Bailey: Very dapper Dr. Shepherd.
Mark: I got you a present
Callie: I told you, you can't give me money.
Even if you are a fancy plastic surgeon.
I am not your charity case, I am not your mistress, I am
your friend, your equal.
Mark: It's not money.
Callie: Oh really? Cause I was just doing the poor but proud
thing for show, before I accepted your government cheese.
Mark: Better than money. Just wait.
She fell out of a tree and broke all her limbs.
Callie: ooooo.. that is better.
I mean, how exactly does one, say, eliminate waste?
Callie: He's asking where your pooh goes.
Which may not be the most sensitive question while
she's mourning the death of her ..chuckles..tree friend.
Meredith: Hey, you got paged too?
Lexie: Yea, report to the Chief's office STAT.
What, what do you think?
Why, why would he paged us STAT?
Meredith: I don't know, did we kill anyone lately
and don't remember?
Mark: You ok? you crying?
Lexie: My dad's here.
Mark: Ok
Lexie: He's here and he's sober. And I would really like
for you to meet him.
Mark: Oh, oh...ah, OH.
Lexie: How about dinner tonight? Camparro's at eight?
Mark: Lexie, Dad's historically do not love me.
And by that, I mean when I was a teenager Dad's did
not love me. And that's the last time I had to meet anyone's dad.
Lexie: I'm crazy about you and I know my dad will be too.
You have nothing to worry about.
Mark: That's what you said when you told me to tell Derek.
Lexie I'm closer to your dad's age than yours.
So I'm thinking he may not love me so much.
What we have is fantastic. You know, let's just keep it
for us.
Meredith: I don't know. I hope not.
Maddy: How come?
Meredith: How come what?
Maddy: How come he don't die? I shot him lots of times.
How come he don't die?
Robbie: I know it's complicated Isobel. I'm not a complete idiot.
Now I saw this thing on Tyra's show, there was this woman
who had a mole on her private parts and the dermatologist
did not bother to check her private parts cause she thought
the gynie would have done it. Now the gynie didn't do it.
Maybe she didn;t even go to the gynie..I don't know.
Anyway it was bad. She was bald and everything.
She did not have a mole on her private parts, did she?
Bailey: No ma'm, no, she did not.
I am not your family.
You don't get to call me into your office on personal business.
And you don't get to speak to me like this right now.
It's an abuse of power.
I'm a resident, I work for you.
You have to speak to me like I'm a resident.
And for the record Chief someone had to stand up
for that little girl and I make no apologies for that.
Fine, alright then.
That woman is a victim of domestic violence.
This hospital is supposed to be a safe place for her to come
and tell her story and as her doctors it is our job to help her.
You did not do your job.
Instead you further battered a battered woman.
Meredith: What about the little girl?
Chief: at the same time DR GREY!
You will stay away from that child.
You will stay away from that family.
You will not come within one hundred feet of them
And if you do, you will be suspended from this hospital
pending evaluation of your emotional and mental fitness
for residency!
Meredith: I know Richard Webber is your friend.
Derek: This is not about Richard.
Meredith: It is! It is about him, because I have to
deal with him on a professional basis every day.
And I've tried to draw a line with him and he won't
respect it. He doesn't respect it.
And he uses his relationship with you..
Derek: Richard doesn't use his relation..
Meredith: Stop defending him.
Derek: Ok
Meredith: Be on my side. I need you to be on my side.
Derek: Ok
Meredith: He's not your best friend. He's not your Cristina.
Which is why I feel like it's ok to say to you, he is not invited to
our wedding.
Because I swear Derek if he's there, I won't be, and I'm the
bride so I have to be.
So I'm begging you please, he's not invited.. Ok?
Derek: Ok
If I can't give her good news she won't leave.
I love my mom, I don't mean to sound ungrateful.
Bailey: It was me, I called her.
Izzie: I really, I really thought it was Alex or George.
Bailey: It was me..because..
Look I would wanna know if my kid was sick and if
I was sick, I would want my mom. I just thought that
you were being too proud or that you were just trying
to protect her. But now I get that you were just trying
to protect yourself.
Izzie: She's not a bad person. She was a great mom.
She's just limited. She's just limited.
The scan has to be good.
Come on you lived in a tree. You crapped in a bucket,
for Godsake. You can do this.
Arizona: She crapped in a bucket?
Callie: Yea, bucket on a pulley. She's up in a tree right,
so she lowers the crap bucket to a friend everyday.
Who emptys it, cleans it, puts food in it, then sends it
back up the tree.
Arizona: Oh that's friendship.
Derek: You just have to give her some room.
You two have history.
Chief: I apologized.
Derek: I know and it's loaded.
Chief: She keeps yelling at me that I'm not her father.
Well I am not!
I fell in love with her mother. That's all I did.
Derek: Her mother never got over you. And she's not gonna..
Chief: Well that's not my fault. I was young, lots of people have
affairs. They have affairs and they dont..
Look, what Ellis did after I left, that's on Ellis.
And I'm trying to run a hospital here.
Derek: She's doing the best she can Richard.
Chief: Well her best isn't good enough. If any other resident..
If ANY other resident pulled the crap she did today..
She is still here cause of my history with you! That's it!
That's the only reason.
Derek: You keep saying you're not her father..
But..ok, since we're talking..
You're the most professional guy I know; the most
level-headed. Except when it comes to Meredith Grey.
You gave me hell.
You know you weren't gonna give me chief
because I was dating Meredith Grey.
You told her about the ring. You sent her out to the woods
to bring me back. That's not running a hospital.
You paged her to your office to try on dresses.
You paged her again today for Thatcher.
You have history with her.
You keep saying that you are not her father;
but the way you act, you consider her family.
For what it's worth.
Chief: Dr Grey!
Derek: Meredith, don't.
Meredith: I know I was out of line and I know I can't
possibly imagine what you've been through.
But I also know that this can not be your daughter's story.
That she shot her dad seventeen times to protect her mom
and you went back to him.
You have to change her story, while you still have a chance.
For both of you, but for her, for your little girl.
You have to change her story.
to the chief ..I'll pack my stuff
Chief: I know you don't like me and you have every right
not to like me.
I have abused my power.
But now I'm here on your turf.
What I need to say..
what I need to say is I saw what your mother was doing.
I saw how neglected you were. I saw her drive your father off.
I spent a lot of time beating myself up about that.
But what does that do for you?
Nothing! Nothing!
I wasn't your advocate. I didn't fight for you.
I never stood up for you. I let myself off the hook.
Told myself I was young and didn't know any better.
I did know better. I wasn't much younger than you are now.
I should have fought for you Meredith, like you fought for
that child today.
I told myself that I wasn't your father.
That it wasn't my responsibility.
That I was right not to butt in.
I let myself off the hook.
You were helpless, you were a baby;
a beautiful, smart, funny little girl.
And no one stood up for you.
I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry.
Cristina: I am not like anyone else.
Take care now; What is that?
What are you like happy now?
What are you, just a choke 'em and forget 'em kinda guy?
Owen hands her a piece of paper
Cristina: reading Here there now. Take care now. Nice work Yang.
What is this?
Owen: It's my shrink. my shrink gave me these sentences.
We came up with them together. They're all three word sentences.
So I could have something to say to you, instead of the three words
that are..
That are killing me. The three words that you know I feel but I can't
say them.
Because it would be cruel to say them, because I am no good for you.
I don't want to torture you. I don't want to look at you longingly.
I know I can't be with you.
So yea I'm smiling and I'm saying 'take care now.'
I'm letting you off the hook.
I'm trying, I'm trying so hard to let you off the hook.
I'm trying to make it right.
What I did to you, can't you see that?
I'm just trying to make it right.
Cristina: Take care now.

Mark: Sorry I'm late.
Derek: Okay
You're packing up your mom's journals.
Meredith: Yea, you know there's nothing in these for me.
I keep thinking, but I don't know.
I don't want to throw them away.
So I was gonna give them to the Chief.
And, he can come to the wedding.
If you want, he can come.
Derek: Ok
Written by: Krista Vernoff
Directed by: Tom Verica
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