Hahn: Is Yang on-call tonight?
Callie: Yea, why do you think it's so clean in here?
Derek: Well I guess you won't have time to look at our work in
a major medical journal.
Meredith: Ah, they published our clinical trial?
Derek: mmhmm
Meredith: It's on the cover 'A New Method in Treating Inoperable
Malignant Gliomas: The Shepherd Method.'
Derek: What do you think?
Meredith: It's a picture, a big picture of you.
Derek: You're making a face.
Meredith: I'm not making a face. I love that picture. I have to go.
Mark: You see this? The Shepherd Method.
Callie: Yea Yea very impressive. Listen, last night Erica..
Mark: You think they airbrush him, the man does not have one
damn pore.
Callie: Can you focus! I need you right now.
Mark: Well I'm a little exhausted, but if you want to hop on and
do all the work.
Callie: No, I need to talk. Last night, Erica and I, we..we did it.
Sort of.
Mark: Congratulations.
Callie: No, no it was not good. At all. I choked, I couldn't go
down there. I tried but it felt like weird and clinical, like Gyni
rotation. I left this morning before she got up, I couldn't even
face her. What if me and Erica, what if we were a mistake?
Where are you going?
Mark: I can't talk about this.
Callie: Oh come on, you love talking about this stuff.
Girl on girl, it's hot.
Mark: Two girls getting nasty and loving it, that's hot.
One girl talking about how much it sucked, depressing and
WRONG. Just wrong.
date interns. Cause, we're non threatning. I read this study once
that said interns hardly ever file sexual harrassments claims cause
we feel so weak and powerless in the hospital environment. So,
that's good.
Alex: Interns, the other white meat.
are not chotchkies for your coffee table.

Derek: Chief has got me doing press all day with journalists. My
face is starting to hurt from smiling.
Meredith: Uh huh. I already pushed that.
Derek: Comes faster when I push it.
Meredith: Oh, must be that Shepherd method.
Derek: Funny
Meredith: Think I'll take the stairs.
Derek: Meredith, are you bothered by this?
Meredith: Why would I be bothered? You can't call it the
Shepherd-Grey Method because then people would think
you had help.
by herself?
Cristina: You know maybe you should stop reading her diary;
it's gonna make you feel inadequate.
Meredith: She's dead and in the past and still out pacing me.
Mark: She assisted, when Michael Jordan scores, no one cares
about the assist.
Derek: I don't know, Scottie Pippen.
Mark: You know what I mean. These women, they over think
Derek: Somebody's cranky today.
What is that experimental treatments for cleft-palates?
You're working on your own clinical trial, aren't you?
Mark: Just doing a little research.
Derek: mmhmm, the very sight of me reminds you that
you've not made one worthwhile contribution to medical
history doesn't it?
Mark: Get out!
Derek: You should read my article. It will enrich your life.
Make you a better man.
Mark: I'm saving it for the bathroom.
might want more.
Mark: Happens to me all the time with women. I barely
remember it; they're minds are blown.
Callie: That's your sage advice?
Mark: I'm a world class surgeon, double boarded in plastics and
ENT. I have more meaningful and more worthwhile things to do
than dispense sex advice.
Callie: Really, like what?
Mark: Nice
Callie: Oh come on, Mark I need your help.
Mark: mmhmm leaves

Izzie: Trying to decide which of our interns to give to George.
Lexie: In front of us, they're deciding in front of us. Like livestock
at State Fair.
Cristina: I think I'll keep Lexipedia; she remembers many things
and she bathes, which is more than I can say for.. sniffs..
stinky 2 over there.
Meredith: If Derek needed a kidney, I wouldn't give one. He'd
take the credit; he'd say he magically grew it himself.
your problem. You get all wrapped up and involved..you start..
you start caring about these people. Your patient in there, he's
the moron. His son's never gonna give him what he wants and
he's just gonna be disappointed and the sooner he gets that the
sooner you get it and...
Izzie: No, go on please. Be a selfish ass. Cause atleast then I know
what to expect. Cause this being a decent guy one second and a
total jerk the next, it's getting really old Alex. So who's it
gonna be? Pick one!
pea sized brain of yours is what time lunch is.
Grey here is gonna become a surgeon. While you dig ditches by the
side of the road.
Lexie: It's brutal, but it's affective.

Meredith: Do what?
Derek: Have this silent fight. I'm gonna write the editors and
have them print a correction. 'The Shepherd-Grey Method'
Meredith: I don't want you to give me credit because your mad
that I'm mad. I want you to give me credit because you think I
worked hard for it and I deserve it.
Derek: You don't deserve it. You're a baby, you have the
potential to be a good surgeon, maybe a great one. But you haven't
even scratched the surface on what you need to learn.
Meredith: It was my idea. And I hate that picture.
Bailey: Five second rule! Five second rule!!
Chief: Someone dropped a damn kidney!!
you're over it..
Mark: Oh for the love of God!
Callie: Just hear me out. I like to be good at things okay. I do not
fail, I do not quit. I like to be good at things and I want to be
good at this. So, I need you. I need you to show me.
Mark: Show you?
Callie: Just because you didn't publish a big clinical trial,
doesn't mean you're not a genius.
Mark: Fine, take off your pants.
Callie: Really? Oh my God, thank you.. thank you so much.
Mark: I'll show you the Sloan method. It'll never be in a
medical journal. But it should.
Izzie: It happens.
Bailey: Oh you think I got to choose my interns and I picked you
people cause you're all such a surgical dream team?
You (Alex), you're lazy, you're whiny (Izzie), butterfingers over there is
down right depressing (Meredith) and you Yang, you're just annoying.
today. Congratulations.
Bailey: Thanks. Same to you. Must feel good to see your name
in print like that.
Derek: It would feel better if Meredith wasn't so..you know,
she's acting silly about the credit. She's getting emotional.
Bailey: That girl worked her ass off for you and you got
all the credit.
Derek: I would have gotten all the blame had we failed.
Bailey: But you didn't fail.
Derek: It's simple, I'm an attending, she's a second year
Bailey: Who you're now living with, that's not simple,
it's messy. If it were me, I'd start with thank you.
You'd be surprised how far that one goes, especially with
us silly, emotional women.
Cristina: What?
Meredith: ..and that I had a lot to learn.
Cristina: Ugh, whatever.
Meredith: Not whatever, he's right. I did drop a kidney and don't
say it happens, cause it doesn't. But I do hate it when he's right.
Cristina: No okay, he is not right. Stop caring so much about
what he thinks. It makes you seem desperate.
Meredith: Okay, to the one trolling for interns.
Cristina: Yea, I changed my mind. Interns are weak, I don't
want weak. You know Burke was a man. He was a man.
Meredith: Joe, I think we need another round.

Meredith: well..how..is this for me?
Derek: Yes
Cristina: Hey honey I bought you roses, let me back in the house.
Oh no!!!
Joe: Holy crap, what the hell is that thing?
Cristina: That is a kidney in a jar. That is not fair. How did
you get that?
Derek: Well being an incredibly important, fancy neurosurgeon
has it's perks.
Meredith: Thank you
Derek: I couldn't have done it without you. Not one surgery,
not one patient. I couldn't have done any of it without you.
Derek: Yea
Meredith: laughs When my mother was a resident, she wasn't
dropping kidneys.
Derek: You're reading your mom's diary?
Meredith: mhmm, I'm not half the surgeon my mother was.
Written by: Jenna Bans
Directed by: Randy Zisk
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