Wyatt: It's okay to talk about it.
Meredith: Dr. Wyatt my mother took a scalpel and sliced her
wrists in front of me. And I sat on the kitchen floor in a pool
of her blood waiting until she passed out so I could call 911.
It's not okay to talk about it.
Meredith: Do you want to dance it out?
Cristina: No
Meredith: Do you want to drink tequila?
Cristina: No
Meredith: Do you want to call me names? mock me endlessly?
Cristina: No
Meredith: I'm trying to cheer you up.
Cristina: Yea well stop it! It's annoying and it's not working.
I'm deep in the wilderness here.
Meredith: Do you want the sparkle pager?
Cristina: That's not funny.
Meredith: You're sad, actually sad; do you know how I know
it's the right thing to do, to give you the sparkle pager?
Cause you're so sad you're not even asking me for it.
Shiny shiny pager with lots of shiny shiny surgeries.
Cristina: If I were the kind of person who kissed people,
I would kiss you.
Mark: I tried to change, turn over a new leaf. But the leaf isn't
Chief: You weren't ready to change and that's okay. Adele
wanted me to change, to retire; well I'm still the Chief and this
week I'm moving back home.
Derek: Does Adele know that?
Chief: Oh she'll be fine, she was wrong, I was right and now we're..
Mark: Doing it like bunnies. Can't change..can't change.
Chief: Be who you are! I am who I am. A man!
Mark: A man. A man who is who he is. I have a right to be that
Derek: I'm not gonna say anything. Nope, no judgement.
Chief: I'm gonna miss living on the land.
Mark: It is a beautiful piece of land.
Derek: Wanna buy it?
Chief: You can't sell this land.
Mark: You have blueprints. This is your living room window.
The house that Derek built.
Derek: All that's over. I'm thinking about getting a place in town.
Chief: What, you love this land.
Mark: This land and ferry boats are who you are.
Derek: Man can change. I'm selling the land.
Ferry boats...crash!
Bailey: Hush, I'm trying to see something. When I'm trying to
see something I can't do it if you're asking me questions.
George: What are you trying to see?
Izzie: Dr. Bailey listen, I am really worried about Ava, I mean
Rebecca, I mean Alex, well Alex and Rebecca, who used to be
called Ava, so that's why I keep.. Anyway listen, she's crazy
and I don't mean funny crazy, okay. Alex is home with her
right now and he's all 'take a bite, take a bite' It's weird and
sad and...I want to help and I don't know what to do. So I'm
gonna need you to tell me what to do. What do I do?
George: She's trying to see something. When she's trying
to see something she doesn't need you in her face asking
her questions. You don't see me asking her questions.
What are you trying to see?
Bailey: The bigger picture.
really good for me. Good boy. But I have a big trauma coming
in downstairs so, we're gonna have to do this the fast way. Okay?
George: Apparently she's crazy.
Meredith: Hey George, we've had this discussion and we decided
that it's not appropriate to call Izzie crazy. She's spirited!

Cristina: I'm gettin my groove back. Gettin jiggy with it.
I'm gettin down with the..get down.
Meredith: Me and my world class neurosurgeon are gonna
use a brilliant cutting-edge technique to save a life. So I
don't have time for crazy. Work it out.

Derek: Him?
Meredith: Oh, she has a pet name for you.
Derek: Oh.
Beth: Yea, the Seattle Grace brain butcher.
Derek: Ohh
Beth: Hey, tumor-destroyer I like that.
Cristina: Dr. Torres is worried about the limbs, Dr. Bailey is
worried about abdominal crush injuries, Dr. Sloan feels third
degree burns should take the first look and Dr. Hahn feeels the
heart and lung issues are gonna kill him before we get to any of this.
Chief: So in other words..
Cristina: No one can agree on where to start.
Everyone goes back to arguing and talking over each other
person. But the legend of Meredith and Derek it's...intimidating.
Meredith: There's no legend.
Rose: He's selling his land because of you. There's a legend.
Meredith: Derek's selling his land?
Rose: He doesn't say it's because of you, but he was making plans
to build a house when the two of you were together and now..
I'm not trying to.. I just really like him and you, intimidate me.
Meredith: There's no legend.
Rose: Okay..okay.
Meredith: But why? Why am I angry at him?
Wyatt: Because you have opened up your past. It's like you're
reliving it all right now. You're angry with him, you're angry with
your mother, you're angry with yourself.
Meredith: The Chief went back to his wife, my mother didn't want
to live. I get that. He did what he had to do, she did what she had
to do.
Wyatt: Meredith, I don't think your mother wanted to kill herself.
Meredith: No, she did!
Wyatt: How can you be sure?
Meredith: How can you be sure she didn't? You weren't there!
Wyatt: The answer is right in front of you Meredith.
Is my ego too big here?
Meredith: Your ego is just the right size.

sorry for the Star Wars spelling...I have no idea if its right
Bailey: Andrew, Han Solo is not a loser. Han Solo got incased in
carbonite and that was a big mess. But that was not what he's
remembered for. He's remembered as the guy who made the
kessel run in less than 12 parsecs and who braved the sub-zero
temperatures of the ice planet Hoth. In order to save someone
he cared about from the big ugly Wompaa. He's remembered
as the guy who swooped down at the last minute, blasted Darth
Vader out of the sky so that Luke could use the force and
destroy the damn Death Star. Okay, Princess Leia saved him
from the carbonite. They fell in love, they saved the universe,
and had twin Jedi babies, that went on to save the universe
again. Alright now that's the whole picture. The carbonite was
just a piece. Okay?
the whole room is quiet and staring at her
Alright so I like science fiction, somebody got a problem with
Everyone: at once No, No, it's great, not at all
Meredith: Alone?
Beth: We've never done it. Either of us. We've been waiting
until we were both tumor free. But with the surgery anything
could happen. We could do it right? It won't kill us or anything.
Derek: No, no it won't kill you.
Beth: I mean you've done it right?
Derek: With each other?
Meredith: Ive..he's..he's done it and I've done it.
Beth: What was it like? Is it magical?
Derek: Yes
Meredith: Can be.
Derek: With the right person.

Meredith: That's really sweet.
Derek: We're pimps, the entice.
Meredith: They're so in love.
Derek: Oh yea
Meredith: It's all so new and fresh and exciting.
Derek: I've never been a fan of new. I like to know the person
their bodies. What makes them moan.
in pain.
Derek: No, she's not in any pain.
everyone is walking away when Meredith turns back and looks
at Derek
Derek: I'll be here, doing my thing.
Meredith: scolding Derek
Derek: What?
Meredith: How'd it go?
Derek: I have my ego to keep me warm.
Meredith: Can't you feel it?
Derek: What?
Meredith: The majesty of life saving.
Derek: When did you become an optimist?
Meredith: Selling your land.
Derek: Trying to move forward.
Meredith: So am I.
Lexie: Are you alone?
George: Lexie?
Lexie: Um, remember how I said I wasn't a thief? I think maybe
I am.
George: Alexandra Caroline Grey!
Lexie: I couldn't help it, I had to know. And once I knew, I knew!

Derek: She just lost the love of her life, how could you encourage
her to do this surgery?
Meredith: How could you encourage her not to?
Derek: You know it's not me with the big ego, it's you!
You backed me into a corner there. What was I supposed to do say,
Meredith: Derek
Derek: I can't. She's a kid.
Meredith: She's a kid who's going to die without the surgery.
Derek: She's gonna die with this surgery. That's what you and
I do together, we kill things over and over and over again.
We've killed twelve people and now because of you I will kill
a thirteenth. When Beth's surgery's over, we're done.
I don't want to work with you. I don't want to see you. I
don't want to talk to you. We are done.

Mark: Callie, it's okay. I wish I was all someone thought about.
I never wanted to do this. This clinical trial is making me a failure.
I fail her over and over and over.
Rose: You mean them. When you say fail her, you mean, fail them;
the patients.
Beth: Come on..what are you..scared?
Derek: Yes
Beth: Me too. So let's just leap. Okay?
Derek: Okay
Cristina: Will you shut up and let me work.
Chief: Let her work Dr. Hahn.
still alive.
Derek: For how long? You can go.
Meredith: I'll stay with her.
Derek: Nah..she's..I'll do it, you can go.
means you're doing your job. Teaching her how to save a life.
Residents are like puppies, eager and enthusiastic and you
need to learn how to teach without crushing their spirit.
Now you want to work here, with my residents, then you
need to do better. You need to be a better teacher.
realizing Yang is there after Hahn left
Don't make me regret backing you up.
Cristina: No sir, absolutely not sir. Thank you sir.
Chief: Puppies.
you're being a little unreasonable. I've got this.
Izzie: No, I have it.
Alex: I'm taking her home.
Izzie: NO!
Alex: What are you gonna bodily restrain me?
Izzie: I will if I have to. Are you gonna hit a woman?
Alex: I will if I have to.
Izzie: Alex, she's sick. She needs help, you can not possibly
give her.
Alex: I can take care of her.
Izzie: No, you can't. You have no idea what you're doing.
You can do more damage by taking her home.
Alex: I can take care of her. I've done this before.
Izzie: Alex.
Alex: She's just going through a bad patch. People go through
a bad patch. Alright. I can feed her, and I can change her, and
I can bathe her and I can watch her. Until the bad patch is
over. I can take care of her. Look, I took care of my mom
and I can take care of her.
Izzie: You've done this before.
Alex: I've done this before. I have done this before Izzie.
But I was a kid then and I am a man now. So I'll be better
at it. I have done this before.
Izzie: Stop, you don't have to say anymore.
without my approval.
Meredith: So?
Chief: So! That's how you speak to the Chief? So?
Meredith: My mother tried to kill herself after you left.
Did you know that? Did you know that?
Chief: I didn't know that. I'm sorry. I didn't know that.
Meredith: She was a brilliant surgeon. How could you do
that to her? She was a talented, gifted, extraordinary surgeon.
Meredith: She was a surgeon. She was an excellent surgeon.
If she was really trying to kill herself she wouldn't have slit
her wrists. She knew better. She would have taken the scalpel
and cut her carotid artery. It would have taken seconds to die.
She didn't really want to die. She was an excellent, gifted,
extraordinary surgeon. She didn't want to die.
Wyatt: What did she want?
Meredith: She wanted Richard to come back to her.
Wyatt: And why didn't he come back?
Meredith: Well because he never knew about it and she
was too stubborn to ask.
Wyatt: What does that mean?
Meredith: Well, that part I don't know. Could you just
tell me that part for once.
Wyatt: I can. It means that you are a gifted, talented,
extraordinary surgeon. Exactly like your mother. But
the difference is you get to learn from her mistakes.
Meredith: Be extraordinary. She wasn't talking about
Wyatt: No she wasn't.
Meredith: She wasn't talking about surgery at all.
I never tell the Chief.
Alex? Hey! Are you okay?
shrinking, the virus is working.
Rose: Oh my God.
Meredith: You have to go tell Derek.
Rose: No, you have to tell Derek. It's the kind of news he'd want
to hear from you.
Meredith: Rose.
Rose: Congratulations on your major medical break through.
It's the stuff of legends.
on the power.
Meredith: looking for the champagne Where is it?
Cristina: I think it might actually be mystical.
Meredith: Have you seen Derek?
Cristina: Nope
Mer leaves and Lexie enters
Lexie: Um, you paged Dr. Yang?
Cristina: Grab that banana from my cubby.
Lexie: You want me to peel it for you?
Cristina: No I want you to learn the running whip stitch.
I'm gonna teach it to you. Take the needle.
Cristina: That's not sanitary.
he leaves
Uh a little closer together, try again.
Lexie: Dr. Yang, thank you for..
Cristina: uh huh
But I'm not a bad man.
Since I heard this season was going to end with a kiss..thought you
all should see the "kiss" it ended with...

That was some "kiss" and now for the best kiss of all...
Stupid loser, son of a ... I could be at home instead of.. ugh..
Stupid brain-man.
Derek: Meredith
Derek: Meredith
Meredith: Where have you been? I've been waiting and waiting
for you. And I did this stupid, embarrassing, humiliating, corny
thing. And I was just gonna tell you that this over here is our
kitchen and this is our living room and over there, thats the
room where our kids could play. I had this whole thing about
how I was gonna build us a house. But I don't build houses
because I'm a surgeon! And now I'm here like a lame ass loser.
I got all whole and healed and you don't show up and now it's all
ruined because you took so long to come home. And I couldn't
even find that bottle of champagne.
I think the view's much better from here. And that's the room
where the kids are gonna play? hmm. Where's our bedroom?
Meredith: I'm still mad at you. And I don't know if I trust you.
I want to trust you but I don't know if I do. So I'm just gonna
try. I'm gonna try and trust you because I believe we can be
extraordinary together rather than ordinary apart and I want
to be...
And that is the kiss Derek and Meredith fans so needed
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