Meredith: Just a normal day.
Derek: Normal day, going to work.
Meredith: Just a normal day that ends in a ceremony
in a churchy church.
Derek: This has nothing to do with us.
We're just the bride and groom.
Meredith: We're gettig married tonight.
Derek: We're getting married tonight.
Cristina: Big Day! Biggest day of your life.
Meredith: Don't do that. Don't do the peppy Maid of honor thing.
It's creepy.
Cristina: Really? good. Wait, is this like the calm before the storm?
Do you need me to drug you? or shave off your eyebrows to
numb you into submission?
Meredith: No, I'm fine. It's not the biggest day of my life, it's the
biggest day of Izzie's life. I'm excited about the marriage not some
wedding. Anyway she's the one who's gone all bridezilla.
Cristina: Bride-Zi-Laaa!
George: Do you have anything for us?
Alex: Anything good?
Callie: Nope, it's slow.
Alex: You don't say it's a slow day in the pit.
George: You never say it's slow. You just jinxed us.
Callie: It's a day and it's slow.
Alex: When the phone starts ringing with traumas you're gonna
wish you hadn't said that.
Callie: The phones not gonna ring. It's a slow day.
Derek: You page me?
Izzie: Yes, did you get the check for the caterers and the cash tips
for the waiters?
Derek: yes
Izzie: ah, did you write your vows?
Derek: Not yet, I will.
Izzie: Derek, you have to write your vows. What you say to Meredith
on this day..it's important. She'll remember it for the rest of her life.
Derek: Izzie I have patients, so if you paged me to talk about
the wedding, I..
Izzie: It's not why I paged you.
Derek: I have a craniotomy to get to.
Izzie: He's back, Denny, he's back.
Derek: I'll page Dr. Bailey and..
Izzie: order an MRI, I know the drill.
Meredith: You wanted to see me Chief.
Chief: Derek was supposed to do this but he got pulled into
something. So, I said I'd give it to ya.
Meredith: What?
Chief: You're wedding present. Not from me, it's from Derek.
But, I have to oversee it.
Meredith: I was supposed to get him a present?
Chief: Meredith, its..
Meredith: This is why weddings are so stupid. I mean our life
together should be the present. Not some stupid.. anyway,
whatever it is Chief I don't want it. So tell Derek to take it back.
Well, I'll tell him, I'll tell him to take it back.
Chief: He got you a colon.
Meredith: What?
Chief: A colon, it's non-refundable, it's inflamed, it's about to go
under anestisia in OR 2. You really want to say you don't want it?
Meredith: A solo surgery.
Chief: Happy wedding day Meredith.
Mark: You think Shepherd and Grey are gonna last? Like ah fifty
years last?
Callie: A semi crashed into a bunch of college kids. On the day I
decided to take an extra shift in the ER.
There's burns, digit amputations, nasty, nasty facial lacerations,
so please don't go anywhere..ok.
Mark: Relax..
Callie: Promise
Mark: ..you're handling this. backs away slowly and leaves
Izzie: It's a tumor.
Bailey: You don't know that.
Izzie: Denny Duquette is standing right behind you.
It's a tumor. Right Denny?
Denny: Yea, It's good to see you Dr. Bailey.
Bailey turns around to look behind her
Izzie: You can't see him because you don't have a tumor.
He says Hi.
Bailey: Tell Denny Duquette I say, go home.
Meredith: You're scrubbing in? I thought I was doing this solo.
Chief: Nah, you are.
Meredith: So why aren't you sitting in a corner reading a magazine?
Chief: Big day Meredith, just taking precautions that's all.
Meredith: Afraid I'm gonna kill the patient on my wedding day?
It's a routine colectomy, I'm not gonna kill him.
Derek: Look
Izzie: I'm looking, I don't see anything.
Derek: Because there's nothing there. The scan's clean.
Bailey: Told you.
Izzie: Then why is Denny back? The man's a hallucination that
means there has to be something there.
Bailey: Izzie if it's clear, then..
Izzie: I want to go to this wedding, I want to watch the bride
walk down the aisle, I wanna hear the vows, I wanna catch
the bouquet. I planned this wedding down to the very last detail.
It's the perfect wedding. This wedding is perfect.
You know how much I want to be there. So why would I tell you
about Denny? Today of all days, why wouldn't I just wait?
Denny is back, that means something is there.
Mark: How's the solo sugery coming along Grey?
Meredith: Well I think it's going Ok. But you should probably
ask the Chief here.
Chief: She's doing great. She chose a cautery when at one point
I would have gone with scissors but she made it work.
We'll be outta here in plenty of time for the wedding.
Mark: Good, she won't have any excuses.
Meredith: Excuse me?
Mark: This is the second time I've been Derek's best man.
I have to come up with the toast, offer some words of wisdom,
it's a lot of work. I don't want to be his best man a third time,
if you know what I mean.
Meredith: So you came in here to threaten me?
Mark: I'm his best man, that's my job.
Izzie: So now what I just try to have a hallucination?
Derek and Bailey: mmhmm/Yea
Izzie: Ok
Bailey: Stevens is it always Denny? I mean no one else?
Izzie: Yea
Bailey: Yea
Izzie: What?
Bailey: Oh nothing, it makes sense. He's the man you love.
Izzie: He's not the man I love.
Bailey: He's not?
Izzie: Well I mean, I love Denny. I will always love Denny.
He means a lot to me. But I think I hallucinate Denny because
I associate him with death and dying.
When I think about my future and who I am now.
Who I want to be, how I want to spend the rest of my life
and get that flutter in your chest.
Alex, Alex is the man I love.
Bailey: Karev?
Izzie: I love Alex Karev.
Izzie: So let's find this tumor. Get it out of me.
So we can have our perfect wedding.
A wedding not wasted on two people, who don't appreciate weddings.
Derek: I can hear you.
Izzie: I know you can hear me. I mean for you to hear me.
Today I become a citizen of the world.
Today I become a grown up.
Today I become accountable to someone other than myself
and my parents.
Accountable for more than my grades.
Today I become accountable to the world;
to the future, to all the possibilities life has to offer.
Starting today, my job is to show up, wide eyed and willing
and ready.
For what? I don't know, for anything..for everything.
To take on life. To take on love.
To take on the responsibility and possibility.
Today my friends our lives begin and I for one
can't wait.
Denny: I'm here for you Izzie.
Bailey: That, that's the tumor?
Derek: Yea, tiny. Too small to pick up on a normal MRI.
Bailey: But, ok, if it's that small how are you going to get to it?
Derek: shakes his head I wish there was something I could do
for her. I wish I could, I like Stevens, she's one of the good ones.
I wish there was something I could do for her.
Bailey: I um, I know something you can do.
Callie: We went to a fancy restaurant.
The nicest restaurant in Seattle.
The salad I ordered, the SALAD cost 26.95. The wine that you
ordered cost 125 a bottle. I didn't even look at the entrees cause
I knew I wasn't going to be able to order one cause I was already
out 75 bucks and I don't even like salad.
Arizona: Oh
Callie: And then the bill came and you..
Arizona: I paid.
Callie: Do you know what I was doing before they brought
over the check?
I was counting in my head. Trying to figure out how I was gonna
buy food for the rest of the week if my half is 75 bucks.
Because I don't have 75 bucks, because my father disowned me
and has cleared out my bank account. I am broke and I am
exhausted Arizona, I'm working in the ER cause I need the money.
Six people died on my watch today and I am fried.
Chief: Meredith
Meredith: Yes sir.
Chief: I've been reading your mother's journals.
I wish she was here today.
Meredith: Well, I don't know how she would have felt about
me getting married.
Chief: No, not for that. For this, your first solo surgery.
Meredith: Oh, well she probably would have said with all
the mistakes I made I'm lucky the patient's alive.
Chief: I know that's right. But I also know she would have
been thrilled. She wouldn't have been able to tell you.
But, she would have been.
Meredith: Thank you, sir.
Meredith: You! Best wedding present ever. And you know why?
Derek: No
Meredith: Because now I have to go home and put on a corset,
pantyhose and a petticoat and look like one of those idiots
on top of a wedding cake.
I then I have to walk down the aisle and have everyone staring
at me.
But it's ok, because I got to cut someone open today from start
to finish. I saved a life.
Derek: Um..
Meredith: What?
Derek: What do you say we make this day even better.
Meredith: Alex
Alex: Bailey said Shepherd found another tumor in Izzie's brain.
Did you hear?
Meredith: I heard. Alex..
Alex: He doesn't think he's gonna get it out this time.
I think, I think she's gonna die on me.
I think she's really gonna die.
cries, wipes his face
What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be
getting ready for a wedding?
Meredith: Well that's what I came to talk to you about.
Izzie: Mer! You're supposed to be at the church.
Meredith: I'm going, I just came to say this isn't my dress.
Izzie: Of course it's your dress. It's perfect.
What are you talking about?
Meredith: This dress is not for me.
Izzie: I don't..what?
Ugh, God I knew you were gonna freak out before the wedding.
Mer, Derek loves you. Marriage is good. Tell her it's good.
Bailey: She's saying it's not her wedding dress.
Alex comes in dressed in a tux
Alex: She's right the wedding dress isn't for Meredith.
Izzie: Mer, I don't know..I..Thank you
Meredith: Ok, so who's the maid of honor? Me or Cristina?
Izzie: Cristina.
Alex, he needs a best man and he was asking for you.
Meredith laughs
Cristina: So what I'm left overs?
Izzie: You tried to save my life. That makes you honorable.

Today's the day my life begins.
All my life I've been just me, a smart-mouthed kid.
Today I become a man.
Today I become a husband.
Today I become accountable to someone other than myself.
Today I become accountable to you. To our future.
To all the possibilities that our marriage has to offer.
Together no matter what happens, I'll be ready.
For anything, for everything.
To take on life, to take on love.
To take on possibility and responsibility.
Today Izzie Stevens our life together begins and
I for one can't wait.
Izzie: I love you

Meredith: Best non-wedding day ever.
Derek: Wanna go again?
they both start laughing and "go again"
Written by: Shonda Rhimes
Directed by: Rob Corn
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