Wyatt: This is your 3rd session and you still haven't said
anything yet. Now while I love the quiet time..
Meredith: I read a study that uh, says that just the act of
going to therapy is beneficial. Even if you don't say anything.
Even if you just sit.
Wyatt: So you thought you'd just come here and sit? That's how
you're gonna solve your problems?
Meredith: I don't have problems.
Wyatt: Then what brings you here?
Chief: There's a contest going on.
Bailey: Sir?
Chief: Your residents. They've been living in the hospital,
around the clock for the last fourteen days. Engaged in a
surgical contest. With a point system.
Bailey: I don't know whatcha talking about. girls run by
They're committed, it's commitment.
Chief: It's a lion fight.
Bailey: Okay I have one baby to get to daycare. I have fifty
residents on my watch. Four surgeries on my schedule.
The lions can fight all they want. I'm not a zoo keeper.
Chief: Keep your animals under control.
Bailey: Yes, sir.
Cristina: She's wretched and mean.
Meredith: She's not.
Izzie: You know I heard one of the nurses saying that they've
only been on five dates.
Cristina: Cause Derek knows she's wretched and she's mean.
George: What did you do to your hair?
Meredith: You guys, I know you're trying to make me feel
better. But I have to tell you, this pausing to talk about Rose
and Derek just means..I'm gonna win! takes off running
Izzie: Keeping it clean was getting in the way of the contest.
So I chopped it off last night. It makes me faster and sleeker
like a cheetah.
George: You chopped off all your hot hair for a stupid contest?!
Mark: What do you see in her? Is it the hot sex? Is she an
animal? Is she a bob cat?
Derek: Mark
Mark: Come on. Lady on the street tramping the sheets.
Am I right?
Derek: Oh yea, she's amazing. Hot. Sweaty. Very dirty, hot, sweaty
Mark: You haven't slept with her yet, have you?
Derek: She's waiting until we're serious. She has morals. She's
a lady. Besides, you know what's better than sex?
Mark: What?
Derek: Anticipation. Anticipation my friend.

Cristina: Intestine in the hands!

Lexie: Oohh, fruit bowl.

Mark: Don't worry. He and Rose won't last.
Alex: Yes
Bailey: You need to update Hahn on the condition of the patient
hourly. That ought to keep you busy.
Cristina: Thats a minute an hour. I can suture for the other
Bailey: Fine, you both do it.
Alex: That's not fair.
Bailey: This man was a chew toy for a grizzly bear. There'll be
enough to go around.
Chief: A lot of enthusiasm for an afternoon of stitching.
Cristina: Some people find it boring. I value the fundamentals.
Bailey: It's a point a suture. Kiss ass!
the wife's scalp. She needs lots of complex sutures. You could
get lots of complex practice.
George: Isn't it like a point a suture? You don't want that?
Meredith: I think this is bigger than a broken hand. He
provoked a bear and then drove himself to the hospital.
George: Well, he was in shock.
Meredith: And he married his rebound girl.
George: What?
Meredith: He married his rebound girl. After knowing her
for only ten days. Nobody does that. Who does that?
I'm thinking brain tumor.
George: I got married in the spur of the moment and I
don't have a brain tumor.
Meredith: That you know of.
George: I'll do the scalp.
Meredith: You will.
George: I'm gonna watch you try to turn a broken hand
into a neuro problem just to get some extra points. Nope.
Meredith: It's not about the points!
George: I'm gonna watch you try yo turn a broken hand
into a neuro problem just so you have a reason to talk to
Shepherd. Ha ha... nope! leaves
Meredith: I do not need a reason to talk to Shepherd!
If I want to talk to Shepherd I'll talk... sees Wyatt passing by
Rose: A grateful patient gave them to me. But..since you're asking,
I do like a nice box of chocolates.
Derek: You're gonna die of a diabetic coma and I don't want any
part of it.
Rose: Cheapskate.
Derek: Crack head.
Lexie: Uh, ha. Are you asking as my resident or a sister?
Meredith: Sister.
Lexie: I'm stealing stuff.
Meredith: Okay.
Lexie: Are you okay?
Meredith: Resident again now. Stop stealing crap from the
Alex: Keep a lid on it.
Cristina: I like to know where I am.
Chief: Karev's only at seventeen.
Alex: You're not helping!
Bailey: Did you just yell at the Chief?
Alex: Uh, sorry sir.
Bailey: Oh I should end this competition right now.
Alex, Cristina and the Chief: NO!
Chief: Uh, I mean it's fine. Actually they're doing some nice
Twenty-three, she's beating the pants off of you Karev.
Alex: Don't you have an update to deliver.
Cristina: Well I think Hahn can wait a couple minutes.
Bailey: Yang!
Cristina: Crap
Bailey: I thought you told me to keep the animals under
Chief: From time to time I like to go to the zoo.
Derek: You want to live in the hospital like rodents?
Mark: Different kind of contest. You and Rose you're not
exclusive right? So I'm thinking me can..
Derek: You're not serious.
Mark: One woman 10 pts. Two women same time, 20pts.
You get out in the morning before anybody wakes up, 5pt bonus.
Derek: You are serious.
Mark: You need a little spice in your life man; I'm just trying
to help.
Derek: I am truly a worse human being for knowing you.

Meredith: Tumor!
Meredith: I thought you might like to see this.
George: Is that bear attack guy?
Meredith: That's bear attack guy and that's his big ole brain tumor.
And I'm not requiring an apology George. I'm not requiring an
apology because the fact that I may have potentially saved a
life today is reward enough for me.
George: You're calling me in to gloat?
Meredith: Noo, I need a favor. Hands him the chart
Alex: Sir?
Chief: It's not that you don't have the skills. You have the skills.
But you're scrappy. You're a fighter. I like that. I always root
for the under-dog.
Alex: I'm a fighter. But I'm no under-dog. Like this guy here, he
didn't provoke that bear; His brother did it. Now he's here
fighting for his life, paying for someone elses mistakes. That
doesn't make him an under-dog. Just makes him have to work
hard to overcome the cards he got dealt.
George: Yes
Derek: She didn't want to come to me herself?
George: Hey I'm just her intern.
watching a surgery. That's three points.
Cristina: I'm trusting you guys screwed up enough that it won't
Izzie: I could still win. I could. I did get a lot of points today.
Alex: What's the matter with you? Where's the trash talk
Charles Barkley?
surgery you have to page this pager and if Grey wants your
surgery, she has a right to take it from you.
Cristina: Uh
Alex: Come one, crap!
Bailey: Enjoy the power Dr. Grey.
Now May I recommend you go home. You smell, you're greasy
you need to bathe and I'm sick of looking at you. And my one
year old here is sick of looking at you. Ain't that right bub?
Sick of lookin at your little ugly faces.

to say, I don't like Rose.
Derek: Why?
Mark: You're not even sleeping with her.
Derek: You don't like her because she's not sleeping with me?
That's a little weird.
Mark: It's not weird.
Derek: It's a little weird.
Mark: Hey, if you were sleeping with Rose, I could understand why
you're spending time with her. But you're not and it's just.. I thought
that uh..I thought it was just gonna be you and me.
Derek: Having sex?
Mark: After! After Addison. After Meredith. I have been patient
I've waited while you partnered up with these chicks but now
they're over. It's supposed to be just us. You and me. Two guys
on the prowl. On the hunt.
Derek: You're having trouble getting laid and you need my help.
Mark: I can get laid. I can get laid whenever I want.
Derek: Uh huh
Mark: I do get laid whenever I want
Derek: Uh huh
Mark: That's the point. Women are everywhere. I only have
one person I can talk to.
Derek: That's sweet.
Mark: Shut up!
Derek: No it's really warm and fuzzy. Very sweet.
Mark: Shut up! Are you serious about this woman?
Derek: I don't know. Could be.
Mark: Alright. I'll give her a chance.
Derek: Good boy.
Mark: You're pathetic and I'm a lesser man for knowing you.
Derek: That's my line. You can't use my line.

still in testing in humans. But, I could find patients for a clinical
trial and I could do the lab work and I could track the results.
But I do need a neuro-surgeon and you're one of the best. It's
not about us. I would go somewhere else if I could. But.. I don't
know I think I found a way to save lives.
Written by: Zoanne Clack
Directed by: Rob Corn
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