Izzie: Whoa
Derek: Oh, sorry.
Izzie: What are you doing in here?
Derek: I'm thinking about making this my office when you move out.
Izzie: When I move out? When am I moving out?
Derek: ohhh...soon?
Alex: When were you planning on telling us we had to move out?
Derek: When were you planning on telling them they had to move
Meredith: What? Why do they have to move out?
Izzie: Meredith, hey look I made this especially for you.
Derek: It's a zoo, a frat house and Alex and his parade of women.
Izzie: His parade of skanks.
Alex: Whatever, am I apartment hunting or what?
Meredith: I don't know, I have to think about it.
Izzie: You know eat the muffin Mer, taste the muffin, remember
the muffin.
Derek: I like them too. That was your life, this is our life and I'm
excited about building our life together. Come on it's gonna be great.
Mark: Last I heard you were at hand holding, foot rubs and
lots of late night gab sessions.
Hahn: Excuse me?
Mark: Oh, you're talking about the Chief's new rules. I thought
you were referring to you and Torres. I've been wrong before.
George: I can do this. I'm not married and cheating on my wife
with my best friend. Everything is just as it should be.
Meredith: Spill what?
Shelly: Anything. I'm begging you before she comes back and asks you
to descibe my liver, cell by cell. Please.
Meredith: Okay. Um, do you want to hear about my stupid boss
or my stupid boyfriend.
Shelly: Oh, boyfriend. Definitely the boyfriend.
I'm not being unreasonable.
Cristina: Pulse is going down.
Derek: But you have to admit, you'd want them out.
If you were me, you'd want them out.
If we have to operate, I'll let you drill burrholes by yourself.
Cristina: Fine, I'd want them out; whatever!
Derek: I knew it.
Shelly: Okay, when I am no longer cancer girl and I can go out and meet
a hot doctor who rocks my world and wants to move in with me,
I might forget the baked goods and repair work.
Meredith: hehe, ow heads up, twelve o'clock.
Derek: Just so you know, Cristina thinks you should move them
out. You should talk to her.
Shelly: Dude, you failed to mention the hair.
Meredith: Yea yea the hair, it's one of the many things that makes
me happy.
surrounded by goodness, cut out the badness. All's right with
the world. It's just you and your scalpel.
One on one, mano a mano.
Okay, this is me teaching with enthusiasm.
Derek: Excuse me. Yes?
Mark: You mind if I run a quick test on your patient?
Derek: He's in a lot of pain Mark. I don't think he needs a
Mark: Oh that's funny.
want to chop out the front of his brain.
Derek: Hmm. to Lexie Nicely done.
Hahn: Your timing is perfect.
Mark: Really? You about to feel her up?
Callie: Stop..you have to stop!
Mark: I can't.
Callie: Seriously, she hates it.
Mark: That's why I can't. Don't!
You want a spanking?
Callie throw food at him
Callie: Okay?
Cristina: No. No I said..I told him I would want them out, Me.
Not you and I only said it cause he wouldn't stop talking.
Meredith: So you don't think I should kick him out? Cause I think
I'm going to. I mean I think it's the adult thing to do, don't you?
He's a wimp. His 8, my 3. I can take pain.
Meredith: You can't talk to my boyfriend for 10 minutes.
Cristina: Well there's pain and then there's torture.
I can take pain, seriously, test me.
Alex wet snaps her
Cristina: Nothing
Alex: Impressive.
George: Shut up, you barely touched her.
Alex does it to George and Meredith as they scream
Bailey: Uh Chief, a few months ago, little Tuck flushed one of his
action figures down the toilet and I thought it was no big deal.
Minor. But then I came home to a kitchen filled with several inches
of Poop-water.
Chief: Poop-water?
Bailey: In my kitchen, sir.
Chief: Thank you Doctor Bailey, but I have this under control.
Bailey: Yes, sir.
Chief: Poop-water.
Izzie: Owww
Alex: Don't have a high pain threshold huh?
Izzie: You know what, throw him out. Not me, just him.
Alex: She likes me more.
Izzie: I bake for everyone and I clean. The only thing you
bring to the house is filth. What would you prefer Meredith
chocolate cake or an STD?

Derek: I'm a pain specialist and I would have missed this thing.
So yes, I'm just gonna watch.
Cristina: Don't ever use me again to try to influence her. You and I
are not 'Team Meredith.'
Bailey: No gloating sir.
Dr. Wyatt: It must be incredibly painful for you. The idea of losing
Meredith to Derek.
Cristina: You're a terrible shrink.
Lexie: Hydogen, Helium, Lithium...names about 20 I can keep going..
Izzie: I was asking you yo live there with me.
Cristina and Callie laugh
Cristina: Oh, I'm sorry. It's hilarious. But, I'm sorry I..
Izzie: You are just...Give me the flyer.
Cristina: Um, I already put a deposit down. I'm sorry, I mean
you should have been more clear.
What's the point? The world is a horrible place. Young people
die of diseases; it makes absolutely no sense to try to be happy
in a world that is such a horrible place.
Meredith: They're my family. You can't just assume I'm gonna
kick my family out. And you don't get to announce it to them
and ambush me. And you definitely don't get to try and get
Cristina on your side. They're my family, they're who I have;
you and them.
Derek: Okay.
Meredith: Okay?
Derek: I'd like to talk about it again, but when you're ready.
But for now, okay.
Derek: Meredith..shakes his head...yes
Written by: Krista Vernoff
Directed by: Michael Pressman
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