Derek sits down, opens the ring box and sets it on the table
Meredith: No, not like this.
Todays' your first day back at the hospital.
Today's about Izzie.
You have to operate on her brain. You have a gift;
and you can do this.
Derek: gets up I'm gonna shower before I go in.
It's ugly. Not as ugly as the fact that you hugged him.
You hugged him.
Cristina: I get it. I hear you. Let's move on.
Meredith: Turtlenecks aren't ok.
You're not ok and your boyfriend's not ok.
Alex: walks up Is your boyfriend ok?
Meredith and Cristina: What?
Alex: To be cutting into brains today.
Is he ok to be back?
Meredith: Yes, of course. Derek is fine.
Alex: I was there for his carnage in the OR, remember?
This isn't just any patient today, this is Izzie.
Who I believe is someone you're having relations with..
Alex: Chief..
Chief: Frozen eggs have a better survival rate when they're..
Alex: Fertilized
Chief: I know this is a lot to digest. So, um, take some time.
Think about it. Uh, if you decide this is something you might wanna
Alex: Give me the cup.
Chief: Karev, you need to speak to Stevens..
Alex: Give me the cup.
morning and you're pretending like nothing happened.
Cristina: Just focus on Izzie.
Meredith: Hunt literally tried to kill you. He's barely back
from Iraq. It's obvious he has issues. That doesn't mean
you have to stand by...
Cristina: So like if he had a heart attack, or a stroke, or lost
a leg; would you walk away?
So how's that any more acceptable that I walk away from this?
He's wounded; he has war wounds Meredith.
It's not cut and dry and it is not as bad as you think it is.
What did she say?
Derek: Post traumatic stress is a real injury Owen.
It can be healed. There are resources, Vet centers, therapy.
You shouldn't try to handle this on your own.
Owen: I came back in one piece. I have both arms, both legs.
Lots of guys came back with real injuries. Worst I have are
a couple nightmares or freezing for a moment.
Derek: Is that what happened last night?
You had a freezing moment? If you want, I can help.
Owen: Yea, I'm not the one that needs help around here.
I'm not the one who cut out half a womans brain, then
ran off to hide. I'm not the one who half this hospital's
talking about behind their back. So maybe you should spend
a little less time worrying about me and you know..just
take a look in the mirror. Alright.
See how you're comin..see how you're doing.
Alex:I'd be doing better if you weren't on the other side of the door
Chief: Right..right.sorry.
Alex: I said go away.
Meredith: comes in Left the door unlocked, bold.
Alex: Chief send you in here?
Meredith: Nope, I offered to come in. In case you needed to talk.
Alex: You think talking will help. You think a Dixie-cup full
of my swimmers will make everything ok? It's crap!
This is crap! Izzie can't go messing with people's heads like that.
Even if she freezes the embryos, you think we'll get a chance
to use them? You think she'll still be here?
You think she'll survive all this? You think..
I think..she told me..she told me, she was seeing a ghost. Ok?
And I'm so used to all the crazy chicks in my life that I didn't
even..I'm a doctor. A doctor! And I didn't even think..
and now she's..
This is wrong. This isn't how it's supposed to happen.
Meredith: I know.
Alex: It's crap!
Meredith: I know.
Alex: I hate this
Meredith: I know
Alex: This isn't..this isn't how we were supposed..
This isn't how I want to do this.
This isn't how Izzie and I were supposed to make a baby.
Chief: I'm eating here, Karev.
Alex: It's fine! I washed my hands.
Izzie: Had some free time. Had a lot of free time.
Bailey: Nobody came up to visit?
Izzie: It's ok, If I were them I wouldn't want to step foot
in this room either.
I wished her dead every day of every week for I don't even
know how long. I woke up every morning wishing Izzie Steven's
would die. And now..
What kind of person wishes someone would die?
What kind of doctor wishes..knowing how things happen.
What kind of doctor wishes..
Arizona: Are you in here right now praying for Izzie to die?
Callie: No, I'm praying for her to live.
Meredith: I know it's just..
he should wear this; it's his ferryboat scrub cap.
He loves ferryboats.
Meredith: What are you doing? You're gonna have to rescrub.
Derek: I'm not ready.
Meredith: Yes you are.
Derek: I need to know that atleast I have you.
No matter what happens in there, I need to know.
I need you to say yes. I need to know..
Meredith: I can't say yes.
Not if agreeing to be with you forever will make it ok if Izzie dies.
I can't say yes. I love you and you can do this.
You can do this. I know you can.
Izzie: I hope so.
Bailey: Know so.
Izzie: Dr. Bailey if something goes wrong..
Bailey: It won't.
Izzie: The scarf, I made it for you.
Derek: Beautiful night to save lifes, lets get started.
bedside, holding her hand today. But..
George: I'm not talking about this.
Callie: Why not?
George: Maybe because it's the fact that I asked Izzie a
hundred times, what was wrong?
She just ignored me. Then there's the fact that when she actually
needed help she turned, she trusted Cristina of all people.
Callie: And then there's the fact that she's your best friend and
she might die on you. There's also that.
Come on, we are going to go wait for Izzie.
George! You were my husband and you slept with her.
You are the reason that I wished her dead. You owe me
this. You can lie to yourself all you want but I know you.
I loved you once and I know that you care if she lives or dies.
Cristina: Meredith.
Meredith: Choking.
Cristina: You know, Stop!
Meredith: It's unacceptable.
Cristina: Ok, back off!
Meredith: Hands around the neck.
Cristina: Ring thrown in your face.
Swinder: Really? Instead of the arachnoid knife?
Derek: Yes instead of the arachnoid knife.
Because the penfield four will let me slide the arteries around
it, that I need to dissect and free. So that I can debunct the tumors
avoiding unneccessary trauma to my patient.
So YES penfield four please!
Tomorrow, do better!

Derek: You got me into the OR.
If there's a crisis, you don't freeze.
You move forward. You get the rest of us to move forward.
Because you've seen worse. You've survived worse and you
know we'll survive too.
You say you're all dark and twisty. It's not a flaw.
be out celebrating or something?
Derek: She turned me down twice. She says she understands;
she forgives me for what happened in the woods. But..
Chief: So you showed her your dark side.
Meredith never struck me as a woman who was afraid of
the dark.
Derek: I don't know.
Chief: Do you know it was Meredith's idea to ask Izzie if
she wanted to harvest her eggs?
So Izzie can have a chance at the future she wanted.
The future, Derek.
She was confident you'd succeed today.
Meredith believes in you.
This is a CT, Katie Bryce; sixteen year old female, subarachnoid
Meredith: From a fall during rhythmic gymnastics, I remember.
Derek: That's the first surgery we ever scrubbed in together.
Our first save.
Right here is a cerebral cyst. Tough save, but we did it.
I kissed you in the stairwell after the surgery.
And this right here is where Dr. Bailey kicked you out of the
surgery. Because she caught us in your driveway, in my car.
And right here, this was a seven hour craniotomy that you held
the clamp the entire time, never flinched.
That's when I knew you were gonna be an incredible surgeon.
Beth Monroe, made our clinical trial a success by surviving.
You talked me into putting her under.
That's when I knew I needed you.
And this is today, post-op head CT of Izzie Stevens.
See that, right there? Tumor free.
Because of you.

Derek: You got me into the OR.
If there's a crisis, you don't freeze.
You move forward. You get the rest of us to move forward.
Because you've seen worse. You've survived worse and you
know we'll survive too.
You say you're all dark and twisty. It's not a flaw.
It's a strength. It makes you who you are.
I'm not gonna get down on one knee..
I'm not gonna ask a question..
I love you Meredith Grey, and I want to spend the rest
of my life with you.
Meredith: And I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
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