Derek: Meredith
Meredith: awww, I'm only opening one box.
Derek: The plan wasn't to open any, the plan was to take your
mom's boxes up to the attic.
Meredith: Look it's Anatomy Jane.
Derek: I'll never have my own office.
Meredith: And she still has her little twash.
Derek: Her what?
Meredith: Anatomy Jane had detachable organs and I could
never remember the real names so I made up names.
Like the twash was next to the chubble and that was connected
to the slivee. Oh and look it's the jelly pouch.
Derek: Jelly pouch, my favorite. Still can't get enough of the
jelly pouch.
Alex: So are we screwing other people or not?
Izzie: What?
Alex: I just want to know if you're gonna go off and screw O'Malley
or some other loser. Cause then I don't have to cancel my plans
with the chick from peds.
Chief: Major Owen Hunt, you remember Derek Shepherd, Mark
Derek: He stole my patient.
Mark: Mine too.
Owen: Now you'll get a chance to steal mine.
Derek: Looking forward to it.
Mark: Can't wait.
is a super creepy gift for a five year old. But I kinda liked it.
Cristina: RUN!
be the best. And if you're going to succeed me as the best general
surgeon in this hospital, you need to start now. Today! Which means
you need to be me. You want to take point on a surgery, take point.
Problem comes up, solve it. Don't talk to me, just do it. Be me!
Bailey: Be you?
Chief: Be me.
Bailey: I could do that. I don't know why you had to bring me all the
way up here to..
Chief: That's why.. chopper start to descend...Lake Washington Med
is sending over a ten yr old girl with a abdominal lio-mio sarcoma.
It's inoperable, your going to put together a team and come up with
a plan to save her.
Bailey: Save a girl with an inoperable tumor?
Chief: It isn't easy being me.
Izzie: You're a barbarian. How can I be all in with an actual
George: Lexie I'm your roommate you're eventually going to have
to talk to me.
Lexie: I reject that supposition.
George: I reject your rejection.
Lexie: And I ignore your rejection of my rejection.
Meredith: I don't reject you George.
George: Thank you.
Meredith: Yes
Bailey: With the 24 removable organs and the optional parts
to simulate pregnancy?
Meredith: Yes, does that mean I'm out too?
Bailey: No, that means you're in.
Izzie: Aw, that's not fair.
Bailey: Next time you know to bring in an ugly doll won't you

Owen: They're under, they didn't feel any pain. Ask the
Izzie: You stabbed them.
Cristina: So we can save them.
Izzie: We can practice on surgical mannequins; we can learn to do
the exact same stuff.
Owen: Does that mean you're out?
Izzie: Yea, I'm out!
Callie: Yea, enough small talk. Come on.
Mark: Want more lessons?
Callie: No, no lessons, just sex. Nothing fancy just plain ole
missionary, boy/girl, penis/vagina, sex.
Mark: Oh
Callie: Hey.. hey I mean it. No dirty talk, no Erica talk, no talk.
Just grunting and grinding.
Mark: Now who's talking dirty?
Callie: Shut up!
Mark: What's this about?
Callie: I'm testing a theory.
about humans, that's about all living things.
Derek: Actually, I think it's just about humans.
Izzie: I'm saying this to you as my roommate and not my attending.
Derek: uh huh
Izzie: You disgust me.
Mark: What it wasn't good for you? Impossible.
Callie: It's not that it wasn't good. It's that it was.
Callie leaves
Mark: A thank you would have been nice.
Mark: A thank you would have been nice.

Chief: Excuse me?
Derek: Hunt, he kicked me out of my own ER.
Chief: Did he kill somebody?
Derek: Not yet.
Chief: Then call me when he does.
Derek: Richard.
Chief: I don't have time for it Shep. I have a dying ten year old and
a team of doctors who can't stop bickering long enough to solve a
problem. Except for your girl friend who's more interested in
playing with a doll.
Derek: Anatomy Jane?
Chief: She dragged that thing all around the hospital when she was
five years old. And let me tell ya, it was cuter in a child.
Meredith: I'm not playing, I'm thinking.
Bailey: The zebras and the elephants are thanking their lucky stars
for that.
Chief: Yes?
Meredith: Why can't you look at me?
Chief: What?
Meredith: You can't look at me. You haven't been able to look at
me all day.
Chief: I think you're imagining things.
Meredith: Oh, I don't think I am. But, hey if you say so.
Chief: I do, I say so. So instead of worrying about whether or not
I'm looking at you, maybe you should concentrate on saving a
ten year old girl that we're about to eviscerate.
It's not our job to get all affectionate. It's our job to keep them alive.
So the attending, who some how thinks we're incapable, can choke
on his words at the end of the day.
So I don't want to hear, Wilbur, Babe..if you want to call them
something, call them sausage, or prosciutto.
Mark: What qualifies us as a warzone Karev? Our undermanned
gift shop? the lukewarm drinks from the coffee cart?
Derek: He's a meat-baller, what do you expect.
Alex: Meat-baller?
Mark: Trauma guys, they just slap it together.
Hahn: Excuse me?
Bailey: I mean you're good at shooting down idea we come up with.
What's yours?
Hahn: It was my idea not to do this in the first place, Dr. Bailey.
Bailey: Yea, and you made that very clear every chance you got.
Chief: Shut up!
it to the big finish. Never anything to do with me. Usually something
to do with their anatomy. Point is, I've never known a woman to be
upset because she could take a curtain call. You're a conundrum
Callie: Erica cried this morning. In bed, after sex.
Mark: That was a compliment, for you.
The crying was a compliment.
Callie: It wasn't a compliment. She was having a revelation.
She was having a..the sex is awesome with Erica. We've
reached awesome..which is..
Mark: Awesome.
Callie: Yes, but it's also awesome with you.
Mark: So what's the problem.
Callie: Guess I thought there should be a difference.
Between you and Erica. If I'm..there should be a difference.
Mark: The difference between me and Erica is that I know
you had sex with her 12 hours ago. She doesn't know you
had sex with me and that makes you a cheater. Do you
want to be a cheater? Cause I'm fine with it. Question is
are you?
Derek: opens the door I'm gonna yell at the Major
General. You wanna come?
Mark: Hell yea, be right there.
Derek: Hey Torres.
Callie: Hey
Bailey: Just find it hard to believe you're accepting congratulations,
considering you didn't want to do this operation in the first place.
And when you finally did do it, you fought me every step of the way.
Hahn: And yet you still had a world's class heart surgeon by your side.
Bailey: You may be a fine surgeon, God knows I know that. But not
today. Today you were a pain in the ass. A nay-saying, bullying,
consistently negative, pain in the ass. At no point did you
encourage me or do anything to make me think this surgery
could be anything but a failure. And it wasn't just me, you made it
as hard as humanly possible for all of us. So, yea we did do a nice
job today. No, we did great job today. But that wasn't thanks to you,
that was thanks to me, and the Chief, and Meredith Grey ... and
Anatomy Jane.
Hahn: You want to apologize to someone, apologize to Bailey.
Thanks to you, I made her life a living hell today.
Callie: I slept with Mark Sloan.
Hahn: If that's your idea of an apology, you seriously..
Callie: Shut up!
You were crying and seeing leaves and I wasn't.
Ok, I may never see leaves or maybe I will see leaves but I
will also see flowers. Might be a whole forest growing. I don't
know yet.
with that doll all the time. Took her everywhere. The cafeteria,
the OR gallery. Tory's got a whole army, you didn't have any.
Seeing Anatomy Jane reminded me of how much I was to blame
for that. You're a living reminder of every failure in my life. That's
not your fault and if I thought 'I'm sorry' would hold any meaning
at all for you, I would say it. I'd say it a thousand times a day.
Callie: Afraid not.
Mark: That's uh, that's too bad.
Guess I'll uhh...see you around.
Callie: Hey, wanna get a drink?
Mark: Really?
Callie: Just cause we're not sleeping together doesn't mean we
can't hang out. Be friends.
You're good for more than sex Mark.
Mark: I would love to get a drink.
Callie: She's not gonna cry every time right?
Mark: No, that passes.
relationships and talking about stupid feelings. And you are,
so maybe you could teach me or something. You know, tell me
what I did wrong.
Izzie: You don't want us to see other people. You don't want
us to see other people and that's how you tried to tell me.
By asking if it was cool, if you screwed Michelle.
Alex: Laughing's not helping.
Izzie: I'm sorry, I'm sorry
kisses him
So you want lessons huh.
Alex: I want lessons
Izzie: mmhmm okay
You start with Isobel Stevens, you are staggering good in bed.
You're amazingly smart. Wonderfully funny and you care
about animals.
Alex: That's where I start?
Izzie: Yea, and then you say, 'You wanna go steady with me?'
Alex: That's what I would say if it was 1952
Derek: Nice, your mom make that for ya?
Meredith: Hahaha, yea right, she probably got it at the lost and
found at the hospital.
Derek: Mer, you should do this one.
Meredith: Is it more ugly hats? Another diary?
Derek: It's more than one.
Meredith: Oh God.
Written by: Mark Wilding
Directed by: James Frawley