Izzie: The interns are broken. They've been punished for
taking out their own appendixes and it's making them hate
medicine. They're lost right now and they've forgotten that this
thing they hate is actually a thing they love.

Izzie: Ok take an envelope and pass the rest back. But do not
open them. You're gonna need them for the first game we're
gonna play.
Steve: That's what we're doing today, playing games?
Izzie: Cheer up! We're gonna have so much fun.
I said don't open the envelope! Don't you know how to play a
simple game?
Intern: I did when I was eight.

Derek: He's groggy his eyes are open but I think he's weak.
Because he hasn't tried to kill me. Her brother hates me.
Addison: People pick sides in a divorce Derek.
Derek: He picked sides in the marriage.

Mark: Greatest love song of all time. Did you guys get to the part
where Derek rhymes gross anatomy class with Addison's fine ass?
Cause I wrote that line.
Oh..my bad.
Meredith: No, no it's fine. I think it sounds like a fine song.
Mark: Archie I heard you're gonna let Derek remove those
little suckers from your brain.
Archer: Maybe
Addison: He is.
Archer: I hate surgery. Especially brain surgery.
Mark: Yea being a neurologist you probably see patient's post-op
who are just you know 'scrambled eggs.'

Addison: I put you in a tiny box. After the divorce I made you
petty and inconsequential and nothing special so that you could
fit into this tiny little box. That would help me get out of bed in
the morning. But now, now I have to take you out of the box.
Because I need to believe that uh, you can do this. That you can
save my brother. I need you to be a God. Just today, be a God.

Meredith: I didn't even know Addison had a brother. You'd
think Derek would have said something at some point. Or sang
something while he played his guitar.
Cristina: Speak English!
Meredith: Oh, Derek used to play the guitar.
Cristina: Oh. Owen's ex-fiance is in the hospital. mmhmm,
his ex-fiance he never told me about.
Meredith: What's wrong with her?
Cristina: Well she calls her dad, daddy.

Lexie: Find Dr. Sloan, he's your patient. Ask him his symptoms.
Diagnose him correctly and recieve your next challenge.
What are your symptoms?
Mark: Um, right now I'm battling a rapid heartrate. I'm feeling
a little flushed. I don't wanna mention what's going on below the belt.
Lexie: Hey, no. I don't do dirty, secret flirting with you anymore.
I told you, if you want to go public with me, with us. Then I will do
dirty public flirting. I mean I will flirt publicly not dirtily.
Maybe a little dirtily.

Bailey: What is she doing?
Chief: Looks like she's praying.
Sam: mmm, no. Addie doesn't pray.
Callie: What she doing?
Naomi: uhh, she's praying.
Callie: Addison doesn't pray. She must be hiding.
Addison: I can hear you! And I'm not hiding. I'm trying to
pray. But I don't know how to pray because I'm a WASP, we only
go to church on Christmas.
Callie: you guys go, I got this.

Addison: I have no clout with God.
God doesn't even know who I am.
Which sucks cause I..I could really use some help.
Callie: Dear God, I need your guidance. I kissed a peds surgeon.
Addison: You kissed a peds surgeon?
Callie: I never thought I'd end up with a woman, God. I mean
not until lately, but that's not the problem. The problem is the
peds thing. She's, she's perky and has butterflies on her scrub cap.
But she's also hot. Really hot. So, help me get over the butterflies.
You're an amazing doctor. You save babies. God knows who
you are.
Derek: She's not my wife and she doesn't pray.
How are ya?
Sam: uh, you know mid-life crisis. I got an earring.
Derek: uh huh
Sam: But I let the hole close up the very next day.
Derek: Oh that would've been a good look on you.
Sam: I met Meredith.
Derek: Oh, she's not a mid-life crisis. She's the real thing.
Sam: That's great, I'm happy for you man.
Derek: Yup. I should've called.
Sam: No
Derek: No, I should've stayed in touch. It's my fault.
Sam: People move, they change. We all did.
But yea, she's praying.
much of an ass as you think I am.
Cristina: Does your mother know you're back?
Archer: Excuse me
Derek: I said coward. You're a coward by trade.
You're a neurologist. You guys feed off us. Refer your patients
to us. Let us assume the responsibility and God forbid something
happens. Well I'll tell you what, I can assume the responsibility.
Question is, can you?
Bailey: Yup, just when I'm almost done with my general surgery
residency. Crazy huh?
Sam: No, Just uh, surprising. You don't seem like a peds person
to me.
Bailey: Why not?
Sam: Because you don't smile. Peds people smile.
Bailey: I smile. Well I'm not going to smile right now.
But I do smile. I smile frequently.
Mark: Hey! He under yet?
Sam: Yea.
Mark: I peds surgery fellowship. Huh.
Sam: chuckles
Bailey: I have a child. I'm familiar with children. I'm going to
Bailey: I have a child. I'm familiar with children. I'm going to
be an excellent pediatric surgeon.
Sam: You're gonna want to keep that temper in check around
the kids.
Derek: Ok everybody, beautiful day to save lives. Scalpel.
Izzie: A big prize. But not too big because they did take out
their own appendixes. I understand they're still being punished
for that. And that you think they're not even qualified to hold a
clamp. So, you have any prizes like that?
Chief: You get to scrub in on Shepherd's next craniotomy and
hold the dooms day sucker?
Izzie: Dooms day sucker?
Chief: It's just a really bad sucker.
guitar. It's almost as if he was a totally different person.
Cristina: Well he was.
Meredith: Kind of freaks me out a little bit. I feel like I don't
know him.
Cristina: Well I don't know Owen. We don't, we don't know them.
Lexie: Thank you Dr. Sloan.
Mark: I'd also like it acknowledged that I offer these
congratulations; professionally and respectfully.
Without any innuendo or inappropriate body language.
Lexie: Acknowledged Dr. Sloan.
Do you know, what's a dooms day sucker?
Addison: Addison Montgomery
Lexie: Uh, Lexie Grey.
Derek: Mark, Addie, Little Grey.
Addison: Little Grey.
Derek: I'm gonna have to meet you at Joe's in a little bit
I have a craniotomy. Little Grey I hear you're gonna be
holding the dooms day sucker.
Lexie: Now? Um, great. Yes. Yes sir.
Derek: OR 2, I'll see you there.
Lexie: Ok, Dooms day sucker!!
Addison: Can you believe Little Grey and uh..
Mark: Did you hear that Derek was gonna propose to
Meredith? How bout that?
Derek: I'm off to surgery.
Mark: What?
patients. So I told her she could tell the Chief or I could.
And I wanted to let you know cause you're her friend.
For the life of me I don't know how you two were ever friends.
Lexie: Sucker's at the ready.
You're mocking me!
Derek: Only a little. Damn it.
Lexie: What, what happened?
Derek: Ok all joking aside Dr. Grey. Bring in the dooms day sucker.
Right in there. Get in there.
Lexie: Oh god.
Derek: Ok get the sucker out of there.
Lexie: Is that it? Did you get it?
Derek: Yes we did it. And that will teach me to never mock
an eager, young intern again.
Addison: You're such an ass!
Mark: I shouldn't have blurted.
Addison: A little warning would have been nice.
Mark: But you're Ok?
Addison: You know it's strange I expected this horrible feeling.
This wave of sadness or something to just take over. But, people
get divorced, they meet new people, they remarry.
You know maybe it was just seeing Archer in that OR. It just
changed my perspective or something.
Mark: But you sort of wish it'd been you first.
Addison: Oh shut it! Are you gonna tell Derek about..wait
you call Meredith the twelve year old.
What do you call Lexie a preschooler?
Mark: She's a woman.
Addison: Oh, ok.
Mark: And I'm telling him. Working on it.
OR today. You slew dragons, you walked on water. You were a God.
But now, now you need to get very tiny again. And go back in the box.
Written by: Tony Phelan, Joan Rater
Directed by: Dan Attias
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