Bailey enters the Chief's officeBailey: Stevens still isn't awake and I'm having something of a day
even aside from that. So, don't take my face personally.
It's just my face today.
Arizona comes running into the officeArizona: Did you tell her?
Chief: Uh, you should tell her and don't take her face personally.
Arizona: Ok. Well, on behave of the department of pediatric surgery,
I'd like to welcome you to the fellowship program. You're in!
We're gonna get you a pair of wheelie sneaks.
Cristina: What's with hugging O'malley?
Hunt: I slept. Cristina, last night I slept for the first time, I slept.
Cristina: And um, hugging O'Malley cause you slept..
Hunt: No I hugged O'Malley cause he's got great news. Which I'll
let him tell you. But yea, I guess maybe I hugged him cause I slept.
That's because of you, cause you came with me to see my mom.
And then I slept, I slept without nightmares. That's not a small thing
Cristina, that..that is everything.
George: Dr Bailey I need to tell you something.
Bailey: Oh not now O'Malley.
George: I know, It'll be quick cause I gotta get to the OR to
scrub in with the chief.
I think, you're gonna be mad at first.
But, I'm about to do something important.
And, I'm very sure about this decision.
And, I think eventually you're gonna be proud.
But you know, before that you're gonna be like
'what did you do?'
I don't mean to imitate you..
Bailey: You call that quick?
George: I joined the Army to be a trauma surgeon.
I report for duty tomorrow.
Bailey: YOU DID WHAT?!
George: Yea that's where I thought we'd start.
Cristina: You know something's going on with George.
Meredith: What?
Cristina: Owen hugged him. They were happy.
Meredith: We don't hug when we're happy.
Meredith: I'm getting married today. Uhhuh, it's a deal.
No muss no fuss just quick and dirty.
Cristina: Uh, do you want me to come?
Meredith: letting you know.
Cristina: uh, ok..this is my grocery list. It's old.
This, this is new.
This is my fovorite pen, so I want it back. Borrowed.
And all of it's blue, so you're covered.
Meredith: Now see if we were George and Owen,
we would hug right now.
They both pause and turn awayMark: Whoa!
Callie: Man vs Bus
Mark: Bus won.
Derek: What do we got?
Mark: We got roadkill.
Owen: Do you mind. He stepped out in front of a moving bus
to pull a woman out of the way. He's a hero.

Amanda: I'll totally pretend I didn't hear any of that.
Mark: Women do this to me. I don't do this. Let's get a house together.
Amanda: Sucks being the girl huh?
Mark: I'm not the girl! What do girls do?
Mark: How'd you piss off all the women?
As Owen pushes John Doe to angio.
Owen: Sir I know it's tough, but I'd personally be grateful if you
try to stay alive for the next few minutes

Alex: What he's got a drinking problem now?
Meredith: He joined the Army.
Cristina: What?!
Alex: 007? He can't go to the Army. He's the guy that gets killed.
Cristina: He's the guy that gets killed cleaning his own gun.
Bailey: Grey is going to coax him back as a loving friend.
You're going to use logic and reason to point out the idiocy of his ways.
Stevens will make sad cancer eyes.
And if all of that doesn't work.
Karev, you're gonna pull out your ' I was raised out back
with the trash can roots' and just beat the crap out of him.

Arizona: You know walk away from me one more time
I swear I will grab you by the hair and pull hard.
I grew up with the name Arizona. I learned how to play dirty
on the playground.

Mark: I'm thinking about buying a house.
Derek: Good for you.
Meredith and I are going to City Hall this afternoon.
We're getting married.
Mark: Really? That's great news.
Derek: If I could just save Stevens.
Mark: And you're allowed to be happy.
You're allowed to get married. You've earned that right.
Congratulations! You lucky bastard. Come here, give me a hug.
Meredith walks in
Meredith: Why is everyone hugging today?
Mark: Ahh the blushing bride.
Owen: How do you think O'Malley's gonna do over there? you think
he can handle it?
Callie: No, I don't.
Derek: I think he's going to surprise us all.
Mark: I think he's coming back in a body bag.
Meredith: I think you all should just shut up.
Just shut the hell up. Please.. just shut up.
Meredith: Well I'm going to City Hall to go do the thing.
Cristina: Seriously? Doesn't seem like the day for it.
Meredith: Look at Alex, he's in there working hard all day.
She doesn't know. And if she stays like this, she may never
know how much he loves her.
That girl Amanda, she's in there loving a stranger. She thinks
that's her Prince Charming. I mean he's probably going to die today..
chances are.
So yea, I'm gonna go get married. Because I think it's important,
to take the time to tell the people you love, how much you love them,
while they can her you.
I love you Cristina Yang.
Cristina: You have changed.
Meredith: hmm, maybe I have. What?
Cristina: I'm gonna hug you.

Cristina: I...Love...You
Owen: Well, I love you too..
Cristina: No, just..
I love you. I said, I said I love you! Me...Cristina Yang.
You traumatized me.
Owen: I didn't mean..I know.. I am so sorry.
Cristina: No damn it, not about the choking.
It's like you come here and you pull out my icicle..
and I can't, I mean I don't want to..
I can't breathe..without you.
Izzie: Yuck, this is disgusting. I can't believe we serve it to the patients.
Alex points at a sign
Izzie: You keep asking for lime Jell-o and don't like it.
So stop giving it to me.
Alex: You get mad if I don't.
Izzie: Hey go ahead. Get it off your chest.
It's not like I'm going to remember in five minutes.
Alex: Ok I'm not the one with a carrot for a brain,
but I'm married to it.
Cause of some crock of a wedding we walked into and only
because the two of us thought you'd be dead within a week.
You made me promise you that you wouldn't live like this.
So now what the hell am I supposed to do?
Smother you with a pillow?
shoot you up with an overdose of morphine?
Not really psyched about that.
Leave you? Not really psyched about that either.
So I guess I'm kinda screwed right? I mean not as bad as you..
but not a freakin walk in the park either.
pauses I'm sorry Iz.
Izzie: No, I told you to get it off your chest. You did.
Alex: Did you forget yet?
Izzie: Nope. Not yet. Give me a minute.
Chief: Miranda, are you sure about this? I mean he might come around.
He's just scared.
Bailey: We're all scared. I mean if you're not scared, you're not
paying attention.
One of my residents just signed up to go to war! That's scary.
Another one just almost lost her life to melanoma.
Now she doesn't know what day it is. That's scary.
What Tucker's facing isn't scary. He's just weak.
Lexie: Uhhuh, you're buying a house?
Mark: Yea
Lexie: Right. Ah..Ok
Mark: I'm buying a house. Right now. It's a buyers market and I'm
buying a house.
Lexie: The only reason you're even talking about a house,
is to make me feel bad.
You're trying to prove that you're moving on without me.
So then I'll regret my decision and change my mind.
Mark: Ok is this what women say they're doing
when they say they're moving on?
Lexie: Yea, they don't usually take out a home loan to do it. But..
Mark: Pathetic, let me be clear..I'm moving on.
I'm a better woman than you.
Lexie: Ugh
Meredith: I love you and I do want to marry you today.
But there is no time.
Derek: You've a piece of paper?
Meredith: For what?
Derek: I want to be with you forever
and you want to be with me forever.
In order to do that, we need to make vows.
a commitment, a contract.
Give me a piece of paper.
Meredith: I don't..I.. I don't.
I have..Post-its. (way to go Cristina)
Derek: Ok, what do we want to promise each other?
Meredith: That you'll love me, even when you hate me.
Derek: writes To love each other, even when we hate each other.
No running. Ever. Nobody walks out no matter what happens.
what else?
Meredith: That we'll take care of each other, even when we're
old and smelly and senile.
And if I get Alzheimers and forget you..
Derek: I will remind you who I am..everyday.
writes To take care when old, senile, smelly.
This is forever.
Meredith: This is our wedding..a Post-it?
Derek: mmhmm, if you sign it.
Meredith: Now what?
Derek: Now I kiss the bride.
Derek: You see that? Plenty of time.
Meredith: O..O..7? double O..7.
John Doe squeezes her hand
gasp Oh god! Oh god!
Cristina: Way to go dip-wad telling your wife, you're gonna figure out
how to off her.
Alex: Oh mind your own business..wait, how did you know that?
Cristina: She told me. smiles
Meredith: running down the hall
It's George, It's George, It's George..John Doe is George!
Chief: Oh screw the DNR!
Owen: We're losing him!
Alex: Come on, Come on..
Written by: Debora Cahn
Directed by: Rob Corn
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