Derek: Hey
Izzie: uhh, where's Mer?
Derek: She's not here.
Izzie: Oh..both laugh.. So you're in there by yourself?
Derek: I'm not...I'm waiting for her.
Izzie: Oh. Love the outfit.
Derek: What do you want?
Izzie: I need cash, I ordered a pizza and Alex owes me 20 bucks
but he's not speaking to me because I saw him crying over his
crazy girlfriend and there was a minute a week ago that I actually
thought he was going to be a human being and now he won't open
the door.
Derek: Run into the bathroom. Just go..go!
Karev! Give me a twenty. Alex comes out gives him money and leaves
Thank you
Izzie: That was so awesome, very cool. Not that I didn't think
you were cool before. But you know, I do know. Kinda thought
you were all hair and..you know. Now cool! You wanna share some
pizza? closes the door on her
Callie: Your clothes, your room. The living room will not be a
dumping ground like the old place was.
Hahn: Did you not hear her?
Meredith: Okay, she kinda scares me.
Cristina: Cause she's scary. Callie needs a new best friend.
Derek: Hey
Meredith: Hey. You're..
Derek: Naked and waiting for you.
Meredith: You keep a diary? Have I not known that all this time
that you keep a diary?
Derek: No, I..I don't know.
Meredith: Aww,don't be shy. I think it's cute.
Derek: It's not mine.
Meredith: I won't read it. Who's is it?
Derek: Your mothers. It was in a big box full of
New England Journal of Medicine.
Meredith: Did you read it?
Derek: No, I brought it up here for you.
Meredith: Why were you going through her things?
Derek: I was trying to find space for my clothes.
Your closet is full.
Meredith: Oh. I need to shower, I've been hauling
Cristina's boxes.
gonna celebrate. I'm gonna buy you a beer and all the peanuts
you can eat.
George: What if I didn't pass?
Lexie: Well, then I'm still buying you a beer. A beer for losers.
in the clinic, putting ban-aids on stupid whiners who don't have the
balls to get real injuries.
Mark: I woulda read it.
Derek: Everytime I actually do something to move into the house,
she freaks out.
Mark: What are you gonna do with the trailer?
Derek: No
Mark: Come on
Derek: Plus there's a very real possibility she kicks me out in a week.
I'm not letting go of the trailer.

Mer gives a whack of a kiss on the forehead
You totally don't deserve it.
awkward. Cause uhh..she's a colleague and because she's an
attending and because she's a SHE. And uh..there's been
kissing but uhh..no touching. And what if I'm not into it?
What if.. what if I'm horrible at all that stuff? South of the
border, cause I've never been south of the border. With a
female. I mean I've never been over the northern mountains.
You know what I'm saying? pauses and looks at Bailey's
speechless face
We're gonna pretend this didn't happen.

Derek: You lost O'Malley?

Mark: Cowboy's don't have friends.
Derek: chuckles Karev
Mark: Good
Izzie: walks in Dr Shepherd I want back on this case. This is my patient.
Alex stole him from me. Remember when I was telling you..
Derek: Dr. Stevens, lets be clear, in this hospital I am not your
roommate. I don't give a crap about your personal problems.
I have a resident, I dont need another one.
Alex: Go cry to someone who cares.
Mark: Surgery is like the wild west. You didn't get your claim
to Montana from the bank, you got it cause you put a fence around
and shot the ass off anyone that walked by.
Karev's a cowboy, you're not.
Meredith: I bet their boyfriends don't go digging around in their
closets without asking.
another resident, even..
Derek: Stevens I am not the traffic cop in the playground.
Izzie: No, it's not the playground, it's the wild wild west and
you are the sheriff. Can't you..
Derek: mm mmm (no)
his eyes and your boyfriend couldn't give a crap and just in
case I wasn't sure he actually said the words ' I don't give a crap.'
George: Izzie, in the wild wild west there is always a woman in the
saloon and nobody messes with her. Even though they all have guns.
Izzie: She's a prostitute; the woman in the saloon is a whore George.
George: No, she just has other skills she uses to make her way in
the world. So just uh... use what you got.
Izzie: My surgery, using me as a doormat is one thing. Screwing
with my career is another. I have been wiping your snot and
covering your ass for weeks now and all you've done is abuse me.
And for a little while you get to do that, because you're heartbroken
and pathetic and I'm a good friend. But it ends now. Get your own
surgeries and wipe your own snot.

Derek: You lost O'Malley?
want you want for the rest of your life. Okay?
Duncan: Okay
Duncan: I wanna go back to the other one.
George: We're not talking about the other one.
Duncan: This one's boring.
George: Yea well, your's will be boring too.

Mark: Cowboy's don't have friends.
Meredith: I reattached a coronary artery.
Cristina: I hate you both.
We are not happy, glowy people.
Meredith and Izzie: Yea
Cristina: We gotta get outta here.
Meredith and Izzie: Yea
these two a drink.
Izzie: You are the best roommate ever!
Derek: I am, just to be clear, if you ever pull that crap on one of
my cases again, I will have you thrown out of the program.
pissed off all the time. So much I can't even breathe. But you
can't be pissed at a crazy chick for losing her mind, so there's
nobody else to be pissed at except you. Nobody else.
Meredith: No I want you here. I mean I may not always be so
graceful about it, but I want you here. You need a place for your
things, it's not an unreasonable request. You can use this as your
den or your office or whatever.
Derek: It's your mom's den.
Meredith: She isn't here, you are.
Derek: What about you? You need some place. Some place
to get away to.
Meredith: Well I can always go to Cristina's or whatever.
Derek: I have a better idea.
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