Bailey: I'm going to do my best to keep that beautiful boy alive
long enough to find him some organs. I suggest you do everything
you can to keep your patient alive. Because we're doctors
Grey, we're not executioners.

Mark: ahhhhh!
Lexie: Oh my God are you ok?
Mark: No
Lexie: It's bent in the middle..I..I..think I broke it.
Mark: Get Torres!
Lexie: Oh..
Mark: GOOO!

Denny: You don't have time for this Izzie. You don't have time
to think about anyone else.
Bailey: Stevens I need a nod, a yawn or maybe even a little
burp. Something that let's me know that you're awake and
capable of keeping this boy alive.
Izzie: Yes, I'm sorry, I'm yours.
Denny: Way to listen. Thanks for that.

Meredith: You're very happy.
Derek: I am happy. I'm happy to see you.
You're not happy.
Meredith: No, I've just been here all night.
Derek: How is are resident psychopath? Is he gone yet?
Meredith: yea, yea soon.
Derek: By the way, mom likes you. She thinks you're good
for me. laughs

Lexie: It was me I paged you 911 for Dr. Sloan.
He's the emergenxcy..himself. It's on his person.
Callie: Wait Marks hurt?
Lexie: Yes..no. Yes! He's badly imjured in a bad way that
is bad for anyone, who's a man. But for Dr. Sloan in particular.
He may.. may have broken a bone.
Callie: A bone?
Lexie: He broke a bone. I..I broke his bone.
Callie: You're kidding right?

Owen: As a rule if I'm showering with a woman, I do it without
my clothes. And if I get in her bed naked, I don't pass out.
And if I..
Cristina: It's ok.
Owen: It's not.
Cristina: It's not; But you don't have to talk about it.
Cristina: It's a ring.
Derek: It's from my mother. Oh..it's from me. It was my mother's
and I'm going to give it to Meredith soon. So what I'm looking for
is an opinion on whether she's gonna like the ring or I should have
the setting redone to something more modern.
Cristina: well that's really not my job.
Derek: Ok look, I know you two are still fighting but isn't it about
time you wrap that up?
I ask because when I propose to her, she's gonna need somebody
to freak out to. She misses you. A lot. You must miss her too right?
I don't know what's going on in your life; but you must have
something you need to freak out to her about too.
Cristina: I'm sorry, I think you should ask somebody else.
Denny: I'm here for you.
Izzie: You're here for me, I know, I got it.
I hear you, a thousand times. I chose Alex. I'm sorry. I am,
I'm really sorry about that.
Denny: And I'm still here. You broke up with me and I'm still here;
doesn't that tell you anything.
Izzie: It tells me that you're jealous.
That you don't want me to be happy.
You don't want me to choose Alex.
Denny: Damn it listen to me! You can't pick Alex.
I'm here for you.
Izzie: Denny.
Denny: I want you to be happy Izzie. I do.
And I would leave, if I could. You think I want to stay here while
you tell me you want another man. I can't go because you won't
listen to me. I'm here for you.
Izzie: What does that even mean? What does it mean?
Denny: You're a doctor Izzie; figure it out.
Meredith: Nothing.
Cristina: How's your serial killer?
Lexie: How should I know? I..it's not my business. It's nobody's
business and it's definitely not yours. I mean not.. not that I know.
But if I did know who broke Mark Sloan's penis, I wouldn't even
tell you because we're not even friends. I mean I took out your
appendix and almost ended my career. That doesn't make us close.
Mark: Oh, I'm gonna kill myself.
Owen: We should operate, then you can kill yourself.
Mark: Oh God!
Callie: Can you do it?
Mark: Him? Haha no. He's a meat-baller.
Callie: He is meticulous and he will keep his mouth shut.
Owen: I've done operations like this before. It's not that complicated.
Mark: Guys run into this problem on the battlefield, do they?
Owen: I don't think you and I should talk about how guys run in
to this.
Mark: Little Grey, go away. I don't want you to see me like this.
Lexie: But I made you like this.
Mark: I'm saying please here. Please.
Derek: Dr. Bailey.
Bailey: I need you to stop. I need you to put down the scalpel.
This man is trying to kill himself and God forgive me I need you
to let him.
Derek: You need to leave my OR, Dr. Bailey.
Bailey: So, just stop..just stop, don't do anything else for
this man.
Derek: If I stop this surgery, it's the same as me sticking
this scalpel into his brain. Is that what you want?
Bailey: Yes, that's what I want.
or am I a surgeon? It's up to you; it's your call.
Bailey: Pick up the scalpel.

many times I watch it, I don't understand how this is a "hallucination."
The whole thing is written as if he were a ghost rather than a
hallucination. Like when Meredith encountered him in Season 3.
This is the main reason why I came to dislike anything with
Denny in it. Maybe typing it out will make me feel better about it...
Izzie: Heaven or Hell.
Denny: Yes
Izzie: You're here for me.
Denny: Yes
Izzie: No. You're not here for me. You're HERE for me.
You're here FOR me.
Denny: I loved you so much. I loved you so much that when I
got to come back for you, I thought..you're my Heaven.
But maybe, maybe I'm your Hell.
Izzie: I'm sick. I'm sick, aren't I?
And instead of telling me, instead of telling me to save my life.
You son of a bitch! You selfish, son of a bitch. I hate you!
I hate you!
Denny: I didn't know that there was a chance. Miracles
happen; medical miracles happen everyday. You said it.
You said that.
Izzie: Leave! Leave.
Denny: I can go now; because you know. But it's your
choice. You get to choose. But Iz, if I go..I don't know..
I don't know if I can come back. If I go..
Izzie: In the choice between Heaven and Hell..I choose
Heaven. I choose life. Go! Get out of here. Go! Get out of here!
Denny: I really hope this is Heaven.
Izzie: Go.
What are you waiting for?
Denny: This...they kiss and he disappears
Cristina: You've got some problems. You've got some big
Owen: Yea, yea I do. Will you go out with me anyway?
Cristina: Yes.
Mark: Please go away.
Lexie: No
Mark: Little Grey.
Lexie: It's not Little Grey; it's Lexie. And I'm sorry that I, I broke..
I'm sorry that I hurt you. And I'm sorry that you're humiliated.
But I'm not going anywhere. I've got a friend who is guarding the
door, a good friend. And since no one is going to be coming in.
I'm..I'm now going to climb into bed with you and I'm going to
stroke your hair. Because that's what I like to have done for me
when I'm hurt.
Chief: So did I.
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