Meredith: Every time Derek walks into a room, all I can think
about is his tongue in my mouth.
Mr Covington: So you're going to inject a virus into my son's
Darren: Not in the brain Dad, in the tumor.
Mark: Dr. Bailey. Dr. Bailey's baby!
Meredith: Has Cristina seen it?
Izzie: I'll take it down.
Meredith: You can't take it down.
Izzie: Take it down..take it down. She never has to know.
Meredith: She's gonna hear about it.
Cristina: Who's gonna hear about what?
laughing Izzie, move your hand. Oh come on, come on move it.
Good for him.
Mark: Chief
Chief: Human resources called, as of this morning the nurses
are boycotting your surgeries.
Mark: I haven't done anything to the nurses. Well nothing
that can get us sued.
Chief: Well whatever you did, they felt strongly enough about
it that they sent a union rep. enters conference room
Mark: Wait, your wife's the union goon?
Adele: Nurse mediator Dr. Sloan.
I just wanted to check cause you passed up a really awesome
transplant case with Dr. Hahn...Um, is this about the thing with
Dr. Burke? I mean I know that you two were together and...
Cristina looks at her coldly
Cristina: singing I made it through the wilderness. Somehow I
made it through. Didn't know how lost I was until I found you.
I was beat and complete..
Lexie: Should I be doing something?
Cristina: ..I've been had, I was sad and blue. But you made me feel
yea you made me feel..shiny and new. Like a virgin..
Lexie: chimes in Hey! touched for the very first time. Like a vir..
Cristina stops singing and stares at her
I'll just go upstairs and chart.

Meredith: He's with Rose, he's with Rose, he's with Rose.
levels..of intimacy.
George: Well, they don't need to know.. they just want to know
the..highest level.
Rose: Ok then, um..I won't need one of these.

Mark: I haven't said anything.
Rose: I'm not talking to the nurses for you.
Mark: You're dating my best friend
Rose: No
Mark: Come on Rose, you're one of them. Tell them I'm a
good guy. Good guy who happens to be mind-blowingly good
at sex.
Rose: Now see that, all the talk about all the sex is not what
I think of good guy behavior.
Mark: I hate women like you. You string guys along acting
like sex is some prize. When really you're just afraid that
when you give it up, he'll lose interest.

Darren: He's such an idiot. He should just go. Put me out of his mind
and ..
Meredith: Well that's not so easy to do.
Darren: Well it'd be better for everyone. Especially with Dr. Everett
hanging around. Todd can't risk getting out. He'd..
Meredith: It's crazy that you even have to worry about stuff like
Darren: Don't ask, don't tell. I knew the deal when I signed on.
You keep your personal life seperate from your work life.
Just never thought I'd meet my personal life at work.
Meredith: I can still go get Todd.
Darren: No, I can't. My dad..I can't. I know what you're
thinking. Brave soldier can't even step up to his own father.
Meredith: I was thinking, this is hard.
Darren: The gay part or the tumor part.
Meredith: The whole part.
Meredith: Is she crying?
Lexie: No
Meredith: She's staring straight ahead being super scary quiet?
Lexie: She's singing.
Meredith: Oo...leaves
George: I still need your form!
George: This isn't complete.
Alex: It's fine. What?
George looks at Lexie
Alex: Oh right. Sorry I forgot. signs and leaves
Lexie: He forgot he had sex with me?
George: I just collect the forms.
Lexie: He forgot..he had sex with me?
Meredith: Stop singing!
Cristina: Make me strong, yeah you make me bold.
Cause your love thawed out.
Meredith: Your gonna win your own Harper Avery award
Cristina: Yeah your love thawed out.
Meredith: Burke wouldn't have a career if it hadn't been for you.
Cristina: What was scared and cold
Meredith: You saved him when he had his tremor.
The Harper Avery board may not know it, but he does.
Cristina: Like a virgin, Hey! Touched for the very first time.
Meredith: I'm in therapy. Cristina stops singing
Cause he's with Rose. I'm way more screwed up than you are.
Cristina: Thank you. That makes me feel a little better.
Meredith: You're welcome.
Is it true you have every member of the hospital filling out this
Chief: That's right. We are taking this very seriously.
Bailey: But I'm exempt from this? Me, just me.
Chief: I don't even want to see you holding the form.
Bailey: Okay then. leaves
Chief: What?
Darren: No.
Meredith: Are you sure?
Darren: No. Let's just go.
You actually helped him with all that research. He didn't
even mention you in the article. Well I guess it's no surprise
his arrogance is legendary. pauses
I thought we finally had some common ground.
Good for you, refusing to trash him, rising above.
That's very impressive. I am going to follow your example Yang.
Congratulations Preston. I wish you well.
Slow down..look at me. Look at me. Don't look at the machine
look at me. Slowly. That's it.
They are totally in sync
The virus is in. the OR applause
We're standing on the moon Dr. Grey.
questions you might have.
Chief: They're interns listed on this form.
Bailey: I require the energy of youth. Dr. Shepherd was just a
moment of weakness for both of us.
Chief: Dr. Sloan?
Bailey: Oh that was many moments. In on-call rooms. Very Hot!
Adele: mmm steamy.
Chief: Alright Dr. Bailey I get the joke.
Bailey: See this is a joke, to you! I am a single woman. I've been
a single woman for some time now. But the very idea that I could
have a sexual encounter. A consensual sexual encounter is a joke
to you.
Chief: Dr. Bailey I never meant..
Bailey: So much so that you would single me out of this entire
hospital as the one person who couldn't interest a member of
the opposite sex. It's..it's just...
Adele: It's harrassment.
Chief: Uh Adele!
Bailey: Just shame on you sir..hits him..just shame on you!
Derek: Yeah that was great. You did great.
Meredith: Thanks. Uh, obviously his intercranial pressure is
going to need to be monitored over night. So you just tell me
the parameters.
Derek: I'll stay, I mean we could..we could stay together.
Rose: How'd it go?
Derek: Great. It went really, really well. Dr. Grey had one
of the um..she had one of the in..one of the injections.
Rose: I was just heading home and I didn't know if you
wanted to..
Derek: Right, I need to stay here tonight.
Rose: Oh, okay.
Derek: Okay
Rose: I'll just uh..waves
Derek: Okay
Meredith: Rose! Wait! I can page you if there's any problems.
Derek: I'll stay. If you want me to stay. I'll stay.
Meredith: No, you should go be with Rose.
Mark: I'm just, not in the mood.
Callie: What? You're always in the mood.
Mark: I know. But I'm just..all my surgeries got cancelled today.
Callie: You're useless.

there's no way we could have predicted this.
On my way here I stopped and I got this. For when we get it
right. Because we will. We will succeed. And we will save someone.
Then when we do, we're gonna open this bottle of champagne and
we're gonna drink to Phillip Robinson and Darren Covington and
all the other patients who helped us change the face of medicine.
And we're gonna celebrate. We're gonna use this as our victory
dance. Meredith we will. We're gonna open this bottle of
paper. Satisfied?
Chief: I know this is difficult for you.
Cristina: It's not difficult, sir. It is simple. Burke is not here.
He's gone and he's better for it. He's winning the Harper Avery
award and being celebrated all over the world. That is not difficult.
He's out there and I'm here. Where everything is the same.
I still live in his apartment. I walk the same halls of this hospital.
I wear the same scrubs. Even that is not difficult. This is where
I am. This is where I choose to be. But sir, when his hand was
shaking, I performed his surgeries. I kept his secrets. I nursed
his pride. You know it and I know it and he knows it. He knows it!
And yet no where in that newspaper article does my name appear.
I am the unseen hand to his brilliance. And yet while everything
is the same, it's very very different. Now I'm lucky if I get to
hold a clamp. Hahn treats me like.. I was his hand and now I'm a
ghost. That's not difficult. It's unbearable. I know everybody is
proud of him. But I'm not. And I do not wish him well.

no authority here but I would like to offer my thoughts on Dr. Sloan.
Mark: You're doing great.
Bailey: Yeah. This man is a whore. Has always been a whore, will
probably always be a whore. But that's not a secret. He's not
keeping it hidden. You all knew who he was before you got involved
with him. And now you want to be all 'whoa is me, he don't call me
back. He's dating other women' He's nasty! But he's a doctor here
and a pretty good one. So let us all close our knees and get back to
our jobs, so he can get back to his job. And help the people that
really need it. Disperse!
hospital came to my defense tonight. The best she could come up
with is 'he's a whore.' I'm a whore.
Derek: I slept with her. The whole time, I was thinking about
Meredith. Who's the bigger whore?
Wyatt: Look I'm just gonna say this because your insurance only
covers 20 sessions. And I feel we should get right to the point.
That was a load of crap. It was not a good day. Your patient died
alone, unable to tell the love of his life how he felt.
Meredith: Yeah but he did it for his boyfriend. I actually think
it was kind of heroic.
Wyatt: That's a load of crap.
Meredith: Stop saying that.
Wyatt: Look, let me draw the parallels for you. The tragic
patient dies alone. While the love of his life is literally in
the next room. That's you.
Meredith: What? What are you talking about? I'm not dying
Wyatt: Oh but I think you are. And you're telling yourself
you're a hero. When in reality all you are is alone.
Meredith: That is a load of crap.
Wyatt: He's with Rose.
Meredith: You know what, I'm...not gonna do this.
Wyatt: He's with Rose.
Meredith: Why do you keep saying that?
Wyatt: Because if you can't see what's wrong with that
sentence. He's with Rose. We're never gonna get anywhere.
He's with Rose.
Meredith: Okay so he's with Rose! So what?
Wyatt: If he's with Rose, that means he's not with you.
And do you know why he's not with you?
You're scared.
Meredith: Are you calling me a coward?
Wyatt: I think you're very frightened Dr. Grey.
Meredith: Are you calling me a coward?
Wyatt: What do you think?
Meredith storms out
Written by: Tony Phelan, Joan Rater
Directed by: Julie Anne Robinson
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