Mark: You gonna tell me where we're going?
Derek: Why does it always have to be about the destination?
Why can't it be about the journey?
Mark: Cause I'm wearing three hundred dollar shoes.
Derek: Meredith told me she doesn't want me seeing other people.
Mark: She found out about you and Rose?
Derek: No, there's nothing to find out. It's just a kiss.
Mark: Yeah but, you're not the kind of guy that makes out with
nurses in scrub rooms. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Derek: What do you think?
Mark: I think it was more than just a kiss.
Derek: No no no, the view.
Mark: Well what am I looking at?
Derek: The view from my new house.
huh...ha ha!
Derek: It's a classic Victorian design with an open floor plan.
What are you doing?
Meredith: I'm making an omelette.
Derek: What do you think of the house?
Meredith: The house..I think the house is great.
Derek: So if you don't like it, tell me. It's your house too.
Meredith drops an egg
Meredith: Damn
Derek: So why are you cooking again?
Meredith: Lexie..um was having a bad night and I thought
I would do something semi-sisterly.
Derek: Really?
Meredith: Really
Derek: Wow
Hahn: And I'm not a group person.
Callie: Me neither.
Hahn: I think it's because I generally don't like people.
Callie: Me neither.
elevator doors open and there's Mark (above picture)
Mark: Morning ladies.
Hahn: Case in point.
Callie and Hahn leave laughing
Mark: What's so funny?!
Rose: Sweettart?
Derek: Do you ever eat anything that remotely resembles
real food.
Rose: You'll have to take me to dinner to find out.
Derek: Can't do that. That kiss was unexpected. I like kissing
you. I enjoyed kissing you but I'm seeing somebody.
Rose: Meredith Grey. Everybody knows about you and
Meredith Grey.
Derek: I have to see it through. I'm sorry.
Rose: Don't be, it was just a kiss.
George: What happened to you?
Lexie: I'm an adult child of an alcoholic is what happened to me.
I have boundary issues, so when Meredith made me eggs this
morning I couldn't not eat them. I had to pretend I wasn't
allergic to eggs and now I have a rash covering my entire body.
George: Give me your arm.
Lexie: I'm codependant. My throat is closing up. Ow..and now
my arm hurts.

Meredith: I have a house.
Derek: But that's your house. I'm talking about our house.
Meredith: Between yesterday and today you had plans drawn up?
Derek: No I've had the plans for months. Between yesterday and
today I decided to share them with you.
Meredith: Why?
Derek: Ahh, so nothing's really changed has it? I mean it's the same
as it was.
Meredith: No, it's just ..it's really a lot and it's fast.
Derek: Well I'm just trying to take a step forward.
Meredith: Okay well there are about one hundred steps between
where we are right now and building our dream house.
They'll be fun steps and sexy steps and we'll try not to fall down
them together. Okay?
Derek: Okay.
Mark: You notice that even when you're insulting me you
manage to tell me how pretty I am.
up and I want to make sure that doesn't get in the way of the
baby's care.
Bailey: I don't need a babysitter.
Chief: I know you don't.
Derek: We're still waiting on his studies.
Rose: Derek?
Derek: Hmm
Rose: Remember before when I was unbelieveably cool and let
you off the hook for making out with me. Well now I'm angry.
Derek: Why?
Rose: Because you're not making eye contact with me. Because
we're standing here talking about Bailey's baby and you won't..
look at me.
Derek: Sorry
Rose: Better. Now it was one kiss. Okay? It was a good kiss,
maybe even a great one. But are we gonna let one maybe great
kiss get in the way of what up until now has been a great
professional relationship..even though you didn't know my name
up until recently? No. We are not. So, friends?
Derek: Friends
Rose: Good
Bailey: I need to be with my son.
Chief: Miranda.
Bailey: I have no intention of getting in the way, I just can't stand
out there. I can't, I need to be with my son.
Hahn: And what we need Dr. Bailey is to not have the our patient's
mother watching us perform his surgery. Dr. Grey please escort
Dr. Bailey back outside.
Bailey: No there will be no escorting of Dr. Bailey anywhere, Dr. Grey.
Now you can proceed.
Hahn: I will not proceed until you leave this OR. Now do you want
me to stand here talking to you or do you want me to try and save
your baby's life.
Chief: Miranda
Bailey: I just want to hold my son's hand. Just want to hold his hand.
Cristina: I'll hold his hand. Dr. Grey can hold this retractor right?
Lexie: Yes
Cristina: I'll hold Tuck's hand Dr. Bailey. If it's okay with you.
I'll hold his hand.
Bailey: Okay go.
Chief: Okay everybody let's get back to work.
Elizabeth: No you're not the angel of death Dr. Karev. You're..you're
actually a very sweet boy. He has a beautiful heart. Wouldn't
you say Maya?
Maya: I would, but his gut and his throat.
Elizabeth: They're blocked.
Maya: Second chakra's worse.
Alex: Seriuosly, you're talking about chakra?
Elizabeth: We're talking about how you've got a darkness at your throat
chakra; where your voice should be. Because whatever happened
to you was so..so ugly, and went on for so long, that you don't
talk about it. You were hurt so badly that sometimes you want
to hurt other people just to spread it around. You were a good
boy Dr. Karev, a good sweet boy. But you're not a very good man.
What happened to you?
Alex: Your artery is shredding. You need surgery. I'm not a
very good man, but I do tell the truth. The truth is if you don't
get this surgery soon, you're gonna die.
Bailey: I can't remember if I closed that gate. It's my baby.
Derek: It does not matter.
Bailey: It does matter. It matters cause I'm his mother and..
Derek: You didn't do this. Things just happen.
Bailey: No! They don't just happen. Things don't just happen.
People make decisions. People prioritize. The world just doesn't
happen. Okay.. it's not on God. It's on me or Tucker.
Derek: Stop! Stop! Stop it. hugs her Just stop it.
You're a good mother. Tucker is a good father. You love your
baby. People make mistakes. You didn't do this to your son.
Neither did your husband.
french doors. And that scares me to death.
George: Why? Because of the Rose thing? That shouldn't scare
you it was just one kiss.
Meredith: One kiss.
George: I wasn't eavesdropping. It wasn't like they were being
secretive about it. It was just something that happened. Now you
guys are back together, it's not happneing anymore.
Meredith: Derek kissed Rose?
George: Yea but you knew that. Mer leaves
I'm an idiot!
did today ends up saving my son's life, I'll thank you for it.
But if I never have to look at you again after that, that'll be
alright with me.

Mr. Greenwall's heart rate just suddenly stabalized.
Chief: Without question.
Bailey: And why Ms. McCaffrey's staff infection just suddenly
Chief: Sloan's patient? She's fine?
Bailey: I mean don't get me wrong, I have faith. I do. But faith
isn't medicine. Faith can't heal you.
Chief: Oh that may be so, but then again..it can't hurt.

Meredith: He's intubated and we won't know anything for a few
Derek: How are you holding up?
Meredith: Who's Rose?
Derek: Um, Rose is a circulating nurse. I kissed her once. I'm sure
you know that. That's why you're asking me.
Meredith: When?
Derek: When?
Meredith: When did you kiss her?
Derek: Yesterday, now can we talk?
Meredith: So yesterday you're making out with scrub nurses and
today you're uilding our dream house.
Derek: Yesterday we were dating other people.
Meredith: That's not the point.
Derek: That is the point. I told you I want to marry you. I want
to build a house and a life with you. And you weren't ready.
Meredith: And Rose is? You don't want to build a life with me.
You want someone. You want someone who wants the same
things that you want.
Derek: I knew the minute I showed you those plans that you'd
find some reason to walk away.
Meredith: So what, you called my bluff?
Derek: I did. Because I can't do this anymore. I can't do
fighting, the back and forth, I can't. Are we together or are we
Meredith: We were together. I was in love with you. You
didn't tell me you were married.
Derek: Okay, so now we're gonna have that fight again.
Meredith: You didn't tell me about your nurse. You want
to know why I'm not ready to build a house with you,
this is why. Because I can not trust you.
Derek: You can't trust anybody. And no matter what I do,
you're always gonna look for reasons not to trust me.
I can't do it anymore. I can't.
Meredith: Well neither can I.

Maya: What?
Izzie: What?
Alex: What I'm saying is, she's an optimist. She's the opposite
of me. She's exactly the right person you want helping you right?
Maya: She brightens you, that's for sure.
Alex: Shut up.
Lexie: Tuck's?
George: After me.
Lexie: Huh, I thought Dr. Bailey didn't like interns.
George: Oh no, yeah she doesn't.
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