Alex: He still beating himself up? Addison thinks he's still
beating himself up.
Meredith: Alex.
Alex: The head of Neuro hasn't left his patient's bedside for
three days.
Meredith: He's fine. I thought Addison was leaving.
Alex: She put her brother on a plane last night.
Admit it, her hanging around your guy..bugs.
Meredith: It doesn't bug. You bug!
Derek: Karev, page Addison. Tell her I need her to stay.
Meredith: Ok, it bugs a little.
Owen: Alright, what?
Callie: Campbell was Seattle Grace's first female surgeon, as
pioneer as it gets. Mostly she just sits in her office and spreads
prestige around. But she still does routine surgery every now
and then.
Cristina: You mean botches routine surgery.
I'll page the Chief.
Owen: No, page Campbell it's her patient.
Cristina: And let her maime the guy again. How about
we page someone who actually knows how to operate.
Instead of some dinosaur who refuses to retire her scalpel and
go join her friends in Boca.
Campbell: The dinosaur is here, no need to page me.
Mark: Who?
Callie: Arizona
Mark: Oh right, yea no. I haven't had a chance to swing by peds
and ask the nurse to point out the attending who kissed my friend
in a dirty bar bathroom.
Mark: hmm
Lexie: Until you tell Derek our relationship is going to continue
to consist of you hiding in the attic and me smuggling snacks
past Meredith's bedroom.
Do you know what that makes you?
Mark: Your boyfriend.
Lexie: Yea, Anne Frank, I am dating Anne Frank and I'm tired
of it. I want to go downstairs with you. I want to tell the Germans
to kiss my ass.
Alex: Your guy and my guy work well together.
Meredith: My guy works well with everyone.
Because it is personal. I have worked so hard to teach them and
it is personal.
Bailey: Stevens, you don't think I thought the same thing about
you people everyday for the first year you worked here. You know
what the Chief told me when I did? Get out!
Addison: Meredith, give me one reason why I shouldn't
go to the Chief.
Meredith: Why the surgery was a success.
Addison: He made a mistake in the first surgery. He caused a
series of complications. He feels responsible. So tell me why I
should worry less. Tell me why I shouldn't go to the Chief.
Meredith: During the clinical trial, he lost a lot of patients.
It affected him, for the better I think, He cares more, if
that's possible. You just have to trust him.
Addison: Ok
Owen: This is Dr. Yang's call.
Chief: I'm asking you Dr. Hunt.
Owen: Campbell outranks me sir. Ah, I think it would be best
for you to discuss it with her directly.
Chief: Very well, Dr. Yang page Dr. Campbell tell her I want
to speak to that patient before the surgery.
Cristina: Yes sir.
to Owen Way to take a stand.
Derek: haha, are you drunk? Should I be worried about you?
Mark: And he's got his sense of humor back.
How's your patient?
Derek: She's good. Stable. You know, today's the first day in
a long time that I remember what it feels like to be good at my
Mark: You?
Derek: mmhmm
Mark: Come on! You're like the Dahli Lama of surgery.
People from all over the world come here to let you cut into
them and you know what else? You look good doing it.
Derek: haha
Mark: I like the facial hair by the way, that length.
No more, no less.
Derek: Alright stop.
Mark: Derek, there's something that we need to discuss.
Derek: Go ahead and have sex with Addison.
Mark: Addison
Derek: Go for it
Mark: I don't want to have sex with Addison.
Derek: Really, well what'd you want to discuss?
Mark: Nothing
Derek: Ok
Cristina: Bitter, angry, genius. You know what's so wrong how
much the Chief and your mother faught. Sex must have been
Meredith: You know, you saying that, that's wrong.
Izzie: What's wrong? Our entire health care system?
Cause I agree.
Cristina: Here it is March 3rd 1979, assisted Margaret Campbell
on a splenectomy. Impressive resume, adequate technique.
See Ha! even then.
Meredith: You're working with Margaret Campbell?
Cristina: Yea, ye oldie timie, thinks she's still sane enough
to keep doing surgeries. See that's what I like about your mom.
She wasn't all Alzheimerie and still operating. Do me a favor and
shoot me if I start making mistakes on patients and still think
it's kosher to keep cutting.
Alex: Sounds like Shepherd.
Meredith: Alex
Alex: Please, my guy is right. Your guy nicked an aneurysm and
is trying like hell to cover his ass.
Meredith: Your guy needs to shut up.

Bailey: You'd be hard pressed to find a better person to take
pointers from.
Chief: Exactly I am the Chief of Surgery and I don't have
time to write letters to pump your ego.
My Head of Neuro is being called a murderer. I had to fire my
longest standing General Surgeon because she won't retire.
Interns are mixing up blood samples in your clinic and you want
me to spend my time writing a recommendation so you can
leave me.
more than that. We're happy. I'm happy.
Derek punches him
Ok thats.. maybe I deserved that.
Ah you know what, I didn't deserve that.
You have no right to tell me who I can sleep..
Derek punches him again and then they fight

Alex: That's her guy.
Izzie: That's how they do it. Do everything right and as
soon as you look away they screw everything up.
Bailey: Hey I'm sorry I was busy earlier with myself.
I was busy so I'm sorry.
Izzie: Don't be, I called you an ass.
Bailey: Ha
Izzie: You were right. I think I just needed to vent. I'm
sick of this place.
Bailey: Hell I just watched Derek Shepherd beat up a man
cause he's so sick of it.
That's the way it works.
Patients we lose, the mistakes we make, that's how we learn.
It's the only way it's even been done. Figure out a better way
and you Izzie Stevens will be a better doctor than the rest of us.
learn. But you were also a bully to someone needing compassion.
You were both.
Cristina: Well I wasn't a bully and I was right.
Owen: Right, you know you're a lot like her. You're
opinionated, smart. Forty years from now I'm gonna have to
pry that scalpel from your hand too.
Cristina: Out of my cold dead hands.
Owen: You're missing the point. I want to be around forty years
from now.
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