Cristina: knocks and enters You up?
Derek: No
Meredith: Yes
Cristina: The wicked witch is dead.
Meredith: Metaphorically dead? or dead-dead?
Derek: Who are we talking about?
Meredith and Cristina: Hahn
Cristina: Her name is off the surgical board, her surgeries have
been cancelled. I don't know how or why, but I do know,
Hahn is gone.
Derek: It's too bad, she was really talented.
You're not talking to me.
Cristina: Apparently they went back-packing around Europe
together or something. Before med school. That woman all
but kicked me out of the bed.
Derek: It's terrible.
Cristina: And Dith? Meredith's name is not Dith, it's Mer!
Derek: I really feel for you.
Cristina: And she's never even mentioned this woman. I mean
how good of a friend could she be?
Derek: Good enough to kick us both out of bed.
Welcome to my world.
Sadie: This woman is the reason I went to med school in the first place.
I feel like if a slacker like Dith could handle slicing people open...
Cristina: whispers Mer
Derek: Meredith's not a slacker
Sadie: Oh, I could tell you some stories.
Meredith: But you won't.
Lexie: Um, these are..ah, scratches from my kitten. He's a crazy
scratchy scratcher.
Cristina: You're a cat person?
Lexie: I meant hair brush. It's a..I have a crazy scratchy hairbrush.

Derek: So she's your pre-Cristina, Cristina.
You gonna tell me why she calls you Dith?
Meredith: Oh no, the adventures of Dith and Die are better
left untold.
Cristina: Hey, Pedia's julienning her skinny little chicken arms
and still no word on what made H hitch a ride with the flying
monkeys. Later!
Derek: Translate that for me.
Meredith: Lexie may be a secret cutter and there's still no word
on why Hahn quit.
Derek: Is that true, about Lexie?
Meredith: I don't know. How would I know?
Derek: So what are you gonna do about it?
Meredith: Nothing
Derek: Meredith, you can't do nothing. She's your sister.
Meredith: And?
Derek: And your family.
Meredith: I'm not understanding.
Derek: Lexie's your family.... Forget it.
Owen: I did.
Derek: You did? That's a first.
Owen: So's this. I've seen a lot of trauma; guys cut in half,
amputations, evicerations. But I've never seen anything like this.
I wondered if you could help.
Derek: You can not just walk away.
Owen: Don't tell me how to run things in my ER.
Mark: Your ER???
Derek: We save lives here, we don't just patch up patients and
leave them to die. You can't handle that, go back to the desert and
leave us here to do our jobs.
been focused on cardio since I began my internship. I'm certainly
looking forward to anything you might...
Dixon: Were the other ones taken off my case?
Cristina: Oh, what other ones?
Dixon: The black one, the male one, the woman with yellow hair.
Cristina: Not that I'm aware of.
Dixon: Then why are you talking to me?
Cristina: You don't know that.
Mark: She kinda does.
Cristina: How?
Callie: Because she doesn't..it's too..we had a fight.
Cristina: Oh please, Meredith and I fight all the time. We still
work together. It's not like Hahn was your girlfriend or something.
Oh my God..she was your girlfriend?
Callie: We hadn't figured it all out.
Cristina: Wait, so are you a lesbian now?
Mark: I don't know, maybe you were a once-bian.
Callie: Or a twice-bian, whatever. It's over.
Cristina: Are you okay?
Mark: She's fine, leave her alone.

Meredith: Oh come on really?
wondering if you're channelling your tragic pain into self
mutilation. Are you a secret cutter?
Lexie: No
Mark: Little Grey, Torres is trying to set a world record for the
most titanium rods used in one patient, you in?
Meredith: Little Grey?
Mark: Little Grey, Big Grey. How I tell you two apart.
Lexie: Yea, I'm in; I'll just be a minute.

Sadie: Who wants to stitch me up?
Meredith: Nope, but I did speak to Lexie for you. And now I need
you to do something for me.
Derek: What's that?
Meredith: I need you to tell Mark to keep his little Sloan out of
Little Grey.
Derek: Was he hitting on you?
Meredith: No, not my little Grey, Lexie's little Grey.
I don't know what's going on with her, but the last thing she needs
is Sloan going all man-whore on her. So, you need to tell him to
step away from Little Grey.
Derek: Alright, I'll see what I can do.
Meredith: Little Grey, Derek...Little Grey
Callie: Nope.
Mark: You okay?
Callie: Do I look okay?
Mark: You look great.
Callie: Then I'm okay.

Bailey: Um, of course..significant impairment during social
Dixon: I'm not good at cues like sarcasm or condescension; but I
do know when I'm being manipulated and I know when I'm being
made fun of. I don't think I like this hospital very much.
I don't think I like this hospital at all.
Mark: Well that's not news.
Derek: About Lexie. Apparently Lexie is..fragile.
And getting involved with a superior might make her more
Mark: I was talking about her sutures.
Derek: Keep little Sloan out of Little Grey is my point.
Mark: What?
Derek: Little Sloan does not enter Little Grey. Are we clear?
Mark: Did you just say?
Derek: mmhmm
Mark: Okay that's just creepy..and inaccurate. Big Sloan.
Cristina: I did not teach you the parallel pulley stitch. I can
barely do that stitch myself.
Whatever you guys are doing, shut it down. Do not practice on
yourselves, that is insane. Shut it down!
Meredith: What stories?
Derek: The ones you won't let Sadie tell me.
Meredith: giggles They're ancient history.
Derek: hmm
Meredith: Humiliating and ridiculous.
Derek: Ridiculous is a grown man telling another grown man
to stay out of a woman's 'little.'
Meredith: You did it?
Derek: I did, those exact words. I did it because, it was nice
to see you stick up for your sister. I did it for you. So now,
YOU owe me a story.
Meredith: Ok fine, but you can never tell anyone. Ever.
Written by: Stacy McKee
Directed by: Eric Stoltz
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