!
Addison: I am not back.
Chief: Oh you're back. You're gonna smell the stink and sweat
of surgery and you're gonna be back.
Addison: See nothing ever changes around here.
Bailey: Things change.
Chief: Welcome back
Addison: I am not back!
Meredith: The first day! My clinical trial. My baby, all grown up.
Izzie: Yeah, nobody care's about your clinical trial or your sick
sick terminal patients. Who would probably rather be left for dead.
Meredith: You're just jealous.
Izzie: Oh yeah!
Cristina: Anyone can come up with a clinical trial. I can come up
with a clinical trial.
Meredith: Jealous
Cristina: Not that it would matter, cause Hahn wouldn't sign off
on it. You know she won't even talk to me.
Izzie: She always enjoyed talking to me.
Cristina: Really about what?
Izzie: Her hopes, her dreams and then we would braid each
others hair.
Cristina: Atleast I'm not living in the clinic.
Izzie: Hey I like the clinic. The clinic is my happy place.
Cristina: Can you use your sparkle pager to get me in on Hahn's
surgery today.
Meredith: Oh Cristina I can't even think about the sparkle pager.
Because my clinical trial starts today.
Izzie: Sparkle pager stealer!!
Meredith: Okay, the both of you need to just take a moment,
dig down deep, and discover when you do, you're truly happy
for me. That I have found my path to medical history.
Izzie: I'm not happy for her.
Cristina: Oh, me neither.
Derek: I don't want you getting emotionally involved with these
patients. I don't want you getting your hopes up.
Meredith: My hopes are not up.
Derek: Okay then Dr. Grey, let's do this.
Addison: Hey
Derek and Meredith: Hey!
Addison: Hey! Come here you. hugs Meredith
Wow, it's great to see you guys.
Meredith: How's LA?
Addison: Oh it's great. It's fun. You know it's the sun, the surfing..
Derek: You surf?
Addison: No, I don't surf.
Derek: Oh
Addison: So anyway, I hugged you there, did you see that I hugged you?
You stole my husband from me, I hugged you. I've grown.
I have and I can be happy for the happy couple.
Right? I moved to LA and I'm one with myself. So, I feel really..
Derek: Hmm
Addison: Okay well, I'm gonna go save a life now.
Derek: Okay, haha.
Addison: Really great, great to see you. Really. Cheers.
Meredith: Happy couple?
Derek: See ya after rounds.
Mark: There she is!
Addison: Just coming to check on my patient's skin flap.
Mark: Amazing right? Pull a couple stem cells from the baby
in-utero. Six weeks later I have grown skin. Like God!
Addison: Nice
Mark: What do you say we lock that door and pull one off
for ole time sake.
Addison: This place is exactly the same. You are exactly
the same.
Mark: Except now I grow skin for babies. Like God.
Come on I'm horny. The nurses have shut me down.
Addison: Awww, thanks for my skin flap.
Mark: Is that a euphomism?
Addison: Nope
Meredith: I told them to expect greatness.
Derek: Yeah, in addition to all the greatness, the patient may
be inappropriately emotional. Which means he's aggressive,
abusive. Don't take it personally. Don't engage. Just realize it's
the tumor talking.
Alex: You think I'd let anyone else on a case like this.
strange culture of wordlessness. Where in I'm supposed to
access what one is feeling by the slight raise of an eyebrow,
or the beginnings of a frown. There any chance, you want to
tell me what's going on with you Miranda?
Bailey: It's just a lot has changed since you left. There's a lot..
Addison: Aw come on, name one thing that has changed in
this hospital.
Bailey: The clinic is actually making money. The Chief's
wife left him. Derek and Meredith broke up. And I..
Addison: Whoa whoa.. Derek and Meredith broke up?
Bailey: Uh, like I said- a lot of things have changed.
Addison: Tell me what?
Callie: Anything..everything.
Hahn: Does she know you're divorced?
Addison: You're divorced?
Hahn: Which as it turns out...
Callie: Was the best thing that could have happened. Really.
bring some single men by.
Jennifer: Phillip, please stop.
Phillip: yells Jennifer we're in a hospital. Full of eligible doctors.
And you're a waitress with no prospects. Who needs to learn how
to use her ass to catch a new guy. Before I bite the dust!
Jennifer: It's just the tumor talking. It's just the tumor talking.
Meredith: It is. It's just the tumor talking.
Phillip starts laughing uncontrollably
Jennifer: And he's laughing again. Because the idea of me with
another man is just hilarious.
Phillip: No no it's not. I just can't see.
Meredith: What? What can't you see?
Phillip: I..I ..anything. I'm blind.
You know just cause I'm blind doesn't mean you can ignore me
you sick twisted bastard! Playing games with peoples lives,
slicing open people's brains.
Jennifer: My husband is probably going to die today. We're
moving up the surgery and he might die and all he can do is
try to fix me up with other men. And I know, I know it's
the tumor talking. But if he dies, my last memory is going
to be of him calling me a piece of ass.
Jennifer leaves, Derek walks up
Meredith: I'm not involved and my hopes are not up.
Derek: mmmm
Derek: Well we're doing a clinical trial together if that makes
you feel better.
Addison: Derek I hugged her. Hugged her and you're not even
together with her anymore. What the hell happened?
Derek just gives her a look
Derek: Well if it doesn't go well I'm killing people for sport.
When I walk into an OR I'm an expert. I can stop a bleed, I can
remove a clot. I'm the expert. But a clinical trial, I'm
experimenting, grouping around in the dark. Hoping to do the
right thing. She wants greatness from me. She's expecting
Addison: Okay seriously -Derek what are you doing?
Derek: I'm seeing somebody else. She's lovely. She's really
out in the open. Do me a favor and stuff them back in!
Addison: Interesting advice.
Bailey: Don't start with me.
tea parties or wine parties or whatever you two have.
Callie: What..what are you talking about?
Cristina: Hahn! She's completely unfair she refuses to teach me.
You know I got in at Mass Gen, I got in at John's Hopkin's, I
could have gotten in anywhere. She won't teach me.
Callie: Alright look, Erica..she's a really good listener. She's..
she comes off harsh at first, but she's got a really good heart.
So just, tell her how you feel.
Cristina: Tell her how I feel? Well I don't speak girl!

Addison: Callie, are you speaking the Vagina monologues now?
that people are prepared to drop out of the tournament tonight.
Nobody wants to get drunk and play darts with their boss.
George: You want me to take back the invitation?
Lexie: I'm just the messenger.
Meredith: No because we screw boys like whores on tequila.
Cristina: Then we either try to marry them or we drown
Callie: Huh.
Cristina: You know make Hahn let me scrub in or I'm making
you move out.
Callie: Wh...
Cristina: Desperate times.
and go tend to your patients yourself.
Izzie: I know but..
Addison: You're a fighter Stevens what happened?
Izzie: I lost a lot of fights.
Addison: Time to get back up. Go. Be the change you want to
see in the world.
Izzie: Did you just quote Gandhi to me?
alone. It's the one thing about all this I really can't stand.
I just want her to be alright when I'm gone.
Derek: You need to tell her that. Before you go into surgery.
You need to remember this conversation and you need to tell
her that.
that's emotionally involved. He's the one who's emotionally
Wyatt: He?
Meredith: Derek. Told me not to get my hopes up. Anybody
who knows me, knows I'm not a hopeful person to begin with.
Wyatt: Right
Meredith: I came up with this clinical trial. It's my baby. Does
he honestly think that I just walked into this thing with no
understanding of how hard it will be. Seriously, no wonder
we didn't work out.
Wyatt: Because he told you not to get your hopes up?
Meredith: Exactly. I gotta go, surgery's about to start.
Wyatt: The surgery with no hope?
Meredith: Shut up
Who's the lucky McRebound? What? Is the whole "Mc" thing over
now? Surely things haven't changed that much around here.
Bailey: Addison the woman standly immediately to your right,
the one handing you the surgical instruments.
Addison: Hey
Rose: Hey, six dates, heavy petting, lots of tongue. Good guy.
Phillip: Jennifer..Jenn..Jennifer!! I don't want to leave you alone.
I want you to meet someone. I want you to promise me, you'll try.
Cause I can't do this if I think I'm leaving you alone. Okay?
Jennifer: okay..okay
Phillip: Maybe I'll make it. I hope I'll make it.
Bailey: We're not gonna do this. I can't share. I can't catch up
with you. I can't talk. Cause if I did, if I told you Tucker moved
out. If I told you, I haven't slept alone in 12 years. If I told you that
my heart hurt so much sometimes I want to rip it from my chest
with my own little hands. I would fall apart and I don't have time to
fall apart. Not that i'm not happy to see you, I am. But I wish that
you would go home. So the choice to talk and fall apart would go
Derek: Yeah, me too.
Meredith: Dr. Shepherd.
Derek: Yes.
Meredith: It was a pleasure working with you today.
Derek: shakes hands Dr. Grey
I kicked Gandhi's ass.
Addison: haha..It's an LA thing.

Mark: I bet you wished you'd taken the stairs right about now.
You don't like Asian people.
Hahn: Excuse me?
Cristina: Why won't you teach me?
Hahn: You're not without skill. You're not without talent.
So stop seeking my approval. I am not going to tell you what
a good little girl you are. It's not my job and frankly it doesn't
make you any better at yours.
and comes back I walk on the beach now, I buy
aromatherapy candles, I'm very Zen. But I wanna kick your ass
right now it is killing me.
Meredith: Excuse me?
Addison: I'm talking about Derek. Derek Christopher Shepherd.
Are you letting him get away? Because I swear to God Meredith
if you let him ride off into the sunset with that doe-eyed little thing..
Written by: Stacy McKee
Directed by: Mark Tinker
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