Meredith: I don't want to go to work. It's warm in here. It's a
coccoon. No Cristina with the mean face.
Derek: No lives to save.
Meredith: A quickie? A quickie will make me feel better.
Derek: Yea, you definitely need a quickie.

Lexie: Hi there
Mark: What are you doing?
Lexie: I'm saying hello.
Mark: Listen my best friend made one simple request; that I not
get anywhere near you and I slipped. It was fantastic, you're
fantastic. But it's not going to happen again. Ever.
Lexie: Ok

Lexie: My resident abandoned me. Do you need any help?
Callie: Sure
Mark:No! or fine but you watch, you're not touching anything.
Get it, no touching.

Callie: You slept with her?
Mark: Absolutely not, only once. She came to my hotel room,
took off all her clothes and said 'teach me.' It's like I had no
control, she violated me with nakedness. Derek's gonna kill me.
Callie: Well you shouldn't have been alone with her.
Mark: Never gonna happen again, mind blowingly fantastic as it was.
Callie: Hey, you are a professional.
Sadie and Callie have a moment
Mark: You were saying something about professionalism.
Callie: Did you see that? That was not in my head right?
Mark: I'm telling you, these interns are out of control.
Callie: Stalkers.
Mark: Sexed-up stalkers!

Meredith: Dr. Shepherd. What's that?
Derek: Whatever they stabbed him with is still in there.
Owen: In his back?
Derek: Spine
William: Do you think you can let me be a gimp?
Derek: No

Owen: I thought they were friends?
Derek: They were.
Owen: And now?
Derek: And now, you and I are in for a very very long day.

Izzie: Come on you never saw your grandmother after she died?
Alex: Yea, I mean she showed up in a dream once and told me
not to play with the parts.
Izzie: Ah well, it's kinda like that.
Denny: Excuse me?
Alex: Alright, whatever.
Izzie: That's it?
Alex: I don't know, tell him I said hi.
Denny: Kinda like his grandmother telling him not to..
Izzie: Ok, so I panicked.

Bailey: Kinley has been replaced with an infant on rollerskates
named Arizona. Who didn't have sense enough to change her
name to something other than Arizona. Which shows poor
Chief: Dr. Bailey, you thought Shepherd was just a haircut,
you didn't like Hahn, and you think Dr. Sloan is a..hussy.
Can you name any attending you thought was good?
hours and laughed.
Callie: It's just the sex.
Mark: Yea your gonna tell me you're not thinking about Sadie?
Callie: laughing Nope. I can not have another, stupid, romantic,
disaster in this hospital. It's embarrassing.
Mark: chuckling You do have quite a track record.
Callie: Alright, you know what, we need to find something else
to think about.
Mark: Worth a try... kisses Callie
Callie: Nope, not working.
Callie: Nope, not working.
Mark: Nope
today. Because someone should do something about it.
Cristina: I myself am planning a party with balloons, streamers and
a bouncy house.
George: Oww that's a good idea. But you know what, Alex should
do something about it.
Alex: I know hose-bag ; I got it under control.
Cristina: Oh a bouncy house?
Couldn't put his cuffs in the machine so they had to velcro him to
the table. Tech thought he was going to tear it all off and storm the
booth like the Hulk or something.
Izzie: What did he do?
Alex: Just layed there and had the MRI.
Izzie: I know, what did he do to get on death row?
Izzie: When you kill her is it going to be a crime of passion??
Chief: laughs I'm not worried about me dying or about Jordan
Kinley dying. I'm worried about my hospital dying. I made some
calls to replace Kinley; no one wants to come here. I can't keep a
cardiac surgeon on staff; Burke quit, Hahn quit, Dixon's autistic.
My OR roof collapsed, the whole place flooded, the interns are
literally chopping each other into little pieces. No wonder we're
number twelve. Twelve! I failed at the one thing I spent my
whole life doing. Failed! So I'm gonna stay right here on this table
until I find a way to walk the halls without cringing.
the horse lecture?
Derek: I've got to stitch a serial killer back together today.
I don't have a rousing lecture in me.

Callie: Go team!
Mark: Break!
Derek: Doesn't look like it.
Owen: Well, 2 hours in an ice cave.
Derek: Working on Seattle's man of the year.
Owen: Well atleast we've got each other. You know, we can
pretend not to notice. Talk about the Seahawks or something.
Derek: Or we can just take off, go grab a beer; let them pull
out the shiv.
Owen: Onward and upward.
family of four to death with a machete.
Cristina: A knife and women not a family. Five women..it's
what he likes.
Derek: You shouldn't even be on this case. Neither of you.
Meredith: What's he gonna do, jump off the table and get us?
Cristina: Oh, oh now we're on again? Cause the mood suits you?
Cause I'm the sad little girl with no friend and I tripped your
savior complex into action.
Owen: I..I don't...
Cristina: Usually I can deal with the hot and cold thing; but not today.
Leave me the hell alone.
Meredith: What?
Sadie: Amsterdam. We used to be as close as you and Cristina
and then Amsterdam happened. You shut me down and we never
got past it. We still hung out, but not like before. We'd go dancing,
go someplace loud, where we don't have to talk. And that's ok I'm
a rolling stone, I bounce. But you're about to do the same thing to
Cristina and that girl mates for life. If you don't make it right, she'll
never talk to you again.
Meredith: I apologized to Cristina.
Sadie: Like you meant it? Like you can imagine she had a point?
Mark: Don't get drunk.
Callie: Keep staring at Joe and we'll be fine.
up for it. Two guys came into his store and they shot him because
he wouldn't give it up. That's how my dad died.
We are supposed to treat everybody the same. But they're not
all the same.
Meredith: I'm sorry. Just a bad day all around I guess.
Derek: Wish I could make things better for you and Cristina.
Meredith: I wish you could too.
Derek: I try to think what she would do in a situation like this.
I don't know.
Meredith: Well, she would turn the music up pretty loud to
dance it out with me. But I don't think you wanna go there.
Derek: Well..
whoooo..yea...look out!!!
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