Rose: Their local tech is in Spokane.
Derek: That's five hours away. Did you tell them I was in the middle
of somebody's brain.
Rose: Yes. The tech is still in Spokane. You can't just pull the probes
out and got to a full craniotomy?
Derek: No. Why not?
Steve: The probe in the tumors. Pulling out without the
navigation system could damage the brain tissue and you can't leave
the probe in long without risking swelling.
Derek: That's good. What's your name?
Steve: 2. Steve..Steve Mostow..Dr. Steve Mostow...intern.
Derek: Alright Steve I need you to run to nurse's station. Tell them
to make an announcement. Tell them we need computer technicians
in OR 3. Go fast and scrub in on your way back.
Steve: Yes sir.
Rose: Dr. Shepherd
Derek: Yes
Rose: I did 3 semesters in computer science before I switched to
nursing. I don't know what's wrong but..if it's something reasonably
basic I..
Derek: I'd feel alot better about this if your voice wasn't shaking.
Rose: My voice shakes when I'm nervous. I'm an imperfect person
but it doesn't mean I can't fix the computer.
Derek: Rose has 3 semesters of computer science at..What school
did you go to?
Rose: Santa Cruz
Derek: That's a party school.
Rose: Do you want to insult my education or do you want me to
help save your patient?
Derek: Okay who can beat 3 semesters of computer science at
Santa Cruz? Anybody?
Okay, give it a shot.
Rose: Appreciate the vote of confidence.
Mark: You don't want to stay an watch me work?
Hahn: You know it's offensive Dr. Sloan. Flat out.
Mark: I asked if you want to stay and watch me work. How is
that offensive?
Hahn: Oh and now you play dumb. Does that work for you because
of the way you look?
Mark: What the hell are you talking about?
Hahn: I'm saying if you were homely you'd have lost your job a long
time ago.
Mark: That's my face.
Alex: What?
Mark: Up there in the gallery. I built that face. It's Jane Doe.
The one with amnesia. Is she a surgeon?
Alex: Uh..I don't uhh...
Mark: Oh you are so busted.
George: She's having a really bad day. She's saving the life of a
white supremacist. It's just not a good day. So she asked me to
ask you if you don't mind waiting just a little while longer. Please.
She did say please. Which as you may know is not a word she
uses that frequently.
Bailey: A person can only rise so high. Now I'm rising above, but
there's a ceiling and I'm about to hit it.
Hahn: A cardiac rupture, a tension pneumothorax. Basically
there's about six different ways she could kill him.

Meredith: Dr. Hahn....SHUT UP !
Lexie: Lexie, I'm okay are you okay?
Nick: I'm a little freaked out if I'm being honest. Mostly cause
you look like Carrie at the prom. Seriously you're wearing like
half my blood.
Nick: Hey, I'm in love with you now. I've forgotten entirely
about my ex.
Derek: Rose
Rose: I don't have the steadiest hand. I need to reconnect some
wires and I don't have the steadiest hand and when you talk to
me it is less steady.
Derek: So it's about the wires?
Rose: I think so. I'm pretty sure.
Derek: Alright I'll do it.
Rose: What?
Derek: I'll do it. You said yourself you don't have steady hands.
Rose: Because I'm nervous.
Derek: Oh I got that. Let me take care of the wires. I'm a
neurosurgeon. I have steady hands.
Rose: You're holding the leads in the patient's brain.
Derek: Okay Steve how's your hand? Is it steady?
Steve: Uh yes sir.
Derek: Good it better be or you're gonna kill my patient.
Derek: It's in.
Derek: It's in.
Rose: It's in?
Derek: Wire's in. Steve are you still?
Steve: Yes sir, very still.
Rose: Stop looking at me like I killed your patient. I am not
a computer technician. I did my best. I gave it a shot.
Derek: You didn't do your best.
Rose: Yes I did do my best it was my best damn it.
Derek: Calm down. Take a deep breath and think. What did
you miss? What are you forgetting? leans over and presses a button
You forgot the restart button?
Rose: I forgot to press the restart button.
Derek: Working..it's working.
Rose: It's working.
OR breaks into applause
Derek: Santa Cruz isn't just a party school.
Let's go. You can't cry Lexie. This isn't over. You can't cry.

Meredith: He's not ready!
Ray: I'm trying not to be scared. I don't want to die scared. I want
to not be scared.
Chief: Ray, listen to me. It's good to be scared. It means you still
have something to lose.
Ray: Yeah? to Meredith Are you scared?
Meredith: All the time.
Damn it, how did I miss it? Stupid..stupid..stupid.
Mark: That's fascinating Dr. Hahn.
Hahn: What?!
Mark: You're as unkind to yourself as you are to everyone else.
Callie: Sloan.
Meredith: Graze wound.
Chief: I can see that. Can use a couple of stitches. You stayed calm
and focused and efficient in a very stressful situation. That's
Meredith: I was scared.
Chief: You did it anyway. Like I said, impressive.
Even if it's the most painful thing you have to do. Even if it's the most
painful thing you've ever had to do. I think it's better to have someone.
look jagged to you? Cause if it is jagged, I'm going to have
to reposition the incision so that it approximates more correctly.
If I do that, this man's swastika tattoo might be unrecognizable.
George: Yeah, it's a little jagged.
Bailey: Thought so too. He left right?
George: Yes, he left.
Bailey: 10 blade.

saved your life at a great personal cost. So maybe next time
you're looking at your tattoo and you're thinking how much better
all us white guys are than everyone else, you'll think about that.
Because between you and me, if I'd have been alone in that OR,
you'd probably be dead right now. And uh, since we're sharing
belief systems I believe if you were dead the world would be a
better place.
Bailey: Just easier at this point to stay here till Tucker's asleep.
Cristina: You know I rose above too today.
Bailey: Yes you did.
Cristina: You're having a hard day. You were busy rising above.
But so was I. Which is why I haven't said anything. But now the
day is over and I'm done.
Bailey: Excuse me.
Cristina: You know what you did, pulling me off of Hahn's
surgery was an abuse of power. You know you needed help, okay.
But you used me because of the color of my skin. I mean you
compromised the quality of my education because of my color.
I resent it.
Derek: Your voice is shaking.
Rose: I'm an imperfect person.

enough for you but I'm trying here. So..I don't want you to date
anybody but me. That's it. Except, I'm scared as hell to want you.
But here I am, wanting you anyway. And fear means I have something
to lose right? And I don't want to lose you.
Derek: Meredith..
Meredith: Don't. Don't say anything. I'm gonna leave and you can
say something tomorrow. That's progress right?
was not easy. It was brave.
Lexie: We killed him. The hospital, Sloan, us..we were not prepared.
Cristina: Yeah, yeah that happens sometimes.
Lexie: That's..you have any idea how backwards that is?
Cristina: We help more than we hurt.
Lexie: I have no one.
this is gonna sound bizarre. But any chance you people want to
get a drink with me?
Mark: Why would we want to do that?
Callie: She's saying she needs a friend.
Mark: Okay fine let's drink.
Hahn: You won't hit on me?
Mark: I can't promise that.
Hahn: If I say please.
Callie: He still can't promise that.
Hahn: Fine
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