Cristina: Pull your crap off the floor before this thing eats it.
Meredith: I'm still firing you.
Wyatt: No, you're quitting.
Meredith: No, I'm not quitting. I don't quit things.
Wyatt: Well actually you do. Your mother quit your father.
Your father quit you. You quit your boyfriend. And if I read
your hospital chart correctly, you quit your life momentarily
on a couple of occasions. You quit. It's what you know how to
Meredith: Now you're really fired. leaves
Wyatt: Now we're getting somewhere.
Meredith: Hey
Derek: I'm very optimistic about this new viral cocktail. Adding
an IL-2 should make a very big difference. We're close.
We're gonna open the bottle of champagne soon.
Meredith: I know.
Derek: You okay?
Meredith: I'm fine.
Derek: mhmm, listen, clinical trials can be a grind. If this is
getting to you, I can do this one on my own.
Meredith: I'm not a quitter; I don't need you to rescue me.
Let's just do this.
Alex: Is Tapley in there?
George: No
Alex: you're lying.
George: Yes
Alex leaves
Meredith: Tapley in there?
George: No
Meredith: Liar!
George: Yes
Callie: Something is wrong with her.
Cristina: No it's not, I'm fine.
Callie: She cleaned, cleaned the apartment. Which she
has no idea how to do; so she basically just pushed
dirt around.
Meredith: Oh leave her alone. Not everybody has to be
happy all the time. That's not mental health; that's crap!
Callie: Walter Tapley's here and she doesn't want to meet
Meredith: Well that's..that's bad.
Cristina: You know Torres, mind your own business.
Callie: You need to get help. You're killing me.
Meredith: You hang out till Hahn gets here, you might
get to meet Tapley.
Cristina: I don't give a damn about Walter Tapley.
Meredith: Cristina! Are you in the dark place?
Cristina: Yea
Meredith: Me too.
I get the impression that you had a really bad time.
Derek: What?
Rose: Why are you avoiding me?
Derek: I'm sorry, I lost a patient. I'm not trying to avoid you.
Rose: So not calling me after the sex is you being a dedicated
life saver.
Derek: It is.
Rose: So I'll see you later?
Derek nods and Rose leaves
Mark: You didn't call her?
Derek: When was the last time you called a woman after
having sex?
Mark: Ah well that's going to change. I'm turning over a new
Derek: What was wrong with the old leaf? So they called you
a whore; you're a happy guy.
Chief: Walter Tapley needs a double valve replacement and
Hahn refuses to give it to him.
Mark: What's her problem?
Chief: She thinks she's gonna kill him.
Derek and Mark: Light weight!
Chief: Oh and another thing.
Derek: mmhmm
Chief: If you spend the night with a woman and call her the
next day and she doesn't call you back. Does that mean she
had a lousy time or does that mean her answering machine
was consumed in a fire?
Mark: See the Chief calls the next day.
Derek: Or you don't have to call her back. You just met
this person. It's new, it's fun, it's casual.
Chief: It's my wife.
Mark and Derek: Ohhhh
Derek: When was the last time you called a woman after
having sex?
Mark: Ah well that's going to change. I'm turning over a new
Derek: What was wrong with the old leaf? So they called you
a whore; you're a happy guy.
Chief: Walter Tapley needs a double valve replacement and
Hahn refuses to give it to him.
Mark: What's her problem?
Chief: She thinks she's gonna kill him.
Derek and Mark: Light weight!
Chief: Oh and another thing.
Derek: mmhmm
Chief: If you spend the night with a woman and call her the
next day and she doesn't call you back. Does that mean she
had a lousy time or does that mean her answering machine
was consumed in a fire?
Mark: See the Chief calls the next day.
Derek: Or you don't have to call her back. You just met
this person. It's new, it's fun, it's casual.
Chief: It's my wife.
Mark and Derek: Ohhhh
Meredith: You haven't spoken to her yet? I already mixed the
virus and the IL-2. We only have six hours.
Derek: We're not going to wait six hours; we're gonna wait three
Meredith: Derek, the guy we're waiting for doesn't exist.
Derek: I want to give her a little more time to enjoy him. Or
the idea of him, if nothing else. Because once we remove the
tumor it's all gonna disappear.
Meredith: It's not real. It's okay if it disappears. She can go
back to her life.
Derek: She was probably a lonely person. She found a way to
have love.
Meredith: Of course she did. Because that's where love exists
in delusional fantasies. Real love isn't like that.
Derek: Good to know.
Bailey: You punched a child?
George: Apparently there's a graham cracker involved.
Bailey: Over a graham cracker!
George: They said they want you to talk to him.
Bailey: What? he's 14 months old. What do they think I'm gonna
do, give him a lecture on non-violent conflict resolution?
George: I give you Tapley and you pass it over to your intern.
What the hell is wrong with you?
Cristina: You think if you um, kiss the Chief's ass enough by taking
care of Tapley, something magical is gonna happen? Like what, you'll
earn your magical resident wings? Ahh well, no, not gonna happen
George. You're suck, you are where you are. You know the only
way you'd get out of your miserable situation is if Burke were here.
Because you were Burke's guy. For some reason he pitied your
pathetic ass. But he's gone now. No wings for Georgie.
Mark: Off and on.
Derek: I think I idealize it. I mean you wouldn't hang on to a
woman who's unavailable, unpredictable, right? You'd move on,
keep it casual.
Mark: Don't sell yourself short. Allow yourself to grow with Rose.
Share experiences, build memories.
Derek: Is this the new leaf?
Mark: Yea
Derek: Haha, needs work.
Mark: Oh my God this is gonna kill me.
a minimum.
Lexie: Hey um, can I talk to you about something?
Meredith: Maybe some other time.
Lexie: Um, but..
Cristina: Look, she hates you. Okay? She's not gonna say it to
your face. Because she's too polite. But she thinks you're
annoying. You showing up here like the good little girl daddy
didn't abandon; is like the worst thing that's happened to her
in months. And that's saying a lot coming from Meredith Grey.
on-call room.
Mark: No, we're gonna sit and enjoy a meal together.
Callie: I don't get it.
Mark: I've turned over a new leaf. From now on if you want this..
points down..you're gonna get this too. above picture
Callie: eww
Wyatt: Make an appointment.
Meredith: I don't want to make an appointment just to get my
chart back. I'd like you to get it right now.
Wyatt: I would like to go to the bathroom in peace. Seems everybody's
dissatisfied here.
Meredith: Where do you get off suggesting that I'm a coward and
a quitter? Are you trying to make me feel bad about my life,
so that you can fix me?
Wyatt: We'll talk about it in therapy.
Meredith: No, I don't need therapy!!
Lexie enters
Lexie: I forgive you.
Meredith: Lexie
Lexie: No, I forgive you. I forgive you for treating me like crap.
And I forgive you for letting your friend treat me like crap.
Meredith: Lexie
Lexie: I don't know how you get up in the morning. I honestly
don't. Our dad abandoned you and your mom, by all accounts
was the meanest person ever and you can't let Derek love you
and it all really really sucks. But ever since I knew you existed
I had this fantasy about my big sister and you have failed on
every occasion to live up to that fantasy. But I still love you,
whether you are capable of letting me or not. So, I forgive you.
Lexie leaves
Meredith: Yea, okay.

room, you are not gonna follow me?
Mark: You ever think about why you need sex all the time?
Is it replacing something or are..
Callie: I use it to clear my head. So onnn-callll room.
Mark: We can sit in there and talk but we are not having sex.
Callie: whining Why, what do we have to talk about?
Mark: At lunch you seem to want to talk about three-somes.
Callie: You are so not a new man.

want to know why? Because her boyfriend doesn't exist. Derek is
all broken up over her. Like it means something that she's having
an affair with a hallucination.
Wyatt: But Derek wasn't ready to give up on the relationship
and you were.
Meredith: No I didn't give up. I wanted to try again and then
he went and kissed Rose. So he's the one who messes up, not me.
Wyatt: But, it's a relationship; people make mistakes. And you
stand back waiting for him to fail, so you can say 'AHA now I quit.'
Meredith: No, it wasn't working.
Wyatt: Was your life not working when you let that slip out from
under you?
Meredith: Okay when are you gonna stop suggesting that I'm
Wyatt: When you start acting like someone who wants to be
Meredith: Give me my chart.
Wyatt: Why?
Meredith: Because I'm not suicidal and if it says that then it's
Wyatt: What happened last year when you fell in the water?
Meredith: I almost drowned, you think I did that for kicks?
Wyatt: You put your hand in a body cavity that contained
unexploded ordinance.
Meredith: I was trying to save a patient.
Wyatt: Why is it that every other person in that room had the
sense to hit the deck? You know, people run away from this
line between life and death. You seem to stand on it and wait
for a strong wind to sway you one way or the other. You're
careless with your life. You're not slitting your wrists but
you're careless. Probably because your mother told you,
you were a waste of space on the planet. The problem is
you believed her. If you don't watch out one of these days
you're gonna die because of it.
Meredith: Hand me my chart! Now!

Meredith: Andre's here.
Cristina: Don't ask me if I'm okay.
Lexie: Okay
Cristina: Ugh, you make me sick. Have some fire. Be unstopable.
Be a force of nature. Be better than anyone here and don't give a
damn what anyone thinks. There are no teams here. No buddies.
You're on your own. Be on your own.
Lexie: Dr. Yang I just scrubbed in on Walter Tapley's double
valve replacement. I watched Dr. Hahn excise a piece of his
pericardium, from like three inches away. That's what I got to
do while you made notes in charts. So whatever crap you want
to rain down on my head, go for it. Cause I just saw the inside of
Walter Tapley's heart and that is something you can never take
away from me.
Cristina: Yea, okay.
Lexie: Okay then.
George: Dr. Bailey and I are in love and I'll be heading back to
Vegas with her once my divorce from Dr. Torres is final.
This may have been the most exhausting day of my life,
my back is killing me, no offense and I haven't seen the inside
of an OR in...I don't know how long. But I got the 'atta boy.'
I'm turning it around. And you're gonna get the punching under
control right? Oh, you and me, really takes us a while, but we get
We didn't think, I didn't think you were coming. The whole story
sounded so incredible.
Andre: She told you about the shoe right?
Callie: He's thinking about a three-some.
Mark: Am not.
Callie: You are. He has been all day.
Mark: Ok fine, I got a new leaf. Not a lobotomy.
Hahn: You couldn't handle the two of us.
Mark: Oh but I could; I won't, but I could.
Hahn: You wouldn't find it intimidating?
Mark: Not at all.
Hahn kisses Callie
Hahn: See, too much for you.
Hahn leaves the elevator
Mark: Damn it! On call room, right now.
a shocked Callie goes after Mark
Rose: No I'm sorry I can't.
Derek: Oh come on Rose.
Rose: Derek, we spent a night together and then you vanished.
Now I wished I was secure enough to handle that without a
bruised ego and a lot of processed sugar. But I'm not.
Derek: Wait wait, can't we just make this easier.
I don't..I don't..you see I've done complicated. I don't
want to do that again. Can't this just be easy? Fun? We don't
need that fairy tale thing right now, we just need happy.
after the love of her life disappeared. I never told anybody
that before.
Wyatt: Okay
Meredith: So you think I'm broken. Fix me. Cause I'm no
quitter. Let's go.
Written by: Debora Cahn
Directed by: James Frawley
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