Derek: I was trying to figure out how to get the tumor out of Izzie's
Meredith: Why are you smiling?
Derek: Cause I figured out how to do it. Once Izzie's in the clear
we're gonna go to the Bahamas and have our wedding on the beach.
A wedding only beach club.
You can actually have drinks during the ceremony.

Chief: Who's Santa Claus?
Bailey: An old white man who lives at the North Pole and
enters people's homes inappropriately.
Chief: No, I'm Santa Claus.
Bailey: Oh No You Did Not!
Chief: Oh Yes I Did.
The DaVinci SIHD Surgical system.
Bailey: Tell me you didn't wait till I all but left the general
surgery program, to buy us the DaVinci.
Chief: Care to take it out for a spin?
Bailey: Santa!!
Izzie: Why do you keep agreeing with everything I say?
Denny: Because I am you. I'm your tumor, you're talking to
Izzie: Right.
Denny: Atleast until you have surgery. If you have surgery.
Are you gonna have surgery?
Bailey: choooo....shoooo....choooo
Chief: Dr. Bailey, are you making light-saber noises?
Bailey: ahh, not anymore sir.
Izzie: Hit me, show me what you got.
Meredith: Ok
Izzie: Is that a Schnauzer or a Scottie?
How specific do I need to be?
Derek: Dog's fine.
Izzie: That's either a 727 or a 747.
Derek: Plane
Izzie: Ooo..a two story victorian mansion.
Derek: We can also accept the word, house.
Izzie: Schnauzer, 747, mansion..Schnauzer, 747, mansion
Derek: Or dog, plane, house.
Arizona: Chief
Chief: Did you want to tell me something?
Arizona: I'm going to cry. And I just want you to know that
I know that it's going to happen. And I just want you to ignore it.
I'm not crying cause I'm upset.
It's just what happens when I get mad at people of authority.
Chief: You're mad at me?
Arizona: I'm mad at you and I'm crying cause you're the boss,
my boss. Which brings up my issues of authority and my dad.
Who you kinda remind me of. No, not that you're old.
But you command respect. People respect you. I know I do,
and I know Bailey does. Which is why I'm mad.
Because it's wrong sir. It's wrong and mean to use a robot to lure
Dr. Bailey back into general surgery. Cause I don't have a robot.
All I have are little kids and they're not as fun as a robot.
And they're not shiny and new and silver and they don't
have things coming out of their belly buttons.
But, I will fight you and I will win... sir.
Chief: You think you can fight me..and win?
Arizona: sniffles Yes
Chief: chuckles Good luck.
Derek: yelling She may be your friend but that doesn't give you
the right to go in and talk her out of a surgery you know
nothing about. You're not her doctor. You're Swinder's resident,
which is not only inappropriate it's unprofessional.
Meredith: Derek..
Derek: You crossed a line Cristina..
Meredith: No she didn't. I did. I'm the one who convinced
Izzie not to have the surgery. I'm the one you should be
yelling at right now.
Cristina: Well, I'm gonna go now. Unless you wanna apologize to me.
Derek gives her a look .. Ok
Izzie: We haven't even been married 24 hours yet and we already
had our first fight.
Allison: That's a good sign, fighting leads to good make-up sex.
Are you watching birds fly around my head again?
Am I like totally Snow White right now?

Meredith: We need to go talk to Izzie.
Cristina: We are not talking Izzie into having surgery because your
future husband is mad at you.
Meredith: He has a right to be mad because we didn't talk Izzie
out of her surgery as her doctors. We did it as her friends.
Cristina: Our jobs as doctors is to present the options, answer
questions and let the patient decide their course of treatment.
That is what we did.
Meredith: Right, except I may have presented her options as:
You're having this surgery over my dead body.
He has a right to be mad.

Mark: I wasn't asking you to come see the condo. I was asking you to
move in with me. If that's what you want.
Lexie: I do
Mark: You do.
Lexie: Yea, well not right away.
Mark: No of course not, like..a year
Lexie: at the same time like ten years
Mark: I'm sorry what now?
Lexie: Oh um, because I'll still be a resident. For like six more years.
and then I wanna get my practice up and running. So how about seven?
Mark: How about five years?
Lexie: I'll still be a resident.
Mark: So? Stevens and Karev are residents, Meredith's a resident,
Bailey's a resident. All married or soon to be and happily or whatever.
Lexie: I'm sorry are you asking me to..ah..marry you?
Mark: NO, why? would you?
Lexie: Um, should we be having this conversation?
Mark: No probably not.
both laugh and walk away

George: Izzie..You paged me are you ok?
Izzie: No, I don't know what to do. I don't know if I should have the
surgery. I think I'm gonna die either way. You have to tell me what
to do.
George: You know what to do.
Izzie: No I don't. I don't.
George: Yes, you do. You're just scared to. This back and forth
is just fear. But, you've already made the decision. You made it.
You made it the second you decided to fight this thing.
Just look, look where you started. Look where you are now.
I mean now you're this incredible surgeon and teacher.
You're a do'er remember?
You know exactly what you have to do.

Meredith: I always thought it would be me. I'd get Alzheimer's like
my mother and forget everyone.
Let's go to City Hall tomorrow.
I don't want to spend another day not being married to you.
Derek: Ok.

Cristina: It doesn't matter how good you are or how hard you work.
We can do all the research, you can master all the latest techniques.
I mean you can be the best. You can be the best surgeon in the world.
But your patients are still gonna die. The next day or the next month
or next year. They just gonna be hit by a car or find a mole on their
back. There's nothing you can do about it. I don't want you to die.
Owen: to Cristina Will you come with me?
Mrs. Hunt: Owen?
Owen: Hey mom..I'm home.
Recuitment officer: Congratulations Doctor, welcome to the Army.
George: Thank you
Written by: Allan Heinberg
Directed by: Bill D'Elia
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