Alex: Dude, he's fried.
Meredith: He's not fried. He lost a patient and got hit with a
law suit all in one week. He just needs time.
Alex: He's been sitting there for three days.
Sofa cushions are gonna start bonding to his ass.
And he's eating all my cereal.
Izzie: He's taking stock. Something huge and life altering
happened to him and he's taking stock.
Figuring out his next move. We shouldn't judge him, you
shouldn't rush him.
Alex: Whatever, Sylvia Plath's eating all the marshmallows.
The best part!
Lexie: And I'm pretty sure that he's sitting on my keyes.
I'd ask him to move but he looks so comfy.
Meredith: Ugh, you guys are cowards.
Hey, you're eating. It's good, appetite is good.
You know what else is good? Showering, cleansing, water.
You thinking you'll shower, maybe go into the hospital?
Derek: I have to for the deposition. I have to go and explain
in detail, how I killed a man's pregnant wife.
Meredith: That's good. I mean not the killing part, but the..
I think you'll feel better once you go ...to work.

Cristina: I dreamt once I was falling out a window hanging
on to the drapes; I woke up pulling Meredith's hair out.

Callie: Don't hit people with your scalpel hand.
Have you talked to him yet?
Mark: He threw the first punch.
Callie: You did catch him at a bad time.
Mark: So he lost a patient. Boo Hoo.
We're surgeons; we're men. We lose patients.
Doesn't give him the right to go around behaving
like a drunk frat boy. Now I'm supposed to go
crawling back, begging for his forgiveness?
What are you doing?
Callie: Shh, I went all Say Anything on a peds surgeon.
In front of the peds surgeon's date. So now I'm hiding from
the peds surgeon.
Mark: Mature.
Callie: Um, you got in a fist fight. No judging!

Cristina: You know we're all killing ourselves to get into the OR.
When's the last time Izzie held a scalpel? She's falling behind, she's
like the new O'Malley.
Alex: Izzie's nothing like O'Malley.
George: Hello?

Mark: You must be new welcome to Seattle Grace.
Nelson: I've been here ten years. I was the interim Chief
of Neuro before Shepherd and his red cape swooped in from
New York.
Mark: Mark Sloan, plastics.
Nelson: We've met; three times.

Callie: You realize as your doctor I'm not recommending this.
Mark: I need to get through my surgeries today.
Callie: Oh you're gonna get through them. You're just gonna
be in a world of hurt later.
Mark: You heard of a Dr. Nelson in neuro?
Callie: Oh yea, haha shadow Shepherd.
Mark: Shadow Shepherd?!
Callie: Yea, he's a solid surgeon. But sort of the JV player to
Shepherd's varsity. The B team to Shepherd's A.
The bricklayer to Shepherd's architect.
Mark: I get it! Just cause the guy doesn't publish fancy clinical trials
and take on flashy surgeries or have creepy perfect hair, he's
less of a man?
Callie: Kinda

Meredith: How'd it go with the lawyers?
Derek: They told me my death rate.
These are the people I saved these are the people I killed.
Meredith: Ok, well most of those people were terminal when
they came to you. You were their last chance and you
take on impossible cases. Look at the clinical trial.
Derek: It's just so many people. More than Dahmer, Manson,
Bundy combined.
Meredith: You're not looking at the big picture.
Derek: This is the big picture.

Meredith: And he just walked out. Without saying a word he
just walked out.
Cristina: Hunt won't even look at me since he went all
Apocalypse Now on me this morning.
Meredith: He had to get all scalpel happy up in that patient's brain
and now he can't face it.
Cristina: Well he thinks what..
now what I'm this wilting flower. Well guess what?
I'm the strong one.
Meredith: No, I'm the strong one.
Cristina: See if I had that stomach cancer gene I would get that
gastrectomy, no problem. I face things. I don't walk away.
Meredith: Derek walks away. Maybe walking
away is the answer.
Cristina: See it's not emotional, it's science.
You have a problem don't ignore it.
Meredith: Well sometimes if you have to pee and you ignore it,
it does go away.
Izzie: You guys are hilarious. I mean do you even know what
she just said? or what she just said?
I can totally see you guys in fifty years in a nursing home,
just talking at each other with your hearing aids off.

Bailey: You'd say that using the old stapler is my specialty.
Chief: I thought your specialty was babysitting children.
I'm sure you'd rather be doing that right now.
Bailey: Frankly sir, I feel like I am.
is pointless.
George: Please don't listen to Cristina. She thinks just because
you'd rather teach than take out a gallbladder that you're the
new me.
Izzie: O'Malley the sequel.
George: O'Malley 2.0
to be a general surgeon in this hospital.
So why don't we leave the technical calls up to me.
Bailey: I was simply expressing my opinion on what would be
best for my patient.
Chief: Ok you don't get an opinion here. This is my patient
because this is my hospital. When it's your hospital, you
can make the damn decisions. But until then, this is my
hospital and I want all of you people to do what I say.
Bailey: Yes sir.
a hospital here or a playground?
Chief: Adele I will not be spoken to..
Adele: Hospital or playground Richard?
Chief: Hospital
Adele: Then start acting like the Chief of a hospital and
apologize to that woman. Right now!
Chief: Sorry
Adele: You call that an apology? Now you better not leave this
room until the two of you work this out. Because if I have to drag
myself down here through rush hour traffic again to police this
damn jungle gym.
Chief: Adele you've made your point.
Adele: And you wipe that smile off your face. You're no better,
tattling on a man to his wife.
the news?
Lexie: Um, I would say that I was very sorry and that there
were support groups. I don't know.
What do you say to somebody who's gonna...
Izzie: You say, they have a choice; then can run away and hide
from it or they can face it. You say they need to be around the
people who love them. It's gonna be the toughest fight of their
lives and no one should do it alone. And then you give them the
odds. And even though five percent survival rate is bad, it's really
bad. You say..you say..
Lexie: Screw the odds. People die of the hiccups. My mother died
of the hiccups. Survival rate for that is what, a hundred percent?
The odds are that she should be alive right now. The odds are that
the odds mean crap! So people should face it and they should fight.
Maybe not those words.
Izzie: No, exactly those words.
Bailey: You stopped speaking to me sir, that didn't exactly
leave me many options.
Chief: You still shouldn't have ratted me out.
Bailey: Sorry
Chief: Me too.
But I need your help. I need you to bring Derek back.
And he's not fine.
Meredith: Sometimes people just want to be left alone.
Chief: He's planning to propose. He's been carrying around
a big ring for weeks. That's not a man that wants to be left
alone. I just thought you should know.
All I do is break you. Your hand, your penis, your relationships,
your life. I'd say our survival rate is about three percent and that's
bad. But it's not nothing and I don't think we should give up on
this. Atleast not yet. Because..
Mark: You think you broke me Little Grey?
Lexie nods in agreement
Mark: You're the one that put me back together.
but after that you feel like a drink.
Mark: How bout a rain check John?
Nelson: Jim. It's Jim.
Alex Karev, a second year resident.
Which is humbling for a surgeon, especially a know it all, Type A.
Callie: We don't have to do this you know. Have to be friends.
It's a big hospital. Lots of floors, lots of places to hide. I'm
perfectly Ok with doing that for the next few years.
Cristina: Um..
Izzie: No, it's good. It's good because I need to tell you
something. I need to tell you because I need to tell somebody
and you're a robot. You can take it.
Cristina: Ok.
the house.
Derek: Go home Meredith. Just go home.
Meredith: Well how long are you planning on hiding out here?
Because that's what you're doing. You're hiding.
You made a mistake, she's dead and you can't hide from that.
Derek: I'm not hiding. I'm done, I'm done operating.
Meredith: Oh ok, so you're just quitting?
Derek: You should understand better than anybody else.
You wrote the book on quitting, running, hiding. There's a lot
of books Meredith.
Meredith: That may be true but I'm here now.
Derek: Oh, hmm..you're here now.
Haha, you wanted me out since the day I moved in.
Meredith: That is not true!
Derek: Because you're incapable of anything that resembles
commitment. You lied to me, you said you were healthy,
you were healed. There's no fixing you, you're a lemon.
Meredith: Derek Shepherd you are drunk!
And you're angry and I've been there so I get it. But that
does not give you the right..
Derek: Just go home Meredith
Meredith: You don't get to just stand here and tell..
Derek: This is what you want, I'm giving you an out
just go!
Meredith: I'm not going anywhere.
Derek: I said leave! Meredith leave!

Meredith: I know there's a ring.
Derek: What?
Meredith: The Chief told me, I know there's a ring.
Derek: You want the ring? Here's your ring.
bats the ring into the woods
Meredith: Is that the best you've got? Cause I'm
not bailing, we're in this together.
Derek: Go home Meredith!
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