Sadie: You usually read on the bathroom floor?
Meredith: I didn't want to wake Derek. These are my mother's
journals. From when she was a resident.
Sadie: I thought we hated your mother.
Meredith: You know I kinda think now, if I wasn't her child
I would have liked her. I mean, she was funny and intense;
A lot like Cristina.
Sadie: Intense, I get from Cristina; funny, not so much.
Sadie: What do you think about, what's her name..your
sister Lexie?
Meredith: What do I think about her?
Sadie: Yea, as an allie for me. My new intern BFF.
Meredith: No, I..no..I don't see that. I just, she was raised
right; with parents and rules, and smiley face posters on her wall.
Sadie: Hm, hot.
Meredith: Porny.
Alex walks in
oh, um, what are you doing out here?
Alex: What, you think you're the only one who paid off a nurse to
page you with an api.
Meredith: That's not what I meant.
Izzie moans through her door
That's what I meant. If you're out here then who's in there with
Derek: comes out of their room What?
What? What's the matter?
Meredith: Nothing, nothing..I just..um
Derek: What are you doing dressed? It's 3 in the morning.
Who's making a porno movie in Izzie's room?
Alex: Relax, she's flying solo; It's hot.
Iz, party's over we've got an api coming in.
Sadie: yells Dith? Let's go.
Derek: She's living here too, Dith?
Meredith: Just for a couple of days, till she get's her own
place; then she's gone.
Derek: No more strays.
Meredith: No more strays.
Callie: Guy was sleep walking and took a two story header through
a plate-glass window. Night terrors.
Mark: Can you imagine? You wake up, you're battered, you're
bruised and you don't know where you are or how you got there.
Callie: Yea, sounds like my life. Married, betrayed, gay, abandoned,
and then I woke up and had no idea how I got here.
I just figure this is the bottom, this is as bad as it gets. I can only
go up from here.
I do believe she spoke too soon, as she gets punched in the face
by the night terror patient, who has yet to wake up.
Mark: It wasn't a great nose anyway.
Callie: Yes it was! It was a nice nose.
Mark: Relax, I was kidding. It was a gorgeous nose
and it will be again. Two weeks from now you won't even be
able to tell anything happened; umm..three weeks, four tops.
Callie: I hate you.
Mark: You love me.
Callie: oww
Mark: Little pinch
Callie: ow..ow ow ow ow
Mark: Oh come on, that didn't hurt.
Callie: Ow, yea maybe if I was having a good year, it would
feel like a little pinch. But it hurts Mark. It hurts a lot.
Mark: You know what, I was going to do this with some
local, but I think we'll use conscious sedation.
That way when you wake up, your nose will be fixed and
it'll be a whole new day.
Callie: Okay, well..I atleast I still have you right?
You'll still be my friend and have sex with me when I want?
Mark: Anytime; you know, once your face heals.
Callie: I hate you.
Mark: You love me.
Mark: I needed some medical supplies. Found the intern in the
supply closet. Did not invite the intern into the supply closet.
Derek: Hmm
Lexie leaves
Mark: Stop looking at me like that, I didn't do anything.
Derek: Don't do anything.
Mark: I didn't.
Derek: Don't.
Mark: I didn't.
smiley face posters, oddly comforting.

Mark: She'll be okay.
Ivy: Tell her I'm really sorry.
Mark: Why you sorry, you didn't hit her?
Cristina: Well that moron's a moron and the other morons are
Alex: I need an intern to page me if my guy agrees to crap.
Meredith: I wonder if they're in the skills lab; Sadie said
something about the skills lab.
Cristina: Sadie's in the hospital?
Alex: All that time in the skills lab is actually paying off.
My interns are still idiots; but atleast they're idiots that can put in
an IV.
Cristina: No, they're just idiots. takes off after the idiots
Meredith: So, what's going on with Izzie?
Alex: I don't know what's wrong with Izzie.
I'm sick of people not talking to each other.
I'm gonna go get my crap chick some crap.
the api and you're gonna tell me all about whatever
trouble you and your little friends are into.
Do you need a leash? Let's go!
Cristina: What do you mean, No?
Steve: I mean I kind of can't walk; due to the catheter and
the epidural.
in that way until you told me not to. Now I can't help it.
You planted a seed.
Derek: Unplant it.
Seth: Lauren
Lauren: That's the best I can do. I believe that you believe it...
Seth: It was a pimple!!
Lauren: It was a staff infection!
Seth: No pooh! No pooh for you!
Alex: Wait! Dude, she could lie to you and tell you what you want
to hear, but she's not. She's telling you what's real for her.
Stop walking away.
Lauren: I still think this could be stomach cancer and when I
get a headache, I think it's a brain tumor. And I lay awake and
feel lumps in my breasts and then my heart starts to race and I
think I'm having a heart attack. So no, I don't think it was a
pimple. The world is a scary place and there are a thousand things
a day that can kill you and I don't see how you don't see it.
Seth: I'm here for my wife, but I think it's better for our sex life
if I don't see this. So, I'll be here for her down in the lobby.

We live together, you should have come to me.
Lexie: So what, you could have saved me?
George: No, maybe I could have stopped you.
Lexie: No,this isn't about you. George, this is the one thing that I've
done in the past few months that wasn't about getting you to notice
me. I did this; you had nothing to do with it. This was all me.
Graciella: Dude, she's like in love with you. How did you miss that?
You could have a little nap. What are you thirteen; you hitting the
hard stuff?
Ivy: I like the taste.
Mark: I was raised by parents who weren't very interested in
having kids. They had friends, they had lives. They were't
around much at night. Before I went to bed, I'd turn on all the Tv's,
every light in the house, even the closets. Still couldn't sleep.
It's hard to sleep when you don't feel safe in your own house, isn't it?
Ivy: Yea
Mark: Give me that; you are going to sleep.
Ivy: No
Mark: I'm not taking no for an answer. Close your eyes, I'll be here.
Go on, close your eyes. taps his shoulder
But I was finally sleeping, then I get a call..
Meredith: I can't believe it. I still can't believe it.
Chief: Don't beat yourself too much about it. I've seen a lot of
maturity in the two of you through this whole mess.
You handled the crisis, you handled the surgery, saved that
girls life. And you called for help right away. There was a time
not so long ago that you would have reached a different conclusion.
You could have stuck to the code and saved your won. Tried to
hide the whole mess. You know sometimes protecting your
colleagues is solidarity and sometimes it's just hubris.
I'm glad to see you know the difference.

Cristina: No
Meredith: ...they were going to cut her open?
Cristina: No
Meredith: Lexie just said you knew!
Cristina: Sutures, I knew they were doing sutures on themselves.
I didn't think I needed to say anything, because I had shut it down.
I had handled it.
Meredith: Apparently you didn't, because it almost cost Lexie her job
not to mention that Sadie almost died in there.
Cristina: You know what, Sadie did that to herself and lets not
pretend that you have some sort of relationship with Lexie. Let's
not pretend that you care about her.
Meredith: I care about my job and I care about doing the right thing.
Cristina: Who are you to lecture me on doing the right thing. Are
you kidding me. You're not an attending Meredith, you may be
sleeping with one, but you aren't one yet.
Meredith: Is that what this is about. Derek? It's always going to be
about Derek?
Cristina: Fine it's not about Derek. It's about you and me and the fact
that you didn't have my back in that room.
Meredith: What would you have wanted me to say?
Cristina: I don't know, anything! You should have said anything.
You have a relationship with the Chief; you have his ear.
But you didn't say anything to defend me. Because this isn't just
on me. I mean you just stood there and watched him take me out
of the running for solo surgery. You let me take all the blame. The
fact is we all had interns in that room. We all failed to supervise
them. And if your friend had died in there, if you and I hadn't saved
her life, that would have been on all of us too. You should have said
grown folks. It's on you. You raise your own babies.
Bailey: Time for you to make your own speeches.
Lexie: Sadie Harris, 30, three hours status post appendectomy,
Complicated by severe hemmorhaging.
Sadie: Dith, what is this?
Meredith: Dr. Spaulding
Spaulding: Vitals stable, triple anti-biotic coverage. She should be
fully recovered within two weeks.
Cristina: And
Lexie: And we your surgeons, made mistakes that compromised
your care. Mistakes that reflect poorly on this hospital and that
won't happen again.
Meredith: Effective immediately every intern here is on probation.
So much as sneeze and you're done.
Cristina: None of you will see the inside of an OR until further notice.
George: You've lost the Chief's respect; which believe me is not an
easy thing to get back.
Pierce: But he still respects Izzie Stevens.
Alex: What did you say?
Pierce: You seem to still respect Izzie Stevens and she killed a
Alex: She was trying to save a man's life and you almost killed a
friend for fun, it's different.
Callie: ugh, they give good drugs here!
Do I look bad?
Bailey: Oh you look beautiful. Just badge of honor all over your
Bailey: I hate api's. Just api's bore me. I resent the appendix for
bothering to get hot and needing to come out. I resent an organ.
you bring me home. Cause I was all alone and needed a family.
That was a good thing. So either you bring her home or I will.
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