Cristina: Who does their residencies at number 12 hospitals?
Losers and I am not a loser.
Meredith: So, the dream is about me being afraid of the house
of candles and you know, taking the big step. I'm afraid of having
a happy ending.
Cristina: You know, I have a Phd in bio-chem, I'm a double doctor.
Double doctors should not do their residencies at second rate
Meredith: Wyatt says I should just lean into the wind, into the fear,
so I'm just gonna ask Derek to move in with me.
Cristina: Transfer, Cleveland Clinic has a huge cardio program.
Meredith: We're still in the top 20, that's pretty good.
Cristina: Pretty good is not enough. I want to be great. Greatness
Meredith: Greatness, which is why I'm gonna ask Derek to move
in with me. It's just that it's..you know a big step and I don't
want to mess it up again. I've messed it up before with the
break-ups and on and off again and the sleeping with George it's
Lexie: You slept with George? No talking unless it's medical.

Mark: Humiliating
Derek: Yea
Mark: 12! You're the best neurosurgeon in the country, in the
world! Don't you want to say anything nice about me?
Derek: Ah, you're the best plastics guy at Seattle Grace.
Mark: Nice, really nice.
Derek: Don't force me to praise you. Hey Rose.
Rose: Hello Dr. Sloan.
Derek: She took it so well at the beginning. I was hoping we'd be
civilized, she's working my OR.
Mark: Civilized is out, it's gone, it's a trail of fairy dust.
Now she's got delayed rage.
Derek: Delayed rage?
Mark: She was being big before, putting on a brave face.
Now she's had time to think, now she hates your guts.
You have to break up with her.
Derek: That's the point, I did already.
Mark: Well you did it personally, now you have to do it
professionally. Good luck with that.
Derek: Delayed rage.
severely injured. Wishing and praying that someone is so hurt
and so near death that the ambulance has to bring them here
because we're closer than Mercy West?
Bailey: Yup!
Izzie: Wow, you and God are cool with that?
Bailey: Damn I forgot about God.
special moron from the isle of complete and utter morons?

Derek: Curve #2 penfield please. You know, actually I want a
#4 penfield.
Hahn: Oh that's interesting, why did you want to use the #4
penfield instead?
Derek: Sorry?

Derek: You want to live together?
Meredith: Well I mean I could just ah..well if you don't want to..
Derek: Yes.
Meredith: Yes?
Derek: Absolutely, are you sure you're ready?
Meredith: I'm leaning into the fear to get a happy ending.
Derek: I don't even know what that means.
Cristina: Excuse me?
Bailey: That one day a trauma will come through those doors.
I have a dream.
Cristina: I share that dream.
I got there.
Chief: A pen? You trach'd this guy with an ink pen?
Owen: So!
Alex: You in a space ship going to the moon, enjoy the ride.
Izzie: Alex!
Betty: A space ship? Excuse me?
Izzie: You're having a CT Betty, you're gonna be okay. You've
been in a car accident. Just don't move. for the fifth time
to Alex Thanks a lot!

Derek: Curve #2 penfield please. You know, actually I want a
#4 penfield.
Hahn: Oh that's interesting, why did you want to use the #4
penfield instead?
Derek: Sorry?
Hahn: Oh well how would you explain it? I'm observing your
teaching style. Hope you don't mind.
So the penfield, you changed it because?
Derek: I changed my mind.
Rose laughs
Is that a problem Rose?
Rose: Not at all Dr. Shepherd. You changed your mind, got it.
whispering and giggling
Cristina: Army surgeon bad-ass, did something crazy with a
pen on a guys throat.
husband. Busy OR today.
Rose: But that's kind of your thing right? Juggling more than one
person at a time.
he's studying to retake his intern test. So he's a little stressed out.
I was just thinking maybe you can be nicer.
Mark: You're an intern, why are you talking to me?
Lexie: You..well you're my half-sister's boyfriend's..best friend, so
Mark: You thought that makes us friends? You thought that you'd
defend your boyfriend to me and I'd just take it?
Lexie: He's not my boyfriend.
Mark: But you want him to be.
Lexie: Do not
Mark: Do too
Lexie: Do not
Mark: Do too. Does he know?
Lexie: Shut up!
Mark: I'm your attending you can't tell me to shut up.
You want me to be nicer to O'Malley?
Lexie: Please
Mark: Confess your love to him and I'll think about it.
Lexie: Shut up!
Alex: What's that supposed to mean.
Meredith: Nothing
Alex: What did Izzie say to you?
Meredith: She said you were a good man. Said you changed.
It was nothing.
Alex: Is she saying that I cried? Cause that is a lie.
Meredith: No, didn't say that.
Alex: She needs to keep her mouth shut.
Meredith: Alex! I made a stupid joke. She didn't mean anything.
Cristina: I have, a hundred times.
Hahn: On hearts.
Cristina: On hearts.
Hahn: Your forceps were maserating the tissue. You were handling
the bowel incorrectly. Which you would know if you weren't
allowed to clock so many hours in cardio-thoracics at the expense
of your general surgery knowledge.
Mark: I'm sorry GREY was there something you wanted to say to
anyone in here?
Lexie: No there wasn't.
Mark: Coward
Lexie: Shut up
George: Lexie!

you can't be in my OR.
Rose: Ok there's no good way to say this. I've been acting this
way because I'm ..I'm carrying your child Derek.
Ha! Gotcha! Laughs
Derek: This is your idea of a joke?
Rose: Oh please! You deserve it. Who do you think you are?
"If you're gonna keep behaving this way you can't be in my OR."
Derek: You should transfer to a different specialty.
Rose: YOU should transfer to a different specialty.
Derek: I'm a neurosurgeon.
Rose: You should of thought of that while repeatedly assuring
me that you were over your ex.
See ya in the OR, I'm not going anywhere.
I don't have room for any of that stuff. And he talks and not a
little, I mean he chats, he's chatty freakin Cathy.
Cristina: Not right now.
Meredith: And then you know what's gonna happen after he moves
in don't you? We build a house on his land, which will be our land
because we'll be married. And then I'll be Dr. Mrs. Shepherd.
And you know what comes after that don't you? Babies and they'll
be his babies. So they'll have perfect hair and they'll be chatty.
So I'll have five chatty children, a chatty husband and live in a
house in the wilderness. And then I'll start sleeping with your
husband. I gotta tell him I've changed my mind. Don'tcha
Meredith: What? Why are you making that face?
Cristina: Shut up, you know just shut up about Derek,
shut up about moving in with Derek, shut up about
your relationship. Because you want to know what?
I've heard it all before. yea, you know, you guys get
together and I have to listen to it; then you guys
break up and I have to listen to it. I almost killed a
man in surgery today. Yea, you wanna know what I
think? Ok, you really want to know? You and Derek
will not work. Moving in together is a mistake of
massive proportion. You are dreaming of dead Derek
which should tell you it will not work.
Meredith: Cristina..
Cristina: No, you know this whole thing, this happily
ever after, does not exist. So please, please, please
as you weigh your options here just consider the
possibility of shutting the hell up! Because I can't
listen to it anymore.
Meredith: I..
Cristina: No!
Meredith: Okay..
Cristina: No!
Meredith: I..
Cristina: Okay that's it, that's it I'm done.
walks away and slips on ice
Meredith: Not gonna say you deserve that, but
you deserved that.
Cristina: Oh thanks, help me, help me up.
is impaled with an icicle
a tip: when you hand a surgeon a 15 blade, make sure it's handle first.

with a pulse, trying to prove you're not number 12...and you're not.
But right now, with this decision, you act like number 12.
Good luck with the patient Dr. Torres.
Mark: Saved my patient's life, he'll never talk again but
still. Life saved. What happened to your hand?
Derek: Ah..scalpel..Rose. Not intentional.
Mark: She's a dead mouse on the kitchen floor. At some
point you gotta pick it up and throw it away.
Derek: hmm.
Mark: You want me to take a look at that?
Derek: Mer's gonna take care of it.
Mark: I'm a renowned plastic surgeon.
Derek: It's a scratch
Mark: Grey's a resident.
Derek: She gives me sex, especially when I'm wounded.
Cristina: Please take my films because my interns are idiots!
Meredith: Hold still.
Cristina: I am, just shoot it.
Meredith: Hold still because I wanna ask you a question.
Cristina: What?
Meredith: Did you mean what you said about me and Derek?
Cristina: Well, this is not fair. I'm impaled.
Meredith: I know I talk about it too much and I know I've gone
soft and gooey and disgusting. And if I had to listen to it I'd puke
too. But you said what you said because you were mad not because
you meant it.
Cristina: Just take my x-ray and it doesn't matter what I say.
Meredith: Of course it matters what you say! Of course it matters!

Alex: I'm hoping if I wait long enough you'll be as annoyed by the
sound of your voice as I am and just shut up.
Izzie: Okay, did I do something?
Alex: You know what you did.
Izzie: No I don't. Alex just tell me, what did I do?
Alex: Shut up, I had a bad night and I cried like a girl. I'm over
it, you need to get over it too.
Meredith: I am not sure moving in together is a good idea.
Derek: Okay, fine.
Meredith: Fine? What does that mean?
Derek: Means that I know you.
Meredith: So what you didn't believe that I would let you move in
in the first place?
Derek: I believe that you believe it. Look I'm gonna move very
slowly. Baby steps, no sudden moves. You're like a deer in the woods.
Meredith: Okay, I built the house of candles. That is unprecedented
in the Meredith chronicles.
Derek: Fine, let's move in together.
Meredith: Fine
Derek: Unless of course you just want to go ahead and get married.
Aha! Gotcha ya! You wanna know where I learned that? Goes with
the story of how I cut my hand.
Meredith: I..I didn't say anything. I just said that I think it's nice
that you two are friendly again.
Izzie: Damn it Meredith! Why can't you just mind your own
business? I mean..you know what forget it. I should never have
told you anything. You can't keep anything to yourself unless it's
for Cristina.
Meredith: Izzie!
Derek: Marriage?
Meredith: Not funny.
Owen: Yea
Cristina: You took out my icicle.
I didn't give you permission to do that.
Owen: So.
I've been ..soft.
Derek: It's not about you being soft.
Chief: I think it's the fact that Meredith is here. The fact that Ellis'
daughter is here.
Meredith: walks in Chief. Vincent Kenner... We gave him 31 units
of blood. Fresh frozen plasma. Multiple liters of LR. We did
everything we could do, we just couldn't bring him back.
Chief: You don't know how to do anything. None of you.
You're half way through your 2nd year of residency and you
walk around this hospital like it's your God given right to be here.
Well it is not, Dr. Grey. I assure you. You are here because I
allow it. You are here to do what I say. And the one thing I ask
you to do you can't even save...
Derek: Richard! We can't save everybody.
Chief: We should try harder. We should try harder.
Alex: It's tomorrow. His insurance expired.

Derek: These things happen.
Rose: Not to me they don't. Or they didn't, before you existed
for me. Before you existed I was good. Every doctor in this hospital
wanted me in their OR. I was known as a damn good scrub nurse.
And now, I'm the crazy girl out of Fatal Attraction, who goes around
stabbing surgeons.
Derek: Sorry. I'm so...sorry.
Rose: There's an opening in peds, I start on their service tomorrow.
Again, very sorry about your hand.
Lexie: Oh for God's sake.
Mark: You don't seem to have any trouble letting me know
how you feel. So why not tell O'Malley?
Lexie: You really are the last person who should be giving
romantic advice.
Mark: When I like somebody I make sure they know it.
Life's too short to live any other way.

Derek: Or my surgical skills.
Bailey: Oh we'll never know.
Meredith: What's going on?
Callie: Phillip can wiggle his toes.
Bailey: Oh say it!
Derek: Don't make me say it.
Bailey: Please say it, say it for me. Though it's technically
not true yet.
Derek: We made a man walk.
Bailey: We made a man walk.
Callie: We made a man walk!
Cristina: And then I was karmically impaled for saying it.
Meredith: But you're right people don't have happily ever afters.
People barely have ever afters. So why would Derek and I be any
Cristina: Mer, why do you care what I think?
Meredith: Because you're my person. And if I'm gonna do this
with him, be whole and healthy and be a warm gooey person who
lives with a boy..I need you! I need you on board. I need you to
cheer me on. Because you're the only one who knows me; Darkly.
Really knows me. I need you to pretend that I can do this, even if
you don't believe. Because if you abandon me now, I will never
make it. And I'll never get my happy ending and that's just...
Cristina: Life!
Meredith: I'm saying please here.
Written by: Shonda Rhimes
Directed by: Rob Corn
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