Cristina: Go ahead and will yourselves to be voted in;
use "The Secret."
Alex: What? come on this is bogus?
Bailey: You're just figuring that out? Steve is not a lip reader,
none of the interns are lip readers. You just have to wait for the
attendings to vote. Just like we did when I won.
Cristina: You won your solo surgery?
Bailey: I'm just going to pretend you didn't feel the need to ask
me that question, Yang. Of course I won! I was good, didn't cut
L-VAT wires, put my hand in bomby body cavities, didn't have
my interns operating on themselves. I was special; I was young
gifted and black.
Lexie: Hi, I get it I'm the one who organized the crazy cabal of
secret cutter interns. The thing is, I've been advised to seek
out sex as a way out of my sad predicament. But I think, I
would rather just learn today. So, what do you say?
You, me..
Mark: Why are you talking about sex to me? It's inappropriate
I'm your teacher.I have things to teach. Double board certified
Lexie: That..that..that's what I was talking about. For you to
teach me medicine. The sex, that was a joke.
Sadie: Tell me everything there is to know about Karev.
Meredith: Why?
Sadie: I'm his intern. He seems cool enough at your house.
Though, whatever he has going on with the girl who masturbates
all the time, I don't like to judge but..Still officially, I'm his intern
so what's his deal?
Meredith: Sadie, I can't be your friend in here. I mean I'm a
resident and you're an intern. You're gonna have to figure out
how not to piss off Alex Karev, yourself.
Emma: I hate you more!
Callie: I hate you both.
grown a lot since then.
most qualified. But, I don't want it to be a big awkward thing.
I don't, so you do what you have to do.
That's all. Thank you.
Mark: The psycho, with no appendix.
Callie: Yea, we talked. I mean, she came and talked to me. But it
was like more than that. You know? A guy looks at you a certain
way. Bang you just know. But this girl thing is so confusing.
Mark: Well was there touching?
Callie: No.
Mark: Was there playing with the hair?
Callie: No.
Mark: Was there licking of the lips?
Callie: Oh my God, I made it up. I made it up, because I'm
lonely, depressed and desperate for attention. From the hot
new intern.
Mark: Crazy new intern.
Callie: Crazy, hot..
Mark: NO! The hot ones are the ones that cause trouble. The
ones that distract you from realizing your true potential. You
need to focus on the medicine. Take all that pent up sexual
frustration you waste, thinking about hot, young, naked,
available interns, and put it back into your genius.
Dr. Bailey would you please find Dr. Grey something to do
other than interfere.
Bailey: Uh, Dr. Grey finish prepping Mrs. Patterson for surgery.
Mark: She was in my space.
Chief, he needed an escape-goat. It's so unfair. laughs
I'm sorry I can't do this. I can kiss ass when I have to, but not
yours. Below the knee amputation...medical....
I've done four of them; one on a cadaver, three on STAN.
your gut.
Cristina: My gut, I'm not putting a patient's life in the hands of
a novice surgeon, based on my gut.
Owen: Well it worked for me.
Cristina: Ha, your gut.
Owen: It's what told me to choose you.
Mark: Dr. Bailey, would you rather do Mrs. Patterson's surgery
yourself? I can leave.
just trying to learn. Something exciting; something new.
These residents are running around, fighting tooth and nail
for a chance to get to cut off a leg. Look what you've done here,
you made something where there was nothing. It's thrilling.
I was just trying to learn, that's all.
Mark: Thank you, Dr. Bailey. Now would you take the flap
veins and join them to the internal jugular please.
that makes you want to die. Just fall on the floor and give up
and die. Cause the sex I'm having, it's that good. It's the best
sex I've ever had. In fact it's the best sex anybody's ever had.
I don't know why anybody who's had this kind of sex would
do anything but have sex.
Cristina: Izzie
Izzie: You're gonna give the solo surgery to Mer, which is
typical and boring and slightly corrupt. But atleast I'm having
really, really, really good sex. Yea, just thought you should know.
Derek: You should go, talk to her. She's your best friend, it's
Meredith: Derek?
Derek: They don't tell you when you become a doctor it's gonna
be like this. They don't tell you that you're gonna lose more
patients than you save. Sixteen, I'm sick of the death.
Meredith: I'm sorry.
Derek: I'll see you.
Meredith: Okay.
amongst her peers. Some kind of emotional torture. Is that
your intention?
Chief: Yes.
Dixon: Have your board make me a better offer.
this past us. What happened with the Chief and the interns
doesn't matter. I know that's why you didn't choose me and
I know that's why you made it personal. So, let's just move on.
Cristina: You made it personal. This right here, is you making
it personal. You told me to do what I had to do, so I chose Alex.
He was the most prepared. That's why I didn't choose you, not
because we're fighting, but because unlike you, I can separate
my personal life from my job. You made it personal.
to the room
None of you said anything those were all our interns. But I won
this, they picked me, if I dont deserve this solo surgery then
none of us do.
Alex: I need you to scrub.
Meredith: Where's Izzie?
Alex: I'm freaking out. I'm freaking out! I told her I love her.
I told her I love her before a solo surgery. I can't believe that,
who does that? And now she's not gonna show up and I'm
freaking out.
Meredith: Stop, stop freaking out. If you screw this up and kill
this guy, I'm gonna be pissed. Then I'll know I should have won
it. You have to kick ass in there Alex, you have no choice.
Chief: Big night Karev, you ready? Are you ready?
Izzie: walks in He's ready.
Owen: Just wait.
made her speak.
I respect you; as a man, as a surgeon, as a teacher. I respect you.
So, teach me.
starts to remove her clothes
Mark: What are you doing? Don't do that, stop.
Lexie: Teach me.
Mark: Stop
Lexie: Teach me
Mark: We can't do this. You're Little Grey and I..I promised.
And I'm your teacher.
Lexie: So teach me.
Mark: Oh, Lexie.
Lexie: Teach me. Teach me. Come on am I really so bad?
Mark: No, I am. kisses her
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