Meredith: You had dirty sex with Owen Hunt?
Cristina: It's not dirty and it's not sex. I don't know what
it is.
Meredith: I need a favor, my mother's journal her ninth journal,
I need you to pre-read it for me.
Cristina: Why?
Meredith: My mother had an affair with the Chief.
Cristina: Your mother had an affair with her Chief resident?
Rock on Ellis!
Meredith: No no no no no...not her chief our Chief.
Cristina: Oh yea you'll go blind reading that.

Mark: Whoa! What is that?
Derek: What you think it is.
Mark: It's dangerous, people who carry guns are more likely
to fire 'em.
Derek: Oh I'm ready to fire it. That's not the problem. She's the
problem. She spooks easy. I have to fire at the right time and the
right way. Otherwise she'll panic and bolt.
She's not ready. Do you think she's ready?
Mark: I don't know. More importantly, if you don't know you
shouldn't do anything until you do know.

Mark: So we good to go?
Owen: Yup, and use it wisely.

Derek: Nice couple, they'll have cute kids.
Meredith: Yea, not as cute as ours. But cute.
Derek: Nothing

Bailey: ranting Sir, I would rather not work on another dying kid again.
But, no need to worry I, I will catch up and...
Chief: I'm not worrying. I'm promoting you. I need another
attending in general surgery. I'm submitting to the board
that it be you. And that it starts this July, the minute you've
completed your residency.
Now I know there was some talk a while back about you getting
tired of apis and gallbladders.
Bailey: all choked up No no a full roster of apis and gallbladders sounds just
perfect sir.
Chief: All right, but not today though. Dixon's requested you on her
service. It's a subject of board approval Bailey, but I'm not worried.
You have less to say now huh?

Alex: He's the Chief of surgery.
Chief: Now wait a minute Dr. Karev that doesn't mean I'm not
a doctor.
How can we help?
Rachel: My husband needs to..
Mr. Kramer: Our children went off to college. One's at Stanford the other
one's at Udub.
Chief: Yea
Rachel: We tried something new..thing..and something slipped
and we lost..this...
Mr Kramer: Rachel.
We were reading this thing in a magazine.
Rachel: Here.
Chief: 20 techniques to reignite your nights.
Rachel: We did number 9.
Chief: Um, let's get you in a gown so..
Rachel: No, him. He did number 9.
Mr Kramer: We did number 9.
Rachel: But I'm not the one with it stuck inside my body.
It's him, he's the patient.
Chief: Um, have a seat and we'll take care of ya.
Mr Kramer: uh, I'll stand.
Alex: laughs

Derek: Ah, Cristina. Did you tell her about the ring?
Cristina: Ugh, I don't wanna talk about your stupid ring!
Derek: Good, don't.
Cristina: Oh, you're not gonna do a big thing are you? Some
big romantic McDreamy thing? Cause she'd hate that.
Derek: Well she built the house of candles.
Cristina: Yea, for you. She built you the house of candles, cause
you like that sort of thing. She doesn't.
Derek: spotting Meredith Ok thanks.
Cristina: No not yet. It's kind of ..um, hot actually. But like
chastely hot. It's all stolen glances and lurid exchanges.
The thing reads like a Victorian romance novel.
Meredith: Oh, that's good, chaste is good.
Cristina: I'll let you know when they do it.
totally ordinary idea. She's not afraid, she's ready.
Mark: When are you gonna do it?
Chief: Do what?
Mark: Shepherd's proposing.
Chief: No kidding. Outstanding. How you gonna do it?
Derek: I don't know. Just decided.
Owen: Good morning.
Mark: Shepherd's proposing.
Owen: Congratulations that's a big step.
Derek: Thank you very much.
What you just gonna tell everybody now.
Mark: You need advice. Hunt you ever propose before?
Owen: Sorry I'm not the guy to ask. When are you gonna do it?
Derek: More importantly how am I gonna do it?
Meredith walks up and they all act strangely
Chief and Owen walk away and Mark and Derek talk medicine
while laughing.
Derek: Just don't tell anybody else ok. Thought I could
trust you.
Mark: Of course you can trust me.
the horse then?
Mark: Well I wouldn't use the word horse. And no that's not
gonna work out. Things have changed. I think I'm gonna have
to break up with her.
Callie: You're what? What is wrong with you? why?
Meredith walks in and Marks signals to stop
Callie: You're an idiot.
Mark: Excuse me.
Callie: An idiot, what is your problem?
Mark: He is proposing to her. That makes Little Her,
his little sister and I can't sleep with any more of his sisters.
Derek: Oh um, Dr.Grey could you set up an MRI. Right now.
Meredith: But did you see..
Derek: Now Dr. Grey!
Meredith: confused Ok
Jen: Oh you saw something.
Derek: No, no I'm sorry.
to Lexie Can you keep a secret?
Lexie: You bet I can.
Derek: This is intended for Dr. Grey. shows the ring
Supposed to be a surprise.
Jen: Oh my God and I almost blew it.
Derek: I was told it's supposed to be a grand gesture.
Jen: Oh, Rob proposed to me in a supermarket. He
said that was the place he saw me for the first time.
So I said yes between the cat food and the tampons.
Derek: Oh that's romantic!
Jen: It was actually.
Jen: Dr Shepherd?
Derek: Yes
Jen: Should I be scared?
Derek: No, should I?
Jen: Naw
George: Uh I see a crazy person, taking expensive tests for no
reason. Oh and I see the Chief finding out and expelling the
crazy person. And then I see joblessness, homelessness and
depression. It does not look good Izzie. It doesn't look good.
Izzie: Somebody kick Dr. O'Malley out of the booth.
morning I said something about having cute babies and
now ever since, he's been acting weird and avoiding me and
dropping conversations when I walk up. I mean he wants
babies, he's always wanted babies.
Jen: oww, he want's babies.
Meredith: Maybe he just doesn't want my babies.
Lexie: No that's not it.
Meredith: Yea, cause my babies will have Alzheimers and
suicidal tendencies and split ends.
Cristina: You might have something there.
Jen: I really don't think you do though.
Cristina: Who are you?
Jen: I'm Jen.
Sadie: Well personally I'm a fan of 5, 7, 8..pretty much 12 through
everyone laughs
Meredith: I would try 15..
Izzie and George: Don't try 15!
Izzie: I would try 16. Yea, I've never done that before.
Alex: You'd try 16?
Izzie: mmhmm I would, I totally would.
Alex looks at his watch and the two of them leave
Lexie: Um don't do 16 too fast it..you can get hurt, badly.
I've heard.
Cristina: You know who likes a good 12?
taps the journal
Meredith: Ugh!!!
Tighter. You're a very tiny person I need a bigger person
I need more.
Cristina walks in
Cristina: Oh, what can I do?
Bailey: Uh, get over here and hug on Dr. Dixon.
Cristina: I was thinking more like a shot of Thorazine.
Bailey: mumbles Get over here!
slaughtered. The shoot applies intense pressure resulting in
decreased pulse rate, metabolic rate and muscle tone.
Bailey: It calms them down.
Dixon: It calms them down. The same principles apply to
people like me.
Mr. Kramer: Ahhh my God!!
the Chief drops the "thing" in the bowl
ahh thank you! Never again will I try to spice things up. I'm
not spicing anything up.
Alex: Well you tried to step it up anything above 5 deserves props.
Chief: Sounds to me like you're doing pretty good. You're
together, both bending over backwards to find new ways to..
make each other happy. Take a step back you'll realize that
you're doing just fine.
all three crack up
Dixon: You can let me go now. You can let me go now!
Mark: Hi!
Lexie: I don't want to keep secrets.
Lexie: I don't want to keep secrets.
Mark: Sorry?
Lexie: I've been keeping secrets all day; about surgeries and
rings and you. And that secret, the you secret, it's giving me
high blood pressure. I don't want that secret. We're having a
relationship. And if we are, if we're in a relationship then I need
be in it, in front of my sister and Derek Shepherd. If we can't do
that then I can't do this.
Derek: No no no I can't, I have to ..work.
Meredith: Ok listen, You have been acting like a basketcase
ever since I dropped that stupid little comment about babies.
And I'm glad I dropped it. Cause if you don't want babies or you
don't want babies with me and my crappy DNA, just so so!
You don't have to avoid me and you don't have to make up
lame excuses about work.
Derek: Meredith I want your crappy babies.
Meredith: You do?
Derek: All of them.
Meredith: Ok, do you want to eat?
Derek: No, I gotta.. I..I have to work.
Bailey: Circa 1986, as seen on tv.
Meredith: wh..what?
Cristina: The Chief, your mother writes he told her he would
leave Adele. Come back and get on one knee and propose.
But I don't think he ever did.
Meredith: That's sad.
Cristina: Is it?
Meredith: Or romantic.
Mark: What the flowers? Girls love this crap.
Derek: It's cliche. I'm a cliche.
Mark: Cliches became cliches for a reason.
Because they worked. It's great isn't it?
When you feel so strongly for someone and it's
not just about the sex. It is..it's true.
Derek: Hahahaha you should not talk like that.
Mark: Yea you're right. Well you're all set here,
I'm gonna leave you to it.
Derek: Thanks
Mark: Congratulations
Derek: Thanks
Written by: William Harper
Directed by: Julie Anne Robinson
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