Bailey: Ah Chief, I need to ask you..
Chief: Oh Sloan, have you heard from Derek?
Mark: No
Chief: Oh I'm sorry you were saying.
Bailey: ah..
Chief: Oh Meredith..
Meredith: No I don't know how he is. I have heard nothing;
nothing today, nothing yesterday, nothing the day before that.
And no, I will not go back out there.
Callie: Hey, who moved my surgery? Chief? CHEIF?
Bailey: No just don't. He's a wreck. He's disintegrating
before our very eyes. That's why men die earlier than women.
Callie: ah, the board's a mess.
Bailey: He can't lose Shepherd; I mean I'd go talk some sense
into him but, just got too much on my plate.
Callie: Have you tried calling him?
Bailey: Bout a hundred times.
Callie: hmm, No! Oh you want me to go to the woods?
No, I don't do woods. The woods are dirty and there are
many many bugs.
What am I gonna say to the guy, I barely know him?
Bailey: You don't have to know him. You're both surgeons,
you've been through the same war. Look, just remind him
we've all been there, we all came back.
Callie: You're kindof a bully, you know that?
Bailey: I couldn't do it if it didn't work so well.
Dave: Has anyone seen the donor?
Mark: Yes, he's a match with your age, skin tone and blood type.
Dave: What does he look like?
Mark: I think you'll be satisfied.
Dave: Who am I kidding it's a face right. If I end up anything
above a point and stare freak, I'm gonna call it a success.
Bailey: Yang, you're with me today. You're moving to
the big leagues.
Meredith: What?
George: She gets a solo?
Cristina: Today?
Bailey: Nice old lady with a hernia. You're gonna fix it.
Meredith: Congratulations, I know I should seem more
enthusiastic but I'm not that big a person.
Cristina: Don't worry 'bout it.
George: Is it wrong to have hatred in your heart?
George: Is it wrong to have hatred in your heart?
Derek: You sound like my mother.
Callie: I met your mother, I liked her.
Derek: Who sent you? Richard?
Callie: Ahh, Bailey.
Derek: Of course.
tells her story
Derek: How do you live with it? killing him?
Taking him from his wife, how do you live with it?
Callie: We call it malpractice..
Derek: Yea, I know what we call it! I'm asking you
when you get up in the morning, how do you look
yourself in the mirror?
I'm not..I'm asking.
Callie: Can I get one of those?
Derek: Yea
Cristina: Sorry.
Meredith: No, that's ok. I get it. You got a solo surgery and GI Joe.
It's a charmed life. You have no time for me.
Cristina: I have not had GI Joe. We've kissed a couple times.
It's like friends with benefits. Without the benefits.
Meredith: Still no sex.
Cristina: Not a charmed life.
bloodied up intern walks by
Meredith: Do we ask?
Cristina: No, cause he might tell us.
to look like that?
Meredith: Like what?
Patient: uh, the bleeding and the shiner and that one looks like
she's suicidal. They're supposed to be doctors?
George: We're gonna reserve judgement on that for right now.
Patient: Freak show.
Meredith: It's a personal issue and we're just trying to give
them their privacy.
Bailey: uh, do you think for a second I wanted to get involved
with your little intern dramas?
George: We were not this bad.
Bailey: Oh ah, get married in Vegas, shacking up with attendings,
cutting L-VAT wires. You don't have to like it but you have to
manage it.
Meredith: Oh we've got it under control.
Meghan comes running down the stairs crying
Steve: Wait. I love you. Runs into patient knocking him to the ground
Derek Shepherd into coming back here.
And I also believe you might run into Callie Torres,
with a flat tire or a broken heel or an axe weilding
serial killer.
Owen: You're serious about this?
Bailey: See I sent Torres after Shepherd and she's fallen
off the grid. Her phone goes straight to voicemail.
Ok, I'm normally not a panicky person but I'm a fan
of daytime television and mind creates these scenarios.
Nevermind. I need you to go get Torres and Shepherd
and bring them back here before the Chief notices that
any of you are gone.
Owen: Shepherd's been gone all week, I'm sure the Chief
Bailey: Hunt! You survived a war. You can do this.
Owen: I know I can do this. I'm saying I don't want to.
Bailey stare
People don't really say no to you, do they?
Bailey: Not when I say please. I'm saying please!
Alex: Time for what?
Izzie: There's an enema.
Cristina: Ah, Izzie's enema.
Izzie: Yes, I was supposed to get an enema today.
But I decided it can wait. How about we talk about something
Cristina: No, we need to talk about it. You've been complaining
about being really backed up and I got you an appointment.
Alex: If you need an enema that bad maybe you shouldn't
have all these fries.
Meredith: You really booked her an appointment for an enema?
Cristina: You can't just say that you're all backed up and
just sit there Izzie.
If you make the decision to get an enema then you should get
an enema.
Alex: I think maybe you're the one that's backed up.
Solo surgery panic? Tell you what, I'll scrub in with you and
if you can't handle it, I'll take over.
Cristina: I don't..I'm not. Ok, you know, I'm saying enemas
can be a serious business.
George: Ok Izzie, enema's code for what?
Izzie: My enema, my business.
Meredith: This is a really strange day
Owen: I don't talk about Iraq.
What my point was, I kept.. you know I went back.
I showed up. I showed up for work..you know?
Derek: You'd get dead inside. You'd get dead inside
cause if you actually felt it, if you let yourself feel that..
no way you're going back. No way.
Owen sighs and Derek hands him a beer
Not just the interns, Alex. What are they gonna call
me when I'm the patient? Swiss cheese for brains?
Cristina: No that's awkward and long. Blowhole's pippy.
Izzie: I'm not gonna be a piece of meat in this hospital
while you all fight over who get's to slice me up and laugh
while you do it.
Cristina: Ok, this right here. This is an emotional thing
you're having. Which is why you should tell Meredith
or George.
Izzie: I'm not telling anybody so just drop it.
Cristina: No you're not dumping this on me.
You're not dying in my arms. So either you tell them or I will.
and I never heard from them again.
I was trying to solve the Shepherd situation for you, sir.
But it appears I've somehow made it three times worse.
So, I'm telling you and my next move I believe is that I'm
gonna call the police.
Because I'm half convinced that they're all dead, on a spit
with a one armed man turning them into shish kabobs, sir.
It's my mind, it just goes there.

And Derek, what the hell's the matter with you man?
We've all been there.
Callie: We said that.
Chief: We've all had tough loses.
Owen: He knows that.
Chief: We show up the next day and we try and save the next life.
Callie: Yea, we covered that too.
Chief: Ok what about this, nothing we do can stop death.
We can hold it at bay every now and then, but everyone dies and
thats not on us.
I blotched it. That is on me.
I should feel badly about that.
I should feel badly about that.
And you , you should feel badly that while I was out here..
You sent Meredith out here expecting a ring.
Why would you do that?
Why in God's name would you do that?
Chief: Was trying to help.
She didn't want to come. I mean,
she wanted to leave you out here alone.
I was trying to help Derek.
Derek: You were trying to help yourself, not me.
I hit the ring in the woods. In the woods.
You destroyed me.
Chief: No
Derek: Get out!
Chief: No
Derek: Richard!
Chief: No
Derek: Get out!
Chief: Look I've destroyed lives before. Several in fact and yours
is not one of them.
I sent the woman you love out here to help you.
I sent the woman who loves you out here to bring you back to
your life.
If you ruined it with her that's on you. I don't accept it.
You're scared, you're drunk, you don't know which way is up.
You threw a punch at your best friend.
You threw a ring at Meredith and now you want to throw me out.
I'm not accepting it. Because I'm older than you and I've been
where you are.
You've been drunk for a few days, I was drunk for years.
And I know you're gonna need atleast one friend when you
decide to come out of that hole your digging.
I hope you come out of it soon. I'll be here when you do.
Derek: I don't think I can get her back.
Chief: Did you call her?
Derek: What am I gonna say?
Chief: I had an affair for years. And when Adele found out
somehow she..she took me back.
You can make your way back from anything.
find the sense that the good lord gave you and never behave
like this within the four walls of this hospital ever again.
You are doctors. Pierce get an icepack and put it on that
oozing, disgusting mess of an eye; and Steve go to the pit and
that unsanitary bloody hand x-rayed and stitched; and
Meghan, you should go to OB. Because yes, you are pregnant.
George: That was very Bailey.
spread to her brain, liver and skin. She may only have months
to live and she is resisting treatment. She needs help.
Izzie: I know
Cristina: Blowhole has a new face and what people call him
to get through the day..
Izzie: Cristina, I know.
Cristina: I told Alex and Bailey and they're telling Meredith
and George.
Izzie: Cristina
Cristina: You know I couldn't do my job.
I think you came to me for help and that's what I did.
Because sometimes we win Izzie and I want you to fight.
For whatever that's worth, I want you to fight.
Izzie: Thank you.
Lexie: They think that you're taking advantage of me.
They think that I'm using you. But they don't know us.
They think that we're ugly. But I know that we're beautiful and
we can adapt to a hostile environment.
Meredith: Thanks for calling.
Derek: I love you.
Meredith: I know.
Derek: Would you still love me if I wasn't a surgeon?
Meredith: No.
No, because Izzie has skin cancer that's spread to her brain.
You're one of about twenty people in the world who can save her.
And I don't know if I can respect somebody who can walk away
from a gift like that. So please don't. Here are her scans,
it's pretty bad.
Written by: Zoanne Clack
Directed by: Jessica Yu
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