Mark: Why do you have to live in Meredith's attic? How am I
supposed to sneak out of here with that frat party going on
downstairs? Don't you kids ever sleep?
Lexie: They're cleaning the house for Dr. Shepherd's mother.
Mark: Mrs. Shepherd's coming? To Seattle?
Lexie: So..
Mark: So that woman practically raised me. Taught me right
from wrong. If she found out that I was..with you. That we were..
You're Meredith Grey's little sister; you are forbidden fruit.
You are 25. You're a fetus.
Lexie: 24 I skipped 3rd grade.
Mark: I feel dirty.
Sadie: Have faith in deth, she'll make a good impression.
Alex: She's holding that bottle of tequila like it's a life vest.
George: Mer, don't listen to them. She'll love you.
Meredith: No, mothers don't love me. Mothers like bright and
bubbly, happy and..Izzie! Mothers love Izzie.
Izzie: They do; mothers do love Izzie.
Denny: My mother would have loved you.
Izzie: I stashed all the tequila, took the condoms out of the cookie
jar. I also replaced all your trashy magazines with back issues of
The Annals of Surgery. Kay?
Meredith: Okay
Izzie: sniffing Does it smell musty in here?
George: My mom's house smells like peppermint. It's so homey.
Meredith: My house isn't homey?
Denny: I feel at home.
Alex: I was raised in a hell-hole. This place is a palace.
Meredith: Why isn't my house homey, George?!?
George: I can't explain it. It's just a feeling.
Meredith: Well Izzie can't fix a feeling!
Izzie: She is freaking out people. Just tell her something I can fix!
Alex: Rebecca pee'd on that couch cushion.
Sadie: I've been sleeping there for weeks.
Meredith: Thanks Alex you're a.. good friend.
Alex: You're welcome. Keep drinking.
short little nuggets of Meredith, that's all anyone really needs.
And if you start to get stuck just, smile. You've got a really great
Denny: Owf, that's just scary.
Izzie: Um Mer, are you sure you want to wear your hair like that?
Meredith: Your mother is coming!
Sadie: I'm sorry?
Bailey: I don't trust you. I don't trust you in this hospital. I certainly
don't trust you with my patient of three years, who's extremely
Sadie: I didn't..
Bailey: stopping her If you want to stay on this case, you will stay out
of my way. You will do what I tell you, and if you have something to
say to me or about my patient. You will raise your hand and wait to
be called on.
Sadie: You've got to be kidding me.
raises her hand
Bailey: Yes?
Sadie: This is a joke right?
Bailey: Do I look like I'm laughing?
a little more notice.
Mrs. Shepherd: Yes, I gave birth to five doctors. I know the drill;
I can wait. Meet your collegues. Is that Mark Sloan?
Derek: Yea
Mrs. Shepherd: Mark Sloan!
Mark: Mrs. Shepherd. You look great. looks at his silent pager
Oh damn! Catch up later?
Alex: chuckles She looks like she's gonna pee her pants.
Izzie: Aw crap, I made her hydrate.
Cristina: Who's that lady touching Meredith?
Izzie: Derek's mom.
Cristina: Oh, that's why she looks so weird.
Izzie: She does not look weird. I've got it under control. Mer is
Izzie: She does not look weird. I've got it under control. Mer is
doing great.
Cristina: Looks like she's gonna pee.
Arizona: I do, waiting for UNOS, trusting the process. Why can't you
do that?
Bailey: Because I'm tired of waiting, while this kid is getting worse.
Jackson's tired, his mother's tired. The only one who's happy to
sit on her ass and twiddle her thumbs and wait is you!
Arizona: Whoa, I've been patient with you. I've been nice, but
I'm really over you constantly telling me ..
they start talking over each other as Alex walks in
Alex: Shut up! Respectfully, respectfully shut up.
Because we've got organs!
make a really good couple.

Mrs. Shepherd: What's going on?
Mark: I'm sleeping with her.
Mrs. Shepherd: Oh Mark! Not again!
Mark: No, No.
Mrs. Shepherd: How could you?
Mark: Noo, not Meredith. God no. Meredith's little sister.
Mrs. Shepherd: Which one is she?
Mark: The one with the juice box

Mrs. Shepherd: Meredith, I was just looking for Derek. I thought
you'd be with him.
Meredith: You seem like a very nice person. You've been very
kind and you've given me a chance. And it seems like you want to
like me. So it's only fair, you should know, the pink and the
ponytail, and the smiling with the teeth..I'm a fraud. It's fake.
I'm not the kind of girl mother's like. I'm not happy and bubbly.
I'm dark and cloudy. Because I'm the type of crazy person who
feels bad for serial killers.
Mrs. Shepherd: It was very nice to meet you Meredith.
the serial killer..who's here. Not killing people. So that's good.
I should go.
Derek: Yea
Meredith: okay leaves
Derek: Family isn't her favorite topic,Ok. She's had a rough time
with it.
Mrs. Shepherd: I didn't say a word.
Derek: I know what you're thinking.
Mrs. Shepherd: I was thinking, must be awful for you.
Treating a murderer.
Derek: Dad died a long time ago, I'm fine.
Mark: Mrs. Shepherd.
Mrs. Shepherd: You've been avoiding me.
Mark: What? no.
Mrs. Shepherd: You have that same guilty look on your face as you
did when you were ten years old and you put Derek's favorite
frog into the microwave.
Mark: I never pressed start.

Mrs. Shepherd: What's going on?
Mark: I'm sleeping with her.
Mrs. Shepherd: Oh Mark! Not again!
Mark: No, No.
Mrs. Shepherd: How could you?
Mark: Noo, not Meredith. God no. Meredith's little sister.
Mrs. Shepherd: Which one is she?
Mark: The one with the juice box
Meredith: You're not hallucinating. But once your brain starts
to herniate i can't promise anything.
for Dr. Shep..
Mrs. Shepherd: Are you a good girl?
Lexie: I..What?
Mrs. Shepherd: A good girl. I don't mean perfect, I mean relatively
speaking. Are you?
Lexie: Yes.
Mrs. Shepherd: How many sexual partners have you had?
I won't judge.
Lexie: Um, six. No, Seven. Kinda six, kinda seven.
Mrs. Shepherd: Criminal record?
Lexie: Speeding ticket.
Mrs. Shepherd: How fast?
Lexie: 12miles over.
Mrs. Shepherd: That's fast!
Lexie: Well it wasn't too..well yea it was wat too fast. But I was
downhill, I was coasting ma'm.
Mrs Shepherd: Now I don't suppose you can tell me...
where the gift shop is.
Lexie: 1st floor-east wing.
Mark: A lovely girl, who's off limits.
Mrs. Shepherd: Baloney! She isn't the problem, you are.
You have very low expectations for yourself Mark Sloan.
Since you were a little boy, you always have. And it's time to raise
Mark: She's 24.
Mrs. Shepherd: You have the emotional maturity of a horny
15 year old. You need young.
You decide who lives and dies all the time. But you they call it
medicine. Not a capital offense.
Derek: Nobody gets to choose. Not me, not a patient in this hospital,
and certainly not the five women you slaughtered. So when I say
you're not going to die in this hospital. I mean there is no way in hell
I will let you die in this hospital. You don't get off that easy. I am
nothing like you.

Mrs. Shepherd: Meredith, I was just looking for Derek. I thought
you'd be with him.
Meredith: You seem like a very nice person. You've been very
kind and you've given me a chance. And it seems like you want to
like me. So it's only fair, you should know, the pink and the
ponytail, and the smiling with the teeth..I'm a fraud. It's fake.
I'm not the kind of girl mother's like. I'm not happy and bubbly.
I'm dark and cloudy. Because I'm the type of crazy person who
feels bad for serial killers.
Mrs. Shepherd: It was very nice to meet you Meredith.
the right girl. Addy wasn't right clearly.
Derek: You spent less than an hour with Meredith. You barely
even know her.
Mrs. Shepherd: I know enough. I know it's easier to have
compassion for a good person, than a murderer. I know how angry
you still are about what happened to dad.
Derek: Of course I'm angry. Aren't you?
Mrs. Shepherd: I still can't sleep on his side of the bed. The
mattress is wearing unevenly. But no, no not angry. Not anymore.
Sweetheart, you see things in black and white. Meredith doesn't.
Derek: No.
Mrs. Shepherd: You need a spoonfull of that. You need her.
She's the one.
Derek: Yea
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