Meredith: Does it bother you that I don't want to wear it?
Because I could.
Derek: I don't want you to wear it; you're not a ring bride.
Meredith: I'm not really a church wedding bride, or a
poufy white dress bride either.
Derek: We'll get naked and get married in a field of flowers.
Meredith: laughing I'm not a naked bride.
Derek: Scrubs, we'll get married in scrubs.
Meredith: ohh, now there's a wedding I can get into.
Derek: We gotta go.
Meredith: So, I told Izzie she could help out with the wedding.
Helps keep her mind off of everything and I'll tell her about
the scrubs and the no church.
I guess we have a theme; simplicity.
Derek: You know maybe they can make you a bouquet
of scalpels and clamps.

Callie: Run; Run for your life.
George: What do you mean run for my life?

Derek: Does that take place before or after Dr. Sloan's
secular reconstruction?
Lexie: Before
Mark: Incorrect
Lexie: Because you'll have to explore the wound for
bone fragments. Not to mention reversing his conductive
hearing loss.
Mark: Which is why I need you to book me that OR now Dr. Grey
Derek: Look if the patient has facial paralysis it won't matter
if he can hear out of one ear or not. Am I right Dr. Grey?
Lexie: um..
Derek: Dr. Grey?
Mark: Lexie?
Derek: Dr. Grey
Mark: Lexie
Derek: Dr. Grey
Lexie: yelling I think you both are amazing doctors!
walks out eating a Butterfinger

Chief: I hear congratulations are in order.
Meredith: What?
Chief: The engagement; our very own Seattle Grace wedding.
I couldn't be happier for the both of you.
Meredith: Thank you, sir.
Did you have an assignment for me?
Chief: Dresses
Meredith: I'm sorry?
Chief: Stevens has transformed her room into a bridal boutique.
So go; try on dresses.
That's an order.

Derek: I didn't think you wanted to wear a wedding dress.
Meredith: I don't.
How does he even know we're engaged?
Derek: Richard's my friend.
He's not the one that ordered the dress. If you don't want to
wear a wedding dress, talk to Izzie.
Meredith: Oh yea, as the chemo drips into her cancery arm,
and she looks at me with those cancery eyes, those cancery
wedding loving eyes.
Derek: Be strong.
Meredith: We will have bridesmaids in pink tafeta;
and you will be wearing a top hat and a morning coat;
and someone will be singing Wind Beneath my freakin Wings.
Derek: You want me to talk to her?

Derek is in Izzie's room while she is sobbing; he comes out
Derek: Apparently a morning coat is non-negotiable.
Also we have to make time for ball room dancing lessons.
Meredith: Photo's are not secret!
Izzie: Isn't there a tiara that goes with it?
Oh put it on, so I can get the full effect.
Meredith: No, no tiara. I told you simple.
You know, buffalo wings at the reception.
Izzie: You can't have buffalo wings; caterers don't even do
buffalo wings.
Meredith: Iz, this is a small wedding. Small.
This is a big dress, for a big wedding.
Don't you have a dress in your pile that doesn't make noise
when it moves or stand up all by itself.
Izzie: You're getting married.
It's a miracle!
Meredith Grey, child of darkness has found someone.
Don't you wanna celebrate that? It's your day, Meredith.
You can't just piss it away on a stupid slip dress and a
cheese tray from the grocery store.
That will make me so sad and I don't want to be sad.
Because I'm already suffering from cancer and that's sad
Meredith: Fine, give me the tiara.
in a minute and I don't speak spanish.
Callie: My dad is taking me home. He's talking to the Chief and
he's making me quit my job and quit my relationship.
Which he has yet to acknowledge even exists.
Mark: What are you twelve? Tell him he's crazy.
my humiliation.
Lexie: No, Derek and Mark still aren't speaking to each other
and we're heading into a six hour surgery. So, unless I can slip
this cheeseburger into a sterile area; I'm not gonna make it.
Can you please come and talk to them?
on this patient, you need to apologize to each other.
If not for the patient, for me or for Lexie.
Look at her; face is breaking out, her ass is humongous.
Lexie: It's true, I had to get the scrubs with the elastic
Meredith: If you don't apologize right now she's not
scrubbing in.
Lexie: I won't and you can't make me.
This should be a joyful time. Your best friend's getting
married. You should be the best man.
Derek: The Chief will be my best man.
Meredith: What?!
Lexie: Is my ass really that..
Meredith: Lexie could you excuse us?
Derek: The best man is my choice. When are you gonna
let go of the grudge you have against the Chief?
Meredith: Derek, the man had an affair with my mother.
Broke up my parent's marriage and basically destroyed
my childhood.
Meanwhile you've been best friends with Mark for twenty years
and you're willing to throw all that away over nothing.
So don't talk to me about holding grudges.
I'll get over mine when you get over yours.
I don't get what Hunt sees in you and I sure as hell don't
understand what Izzie sees.
Alex: Oh shut up! I'm the one who's tried. Izzie likes you so
I've tried. I've tried to find one little ounce of respect for you
But you're the one that lost this guy.
You thought he was suicidal and you turned your back.
That's not on me. I'm done with you O'Malley.
I'm done trying to respect you; I'm done!
I'm not in here.
Derek: I never said you're untrustworthy.
Mark: You put the Berlin Wall up around Lexie.
Derek: Well, Meredith asked me to.
That's what people do when someone they care about
asks them to do something. They do it.
Which is what you should have done when I asked you
to stay away from Lexie or Addison for that matter.
Mark: Ugh, here we go..Addison. The only note he can ever
Derek: You know I was gonna apologize for decking you.
Cause I felt bad. But now I'm just gonna play it over and
over again in my head and really enjoy it.
I give up. If I hadn't fallen for Little Grey you would have found
some other reason not to respect me.
You always have. To you I'm always gonna be the charity
case the Shepherd's had to take in.
ever given me.
Derek: It wasn't a compliment; It was a simple statement
of fact.
Mark: See, why do you do that? Why can't you just give a person
a compliment?
Derek: If you have to ask for a compliment it's not a compliment.
Are you asking for a compliment?
Mark: Yes!
Derek: Then it's not a compliment.
Bailey: No, I do not want to sit. I've been sitting and
lying down all day.
Arizona: Dr. Bailey..
Bailey: Holding a child. If I wanted to spend the day
holding a child, I would have stayed home to hold my own child.
I didn't do a single medical thing today. I didn't even put a
band-aid on a patient.
I'm just tired; I'm done.
Arizona: Are you gonna tell your husband?
Bailey: What will I tell him?
Arizona: That it's more than just cutting. Peds is more than
just cutting.
And what you did today was heroic..and you know it.
Bailey: Ok, maybe I'll tell him that.

George: Just did what I had to do.
Alex: No, no you kicked ass. I'm not like that.
I'm good, but not like you, I'm not good under pressure.
She's really sick.. really sick and I'm not good under pressure.
Lexie: I'm just sad cause I didn't get a chance to see you
in the actual dress.
Meredith: You will.
Lexie: How? I mean if Derek and Mark don't make up..how?
Meredith: You're my sister Lexie; you're in the wedding.
Lexie: Oh my God.. I'm gonna be a bridesmaid?
Oh my God, I don't know what to say.
Meredith: Well you should wait and see what Izzie's picked
out for you to wear, then you'll have plenty to say.
the guys walk in talking and obviously friends again
Meredith: You can stop eating now.
Lexie: Oh thank God!
Written by: Sonay Washington
Directed by: Tony Phelan
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